Vocab from the purple sheet for the first semester final
288885445 | l'ainé | oldest | |
288885446 | les arrièes grands-parents | great-grandparents | |
288885447 | un couple | couple | |
288885448 | la famille nucléaire | nuclear family | |
288885449 | la femme au foyer | homemaker | |
288885450 | la fille/le fils | daughter/son | |
288885451 | le/la grosse | kid | |
288885452 | le jumeau/la jumelle | twin | |
288885453 | le mari/ la femme | husband/wife | |
288885454 | le/la marié(e) | groom/bride | |
288885455 | la mère/père | mother/father | |
288885456 | le neveu/la nièce | nephew/niece | |
288885457 | l'oncle/la tante | uncle/aunt | |
288885458 | l'orphelin | orphan | |
288885459 | élever des enfants | to bring up children | |
288885460 | divorcer | to divorce someone | |
288885461 | épouser | to marry someone | |
288885462 | être enceinte | to be pregnant | |
288885463 | se fiancer à | to get married | |
288885464 | flirter | to flirt | |
288885465 | se marier avec | to marry someone | |
288885466 | une dispute | argument | |
288885467 | le fossé entre les générations | generation gap | |
288885468 | admirer | to admire | |
288885469 | avoir de bons/mauvais rapports avec | to have good/bad relations with someone | |
288885472 | se disputer | to argue | |
288885474 | s'entendre avec | to get along well with someone | |
288885476 | faire la cour | to court | |
288885478 | respecter | to respect | |
288885480 | se séparer | to separate | |
288885483 | soigner | to care for | |
288885485 | l'amitié | friendship | |
288885487 | la lune de miel | honeymoon | |
288885489 | un petit ami | boyfriend | |
288885491 | coquet | flirtatious | |
288885493 | doux/douce | sweet | |
288885495 | jaloux | jealous | |
288885496 | exigeant | demanding | |
288885497 | fidèle/infidèle | faithful/unfaithful | |
288885498 | embrasser | to kiss | |
288885499 | tomber amoureux de | to fall in love with | |
288885500 | tromper | to cheat on, deceive | |
288885501 | égale | equal | |
288885502 | les travaux ménagers | household chores | |
288885503 | épousseter | to dust | |
288885504 | faire la lessive | to do the laundry | |
288885505 | s'occuper des enfants | to take care of the children | |
288885506 | tondre la pelouse | to mow the lawn | |
288885507 | la banlieue | suburb | |
288885508 | un voyou | hoodlum, thug | |
288885509 | la classe ouvrière | upper class | |
288885510 | une boite de nuit | nightclub | |
288885511 | bien équipé | well equipped | |
288885512 | la hiérarchie | hierarchy | |
288885513 | le bruit | noise | |
288885514 | efficace | efficient | |
288885515 | les inégalités sociales | social inequalities | |
288885516 | la circulation | traffic | |
288885517 | étroit | narrow, crowded | |
288885518 | le niveau de vie | level of living | |
288885519 | un clochard/SDF | homeless person | |
288885520 | bruyant | noisy | |
288885521 | un parvenu | "nouveau riche" | |
288885522 | un HLM | low-income housing project | |
288885523 | neuf | new | |
288885524 | la réussite | success | |
288885525 | la foule | crowd | |
288885526 | sale | dirty | |
288885527 | le revenu | income | |
288885528 | la gare | train station | |
288885529 | faire la charité | to give to charity | |
288885530 | garer | to park | |
288885531 | un grand magasin | shopping mall | |
288885532 | l'élite | elite | |
288885533 | un mendiant/un sans-abri | homeless person | |
288885534 | la bourgeoisie | bourgeoisie | |
288885535 | un trottoir | sidewalk | |
288885536 | la classe moyenne | middle class | |
288885537 | l'accueil | welcome | |
288885538 | une comédie musicale | musical | |
288885539 | le succès | success | |
288885540 | un étranger | foreigner | |
288885541 | un film meut | silent movie | |
288885542 | l'éclairage | lighting | |
288885543 | l'immigration | immigration | |
288885544 | un film policier | detective movie | |
288885545 | un écran | screen | |
288885546 | un immigré | immigrant | |
288885547 | un metteur en scène | director | |
288885548 | le générique | credits | |
288885549 | la patrie | homeland | |
288885550 | un personnage | character | |
288885551 | un navet | bad movie | |
288885552 | un sans-papier | someone living in a country illegally | |
288885553 | un rôle | part | |
288885554 | un prix | award | |
288885555 | la xénophobie | xenophobia | |
288885556 | le scénariste | scriptwriter | |
288885557 | émouvant | touching | |
288885558 | accueillir | to welcome | |
288885559 | un échec | flop |