7472837286 | Pueblo People | Native Americans in the SW US who lived in towns made of adobe stone and other materials | 0 | |
7472837287 | Iroquois People | Native Americans originally from NY, consisting of the Cayuga, Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, and Seneca | 1 | |
7472837288 | Columbian Exchange | period of cultural and biological exchange between New and Old Worlds; plants, animals, diseases, technology transformed European and Native American ways of life | 2 | |
7472837289 | Treaty of Tordesillas, 1494 | agreement between Spain and Portugal to split up the land in the Americas that was discovered by rapist greedy explorers like Christopher Columbus | 3 | |
7472837290 | John Cabot in NA, 1497 | Italian navigator, discovered parts of NA under the commission of Henry VII of England, first European exploration of mainland NA | 4 | |
7472837291 | Ponce De Leon in Florida, 1513 | March 1513 his ships landed on Florida's east coast in St. Augustine, claimed land for Spain, in search for the fountain of youth. | 5 | |
7472837292 | Coronado in SW US, 1540 | Spanish Conquistador visited Mexico and other parts of the South Western US in 1540-1542 in search of the the seven golden Cities | 6 | |
7472837293 | Mestizo | a man of mixed race, offspring of Spaniard and Native American | 7 | |
7472837294 | Founding of Roanoke, 1584 | English settlement in New World, founded by Sir Walter Raleigh, known as the lost colony | 8 | |
7472837295 | Francis Drake, WC, 1579 | English seaman who anchored in a harbor north of San Francisco, California and claimed territory for Queen Elizabeth I | 9 | |
7472837296 | Founding of Jamestown, 1607 | First permanent English settlement, named after King James I | 10 | |
7472837297 | Headright System | created in 1613 to attract new settlers and address labor shortages Emergence of Tobacco farming large supply of workers needed settlers who paid their way to the US to receive 50 acres of land | 11 | |
7472837298 | Bartolome de Las Casas | Spanish historian, social reformer and Dominican friar. First resident bishop at Chiapas "Protector of the Indians" | 12 | |
7472837299 | Spanish Mission System | sought to incorporate indigenous people into the Spanish colonial empire, Catholic religion, and Hispanic culture through recognition of Indian communities and/or protection and control of the Spanish State | 13 | |
7472837300 | Founding of Quebec 1608 | Samuel de champlain sailed up the saint lawrence river at the behest of pierre dugua de mons who had a monopoly over the fur trade champlain came to establish a trading post. | 14 | |
7472837301 | Tobacco farming, Virginia, 1614 | Development of tobacco as an export when john Rolfe experimented with plants he brought from the West Indies | 15 | |
7472837302 | Slaves brought to British America, 1619 | First brought to Jamestown, replaced Natives as main slave labour force, Dutch ships brought | 16 | |
7472837303 | Rice cultivation in the Carolinas | emerged as principal crop in Carolina, largest producer of rice in America 1685 | 17 | |
7472837304 | Plymouth Colony and Mayflower Compact 1620 | Colony founded by pilgrims successful relationship with the Natives agreement about how plymouth should be run. | 18 | |
7472837305 | Massachusetts Bay Colony, 1629 | English settlement on the east coast, combined Plymouth and Maine | 19 | |
7472837306 | Upon a Hill John Winthrop | Puritans would spread religiousness, their societies are the best | 20 | |
7472837307 | Roger Williams 1634 | Rhode Island separation of church and state thoughts puritans too powerful and kicked out for beliefs. | 21 | |
7472837308 | Maryland Toleration Act, 1649 | law mandating religious tolerance for christians, religious freedom for christians, paved way for freedom of religion | 22 | |
7472837309 | Navigation Act, 1650 | regulate colonial trade and enable England to collect taxes, gave England more power | 23 | |
7472837310 | Bacon's rebellion | Nathaniel Bacon against government William berkley because high taxes low tobacco prices and lack of protection from natives. | 24 | |
7472837311 | Domination of New England, 1686 | Union of English colonies in NE region. Unified Northern colonies for purpose of defense and administrative control | 25 | |
7472837312 | King William's War | First of 6 colonial wars fought between new france and new england between british settlers french troops control of fur trade. | 26 | |
7472837313 | Salem Witch Trials, 1692 | hearing and prosecutions of people accused of witchcraft in MA, 1692 and 1693, execution of 20 people | 27 | |
7472837314 | Enlightenment | movement of late 17th and 18th centuries emphasizing reason rather than tradition | 28 | |
7472837315 | John Locke | English Philosopher and Physician widely regarded as one of the most influential enlightenment thinkers father of liberalism. | 29 | |
7472837316 | King Philip's War | Marked last major effort by Natives of Southern NE to drive out English | 30 | |
7472837317 | Great Awakening | Evangelical and revitalization movement that swept Protestant Europe and America in 1730's and 1740 | 31 | |
7472837318 | George Whitefield | English Anglican cleric who helped spread the great awakening in Britain and America | 32 | |
7472837319 | Molasses act | Imposed taxes on sugar Molasses and rum imported from non british colonies. | 33 | |
7472837320 | French & Indian War begins 1754 | French expansion into Ohio river valley brought repeated conflict with claims of British colonies, British declare war in 1756 | 34 | |
7472837321 | Albany Plan of Union 1754 | Plan to create Unified government for 13 colonies by ben franklin rejected by British | 35 | |
7472837322 | French and Indian War, 1754-1763 | fight between French and Native allies against British and their native allies called the 7 years war | 36 | |
7472837323 | Writs of assistance, 1761 | general search warrants that allowed naval officers to search ships suspected of smuggling goods | 37 | |
7472837324 | Treaty of Paris, 1763 | Ended French+Indian war, France gave up all territories in mainland America ending foreign military threat to British | 38 | |
7472837325 | Pontiac's Rebellion | Chief Pontiac gathered Native American groups and tried to capture British post. Eventually the alliance weakened and Natives come to peace agreement, took control of the land | 39 | |
7472837326 | Proclamation line of 1763 | forbade all colonists settlement past a line drawn along the Appalachian Mts | 40 | |
7472837327 | Sugar act of 1764 | Imposed tax on molasses tariff on sugar coffee wines avoided the tax by smuggling and bribing. Revenue raising act expanded enforcement. | 41 | |
7472837328 | Stamp Act, 1765 | Required Americans to pay tax on every piece of printed paper they used | 42 | |
7472837329 | Stamp Act Congress | first Congress of American Colonies-held to determine course of action against stamp act | 43 | |
7472837330 | Quartering Act, 1766 | required American colonies to provide British soldiers accommodations if needed along w/ food | 44 | |
7472837331 | Townshend 1767 | series of measures introduced to english parliament tax imposed a tax on glass lead paints paper and tea. | 45 | |
7472837332 | Boston Massacre, 1770 | Killing of 5 colonists by British soldiers, culmination of tensions in the colonies since enforcement of townshend acts | 46 | |
7472837333 | Committees of Correspondence | shadow government organised by patriot leader of the 13 colonies, rallied colonial opposition, established a political union | 47 | |
7472837334 | Intolerable Acts | Closed down ports of Boston town meeting banned royal governor power increased. Royal officers tried elsewhere provided quartering of troops in homes and empty houses. | 48 | |
7472837335 | Sons Of Liberty | American Colonists to protect rights of colonists and fight taxation. | 49 | |
7472837336 | First Continental Congress, 1775 | meeting of delegates from 1713 colonies, agreed to boycott British goods, published list of rights and grievances | 50 | |
7472837337 | Second Continental Congress, 1775 | established continental army, made GW General, managed colonial war effort | 51 | |
7472837338 | Paine's Common Sense, 1776 | pamphlet written to advocate independence to people in 13 colonies, challenged the authority | 52 | |
7472837339 | Declaration of Independence, 1776 | 5 men committee tasked with drafting formal statement of colonies intentions to break ties with England and to become independant | 53 | |
7472837340 | Articles of Confederation 1777 | Original Constitution of US- no executive, judicial power to tax no power to regulate trade establish the US during war. | 54 | |
7472837341 | Treaty of Paris, 1783 | Ended american revolutionary war, recognised American Independence. Signed by US Representatives and King George II | 55 | |
7472837342 | Shay's Rebellion, 1786 | Series of protests by American farmers against state and local enforcement of the collections and judgement for debt, Daniel Shoy | 56 | |
7472837343 | Constitutional Convention, 1787 | in Philadelphia to address problems of the articles of confederation wrote constitution and established more specific powers | 57 | |
7472837344 | Federalists vs. Anti-Federalists | For strong central gov, weaker state gov Against power in states, less in central gov | 58 | |
7472837346 | Great/Connecticut Compromise | In house of Rep. would be proportional and in senate would be equal | 59 | |
7472837347 | 3/5's Compromise | When figuring out representation from a state, slaves treated as 3/5ths of a person | 60 | |
7472837348 | Northwest Ordinance | System to set up governments in the western territory so they could join the union on equal flooring | 61 | |
7472837349 | Bill of Rights ratified, 1791 | 10 original of 12 amendments ratified, personal freedoms, and gov.'s powers limited | 62 | |
7472837350 | First Bank of the US Established | proposed by Alexander Hamilton, bank of US established in 1791 in Philly to serve as repository for federal funds | 63 | |
7472837351 | Hamilton v Jefferson | Pro and Anti federalists, gave rise to political parties | 64 | |
7472837352 | Whiskey Rebellion, 1794 | protest on whiskey tax, first tax imposed on domestic product, angered farmers because liquid form of wheat = whiskey, Hamilton encouraged Washington to send troops | 65 | |
7472837353 | Jay's Treaty, 1795 | US + Britain sought to improve trade relations, agreed to withdraw from forts in NW Territory | 66 | |
7472837354 | Pinckney's treaty | Agreement between spain and US free navigation along MIssissippi and tax free deposit of new orleans. | 67 | |
7472837355 | Washington's Farewell Address, 1796: | Warns against sectionalism and foreign affairs. Stay strong as a nation encourages things written by Hamilton | 68 | |
7472837356 | XYZ Affair | Diplomatic events that involving US and France undeclared war known as A Quasi war | 69 | |
7472837357 | Alien & Sedition Acts, 1798 | deport foreigners make it harder for immigrants to vote | 70 | |
7472837358 | Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions | Kentucky and Virginia legislatures took position that alien and sedition acts, unconstitutional authors Jefferson and Madison | 71 | |
7472837359 | Louisiana Purchase | Land deal between france and US acquired 827 million of land Mississippi River for 15 Million. | 72 | |
7472837360 | Marbury v Madison, 1803 | The supreme court formed basis for exercise of judicial review | 73 | |
7472837361 | Embargo Act, 1807 | Made all exports from the US illegal. Goal to force britain and france to respect American rights during napoleonic wars. | 74 | |
7472837362 | Nonintercourse Act, 1809 | LIfted all embargoes except for britain and france | 75 | |
7472837363 | War of 1812 | War between US and Britain Britain looked to restrict trade American Desire to expand territory. Impressment of american sailors into royal navy. | 76 | |
7472837364 | Hartford Convention, 1814 | Series of meetings of new England colonies to discuss problems of james madison's policies in war and power the south politically. | 77 | |
7472837365 | 2nd Bank of the US, 1816 | lead to instability of currency, banknotes and economic inflation, in Philly | 78 | |
7472837366 | McCulloch v Maryland | Maryland wanted second bank to pay tax. James McCulloch cashier of the Baltimore Branch refused to pay tax. Solution: Maryland could not tax instruments of national gov. Employed in execution of constitution | 79 | |
7472837367 | Monroe Doctrine, 1823 | prohibited slavery in Louisiana territory, north of 35^o30' except without Missouri | 80 | |
7472837368 | Corrupt Bargain | House elected John Q Adams over Andrew Jackson, believed that Henry Clay (sec of state) convinced House to vote for Adams who made Clay sec. Of state | 81 | |
7472837369 | Tariff of Abominations, 1828 | increased tax on imported goods, benefitted the north who favoured high tariffs and injured the south, deeming it unconstitutional raised the costs of living in the south | 82 | |
7472837370 | Calhoun's South Carolina Exposition | protests of tariffs of abominations. If tariff was not recapped south carolina would succeed, state has right to reject federal law | 83 | |
7472837371 | Kitchen Cabinet | unoffical group of trusted friends and advisors of Jackson, played important role | 84 | |
7472837372 | Second Great Awakening, 1830s | Religious revivals starting in 1801, Methodism and Baptism, salvation through good deeds and tolerance for Protestants. Affected women, blacks. | 85 | |
7472837373 | Indian Removal Act, 1830 | grant unsettled lands west of the Mississippi in exchange for Native American lands within existing state borders | 86 | |
7472837374 | The Liberator, 1831 | William Lloyd Garrison, leader of antislavery movement newspaper | 87 | |
7472837375 | Nat Turner Rebellion | effective sustained slave rebellion in US history, action set off oppressive legislation prohibiting education, movement, and assembly of slaves | 88 | |
7472837376 | Trail of Tears | Cherokee nation forced to give up land east of Mississippi and migrate Oklahoma | 89 | |
7472837377 | Republic of Texas | Sovereign nation in NA, formed as separate nation after getting independence from Mexico | 90 | |
7472837378 | Panic of 1837 | Financial crisis when banks closed and credit system collapsed, bankruptcies and high unemployment | 91 | |
7472837379 | Democrats vs Whigs, 1840 | Dem anti national bank, anti federal funding, anti tariffs, pro expansion, pro male suffrage for whites, divide on slavery Whigs anti Jackson, pro bank, pro tariffs, pro federal funding, pro social reform, divided on slavery | 92 | |
7472837380 | Oregon Trail, 1843 | Pioneers head west on this, for trappers traders | 93 | |
7472837381 | Election of 1844 | Whigs: Henry Clay, Dems: James Polk says he would annex Texas and Oregon. Polk Wins | 94 | |
7472837382 | Frederick Douglass | Escaped slavery, leading AA spokesman and writer founded the Abolitionists. Freedom of slavery and full citizenship rights | 95 | |
7472837383 | Annexation of Texas & Florida | greatest territorial expansion of the US to date. Annexed Texas in 1845 | 96 | |
7472837384 | Mexican-American War | First US armed conflict on foreign soil. Polk believed in manifest destiny. Border skirmish along the Rio Grande, Mexico lost ⅓ of its land (CA, Utah, NV, AZ, NM) | 97 | |
7472837385 | Wilmot Proviso, 1847 | Anti-slavery declaration in land acquired from Mexico | 98 | |
7472837386 | Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo, 1848 | End to Mexican American war Mexico surrendered to US added 525,000 square miles of land to US. | 99 | |
7472837387 | Seneca Falls Convention | First women's rights convention | 100 | |
7472837388 | Compromise of 1850 | Zach opened compromise, Millard took over. California a free state, creating Utah and NN territories w/ questions of slavery, Texas NM border dispute ruled in Texas' favour, ending slave trade in DC, easier to recover fugitive slaves | 101 | |
7472837389 | Know-Nothing Party | anti-immigrant and anti-Catholic Sentiment, US political party | 102 | |
7472837390 | Gadsen Purchase, 1853 | US agree to pay $10 million for AZ and NM from Mexico, Necessary for a southern railroad and attempted to resolve conflicts | 103 | |
7472837391 | Harriet Beecher Stowe, Uncle Tom's Cabin | changed how Americans viewed slavery, demanded that US deliver on freedom and equalities, galvanised abolitionist movement, led to outbreak of Civil War | 104 | |
7472837392 | Kansas-Nebraska-Act | 1854: allowed people in Kansas and nebraska to decide if they didn't want slavery between their borders, repealed Missouri compromise | 105 | |
7472837393 | Bleeding Kansas, 1854 | period of violence daring settling of Kansas territory. Pro slavery and free state settlers flooded into Kansas to influence decision. Violence erupted as both parties fought for control | 106 | |
7472837394 | Ostend Manifesto | described rational to purchase Cuba from Spain, while implying US should take by force it Spain rejected | 107 | |
7472837395 | Dred Scott decision, 1857 | sued for freedom, ruled that all African Americans weren't citizens so they could not sue and said federal govt has no power to prohibit slavery | 108 | |
7472837396 | John Brown's Raid at Harper's Ferry, 1859 | abolitionist leads a small group on a raid against federal armoury. Attempted to start armed slave revolt and destroyed slavery. Unsuccessful | 109 | |
7472837397 | Secession (for and against) | 11 southern states broke up from the Union. Union against slavery and Confederacy for it | 110 | |
7472837398 | Lincoln-Douglas Debates, 1858 | series of 7 debates between Republican Abraham Lincoln and Democrat Stephen Douglas for Illinois senate seat launched Lincoln into national prominence | 111 | |
7472837399 | South Carolina secession | First slave state in South to declare to recede from the US | 112 | |
7472837400 | Fort Sumter | first battle of Civil War in SC US occupied the fort, following session. Confederates bombed it and Union receded, Confederate took over | 113 | |
7472837401 | Establishment of the confederacy | gov. From 11 states created separate govt. And conducting major war. Pressure slavery states rights, political liberty for whites | 114 | |
7472837402 | The Homestead Act, 1862 | opened up settlement in Western US, allowed any American citizen including slaves, to put in a claim for 160 free acres of federal land | 115 | |
7472837403 | Emancipation Proclamation | free the slaves in rebellious states. Important turning point in war | 116 | |
7472837404 | Lincoln's 10 Percent Plan | required 10% of seceded state voted to take Oath of loyalty to union, create a new state gov't, and adopt new constitution abolishing slavery | 117 | |
7472837405 | Wade-Davis Bill | 50% of seceded states White males take a loyalty oath to be readmitted, states give blacks the right to vote | 118 | |
7472837406 | Sand Creek Massacre | village of Chevene Natives, assured from US army that people would be protected. Next day Colorado volunteers surrounded Sand Creek and killed 400 people | 119 | |
7472837407 | Lee Surrenders at Appomattox | Surrenders army of Northern Virginia, set stage for conclusion of war | 120 | |
7472837408 | Sherman's March to the Sea | led soldiers from atlanta to savannah, Ga. Brought Georgia's population into abandoning confederate cause. Stole food and burned houses of people who fought back | 121 | |
7472837409 | Freedmen's Bureau | established to help black slaves and poor whites in South. Provided food housing, and medical aid, established schools, and offered legal assistance | 122 | |
7472837410 | 13th Amendment | officially ended slavery, ratified 8 months after Civil War ended | 123 | |
7472837411 | Civil Right Acts, 1866 | granted citizenship and some rights enjoyed by white to all males in US | 124 | |
7472837412 | Reconstruction Acts | laid out process for readmitting Southern states into Union | 125 | |
7472837413 | 14th Amendment | granted citizenship to everyone born into US which included former slaves | 126 | |
7472837414 | Tenure of Office Act, 1868 | prevented president from removing officials appointed by the Senate | 127 | |
7472837415 | KKK Established | group of confederate veterans bent on reversing gov't progressive era in the south, especially policies that elevated rights of African Americans | 128 | |
7472837416 | Transcontinental Railroad | railroad that would link the US from cast to west, Took 7 years | 129 | |
7472837417 | 15th Amendment | African American men can vote | 130 | |
7472837418 | Civil Right Act, 1875 | Guarantees blacks equal rights in public accommodations transportation and public exclusion from jury exclusion from jury service | 131 | |
7472837419 | Battle of Little Bighorn, 1876 | Number of tribes missed deadline to move to reserve troops confronted them but were overwhelmed. | 132 | |
7472837420 | Compromise of 1877 | settled intensely disputed 1876 election pulling federal troops out of south and ended reconstruction era. | 133 | |
7472837421 | Knights of Labour | Secret Society of tailors 700,000 joined committed to seeking 8 hour work shift abolition of child labor equal work graduated income tax. | 134 | |
7472837422 | Credit Mobilier scandal, 1872 | stockholders in union pacific railroad mobilier and gave it contracts to build railroads gave shares to congressman approved federal subsidies federal subsidies. Without looking at expenses. | 135 | |
7472837423 | Great Railroad Strike of 1877 | Angry Response of railroad workers to wage reductions job cuts and profiteering by huge railroad companies | 136 | |
7472837424 | Munn v. Illinois, 1877 | Court upheld power of government to regulate private industries | 137 | |
7472837425 | Tuskegee Institute, 1881 | Founded by booker T washington institution of higher learning for blacks. | 138 | |
7472837426 | Pendleton Act, 1881 | Government jobs awarded through Competitive Exams unlawful to fire or promote for political reasons. | 139 | |
7472837427 | American Federation of Labour | National Confederation of Labor Unions across the US | 140 | |
7472837428 | Wabash v Illinois, 1886 | States cannot regulate commerce that goes beyond the boundaries. | 141 | |
7472837429 | Interstate Commerce Act, 1886 | Made Railroads first industry subject to federal regulations. | 142 | |
7472837430 | Haymarket Riot, 1886 | Labor Protest Turned Riot 8 people died 8 activists committed 8. Was viewed as a setback. | 143 | |
7472837432 | Hull House founded, 1889 | Jane addams and Ellen Gates founded settlement house hull house: Daycares LIbraries Employee bureaus. Grew to 13 building. | 144 | |
7472837433 | Gospel of Wealth | Written by Andrew carnegie. Responsibility of Philanthropy. By new upper class of self made rich. | 145 | |
7472837434 | Booker T. Washington | Born a slave one of the most influential blacks founded tuskegee institute formed national negro business league recognized for educational advancements and self reliance. | 146 | |
7472837435 | Elizabeth Cady Stanton | Early Leader of women's rights wrote declaration of sentiments a call to female equality. Abolitionist civil rights activist suffragist. | 147 | |
7472837436 | Sherman Antitrust Act, 1890 | Outlawed monopolies. | 148 | |
7472837437 | NA Women's Suffrage Association, 1890 | Merger of two major women's suffrage groups. | 149 | |
7472837438 | Battle of Wounded Knee, 1890 | left 150 native americans final clash between federal troops and the sioux. | 150 | |
7472837439 | Homestead Strike, 1892 | Andrew Carnegie determined to break union plant manager stepped up production demands. And began to lock out workers who refused to keep up with demands security and strikers surrounded hundreds of workers union destroyed. | 151 | |
7472837440 | Depression of 1893 | Economic depression failed reading railroad failed when they failed hundreds of banks and businesses. | 152 | |
7472837441 | Pullman Strike, 1894 | National railroad strike against pullman railroad company, low wages poor living conditions 16 hour workdays backed by the american railroad union | 153 | |
7472837442 | Coxey's Army | Unemployed marched to washington coxey's businessmen hoped to persuade congress to authorize a vast program of public works. | 154 | |
7472837443 | Bryan's Cross of Gold Speech, 1896 | Jennings bryan's at dnc Issue to endorse of silver to gold would have increased amount of $ in circulation aided cash poor farmers | 155 | |
7472837444 | Plessy v Ferguson, 1896 | held state racial segregation laws for public facilities under doctrine of "Separate but equal" | 156 |
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