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7949038416Louis XIVKnown as the sun king, he was an absolute monarch that completely controlled france. One of his greatest accomplishments was building the palace of Versailles.0
7949038417One king, one law, one faithLouis XIV one king: consolidate all power in him, nobles of the robe VS. of the sword one law: set up codes across France one faith: enforced Gallicanism and edict of Fontainebleu (only Catholicism)1
7949038418intendentsFrench government agents who collected taxes and administered justice; used to weaken the nobility of the sword, responsible for policing, finance, and justice2
7949319771The FrondeFrench nobles and Parisian townspeople rebelled against the cardinal when Louis was younger (1649)3
7949319772Edict of Fontainebleau(1685) enforced by Louis XVI; only Catholicism in France and revoked edict of Nantes4
7949319773VersaillesA palace built by Louis XIV outside of Paris; it was home to Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette5
7949319774Colberta finance minister under Louis XIV that applied mercantilism to France to help increase revenue. An economic advisor to Louis. He supported mercantilism and tried to make France economically self sufficient. Supported both new and old French industries. Brought prosperity to France. Abolished many domestic tariffs and enacted high foreign tariffs. Created powerful French merchant marine.6
7949319775War of Spanish SuccessionLouis gained power in Spain from his grandson and did not divide the Spanish possessions between himself and the Roman Empire. Conflict to prevent French and Spanish from uniting.7
7949319776Treaty of Utrecht (1713)The War of Spanish Secession ended in this year with the signing of this series of agreements.8
7949319777English Civil War9
7949319778James I of England(1603-1625) Stuart monarch who ignored constitutional principles and asserted the divine right of kings • Scotland • despised parliament • alienated puritans • cousin of Elizabeth10
7949319779Charles I of EnglandKing of England (1625-1649) His power struggles with Parliament resulted in the English Civil War in which Charles was defeated. Believed in Divine Right of Kings and had long period of Personal Rule. Executed for treason in 1649. • son of James I • more Catholic • uniformity of church services implied by church court • Anglican book of prayer • signed petition of rights11
7949319780Rump ParliamentCromwell and his men purged royalist supporters from Parliament prior to the trial that killed Charles I. This Parliament is referred to as the rump Parliament. Purged anyone who isn't anti-monarchy12
7949319781Roundheadspuritans, country landowners, town based manufacturers, led by Oliver Cromwell; fought against the Cavaliers during the English Civil War13
7949319782Oliver CromwellEnglish general and statesman who led the parliamentary army in the English Civil War (1599-1658). Lord Protector of England after "winning" the English Civil War. Gentry background, rose to prominence as a Parliamentarian. Instrumental in the development of the New Model Army English, military, political, and religious figure who led the parliamentarian victory in the English Civil War(1642-1649) and called for the execution of Charles 1. As lord protector of England he ruled as a virtual dictator.14
7949319783Commonwealth(1649-1660) New period where a new government was formed under Oliver Cromwell. The House of Lords and monarchy are abolished and England is declared a republic. Becomes a dictator in the "protectorate"15
7951122713RestorationRestoration of the monarchy in England, marked the return of Charles II as king after the period of Oliver Cromwell's commonwealth16
7951122714Charles II of EnglandSon of Charles I. Goes to France in exile after his father was killed. The Scotts and the Irish support his restoration to the English crown • popular; well liked • opened entertainments • passed acts17
7951242132James IICHARLES II son • not the same • alienated others • provoke another war • declares declaration of liberty of conscience (1687) • Catholic • overthrown in glorious revolution18
7952634561Glorious Revolution1688 English parliament and William and Mary agreed to overthrow James II for Protestantism. Led to constitutional monarchy and the drafting of the English bill of rights.19
7952634562Act of Settlement1701 gave English crown down to the House of Hanover (King George I of Great Britain) act by parliament stating that should William III heirless, Mary's Protestant sister, Anne, would take the throne, thereby protecting Protestant rule in England20
7952634563Bill of RightsTo make clear th empowers of Englands monarchy in 1689, the English parliament drafted a list of thigngs that they could not do like no taxing without permission from the parliament. Signed by Mary and William of orange.21
7952843361Absolutist Prussia22
7952843372Frederick William the Great Elector(1640-1688) • House of Hohenzollern - Prussia • bowed to Frances demands during war • strengthened the army and raised taxes23
7952681402Frederick William I (the soldier king)(1713-1740) • House of Hohenzollern • likes tall soldiers • inherited an army of about 30k of ill equipped and badly trained fools and he gradually built this up to superbly equipped, house,d and trained army of 80k men24
7952843373Frederick II• went to war too many times and almost lost Silesia • father of Prussian militarism, gained land, built military • continued the absolutist policies of his predecessor but SLO's employed the army more aggressively seizing important territories from both Austria and Poland25
7952843363JunkersNoble class of Germany27
7952843364War Austrian Successionan 8 year was that broke out when Frederick of Prussia seized the Hapsburg province of Silesia28
7952843374Absolutist Austriax29
7952843365Maria Theresa• House of Hapsburg - Austria • lost Silesia to Frederick the great of Prussia • strengthened the central government, won support of ministers, stabilized tax collection • daughter of Charles VI • who succeeded him and rules hapsburgs lands during the war or the Austrian Succession30
7952843366Pragmatic Sanction31
7952843375Prince Eugene of SavoyHe was an Austrian general who led Holy Roman Empire forces during the War of Spanish Succession.32
7952843367Absolutist Russia33
7952843368Peter the Great• changed traditional ways and was very cruel to the people of Russia, heavily taxed everyone. • ruled with energy, creativity and desire for learning, extended territories, built relations with other European countries • created new classic sod nobles and brought new productions and industries34
7952843369Catherine the Great• Romanov - Russia • making a policy increasing the power of the upper class with many citizens forced into abusive conditions • longest female ruler of Russia, expanded country empire, socially enlightened ruler35

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