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Ap Flashcards

Terms : Hide Images
6054018646BombasticHigh sounding but w/little meaning0
6054018647ConnotativeWords of expression, not literal suggesting or signifying another meaning1
6054018648EsotericIntended to be known by a small amnt of people rarw group of people specialized many dont ubderstand2
6054018649HomespunSimple and unsophisticated3
6054018650Idiomaticuse of idioms4
6054018651InsipidLack of flavor vigor or interest5
6054018652LearnedShowing requiring characterized by being scholarly / learning having a knowledge of6
6054018653PedanticOverly precise with details/ strictcly literal7
6054018654PretentiousOverly trying to impress by attaining better talent culture etc8
6054018655ProvincialConcerning a country empire or boundary outside the limits of a city or region9
6054018656PicturesqueVisually attractive10
6054018657SensuousAffecting senses rather than intellect attractive physically11
6054018658TriteLacking originality or freshness12
6054018659ObtuseIrritatingly insensitive or slow to understand13

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