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AP Flashcards

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7245736706starving timeIn the colony of Virginia this was a period of forced starvation initiated by the Powhatan Confederacy to remove the English from Virginia.0
72457367073 gsThese were the 3 motivating factors behind the majority of exploration and conquest during the Age of Exploration1
7245742168algonquinNative American group who lived in the Eastern Woodlands; sided with the French in the French and Indian war2
7245743171anglican churchThe national church of England3
7245743172anne hutchinsonWas a pioneer settler in Massachusetts, Rhode Island and New Netherlands, and the unauthorized minister of a dissident church discussion group. She was banished from her colony.4
7245744594asiento systemThe Native american5
7245745685bacon's rebellion7
7245746909bartolome de las casas8
7245746910beaver wars9
7245748434bering strait land bridge10
7245748435chesapeake colonies11
7245753725chickasaw war12
7245753726christopher columbus13
7245755323columbian exchange14

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