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AP Government Chapter 13 Flashcards

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15390616466Bicameral LegislatureA lawmaking body made up of two chambers or parts.0
15390616467FilibusterAn attempt to defeat a bill in the Senate by talking indefinitely, thus preventing the Senate from taking action to the bill1
15390616468Marginal DistrictPolitical districts in which candidates elected to the House of Representatives win in close elections, typically by less than 55% of the vote.2
15390616469Franking PrivilegeThe ability of members to mail letters to their constituents free of charge by substituting their facsimile signature for postage.3
15390616470Conservative CoalitonAlliance between Republicans and conservative Democrats4
15390616471Majority LeaderThe legislative leader elected by party members holding the majority of seats in the House or the Senate. Senate Majority Leader: Mitch McConnell (aka Turtle Man) (R) KY. House Majority Leader: Kevin McCarthy (R) CA.5
15390616472Minority LeaderLegislative leader elected by minority party members. Representative of lesser party6
15390616473Party WhipA senator or representative who helps the party leader stay informed about what party members are thinking. A party leader who makes certain that party members are present for a vote and vote the way the party wishes.7
15390616474Congressional CaucusA group of Congress members that meet to pursue common legislative objectives.8
15390616475Standing CommitteePermanently established legislative committees that consider and are responsible for legislation within a certain subject area.9
15390616476Select CommitteeCongressional committees appointed for a limited time and purpose.10
15390616477Joint CommitteeCommittees on which both senators and representatives serve.11
15390616478Conference CommitteeA joint committee appointed to resolve differences in the Senate and House versions of the same bill.12
15390616479Safe DistrictDistricts in which incumbents win by margins of 55% or more.13
15390616480Joint ResolutionFormal expression of congressional opinion. Must be approved by both houses and president. A law14
15390616481Simple ResolutionAn expression of opinion either in the House or Senate to settle procedural matters in either body.15
15390616482Concurrent ResolutionAn expression of opinion without the force of law that requires the approval of both the House and the Senate, but not the president.16
15390616483Discharge PetitionA device by which any member of the House, after a committee has had the bill for thirty days, may petition to have brought to the floor.17
15390616484Closed RuleAn order from the House Rules Committee that sets a time limit on debate; forbids a bill from being amended on the floor.18
15390616485Open RuleAn order from the House Rules Committee that permits a bill to be amended on the floor.19
15390616486QuorumThe minimum number of members who must be present for business to be conducted in Congress.20
15390616487RiderA provision added to a piece of legislation that is not germane to the bill's purpose.21
15390616488Cloture RuleA rule used by the Senate to end or limit debate. Can break filibuster by 3/5 of the vote. Nuclear option22
15390616489Pork Barrel LegislationLegislation that gives tangible benefits to constituents in several districts or states in the hope of winning their votes in return.23
15390616490SpeakerPresiding officer of the H.O.R. and the leader of his party in the house24
15390616491Divided GovernmentOne party controls the White House and another controls one or both houses25
15390616492Unified GovernmentSame party controls the White House and both houses26
15390616493majority-minority districtsCongressional district where a majority of voters are racial/ethnic minorities27
15390616494descriptive representationwhen citizens are represented by elected officials from their same racial/ethnic background28
15390616495substantive representationability of citizens to elect officials who will have policies that they favor enacted into law29
15390616496party voteA vote where most Democrats are on one side of the bill, and most Republicans are on the other.30
15390616497restrictive rulean order from the House Rules Committee that permits certain kinds of amendments but not others to be made into a bill on the floor31
15390616498double trackingA procedure to keep the Senate going during a filibuster in which the disputed bill is shelved temporarily so that the Senate can get on with other business.32
15390616499voice voteA congressional voting procedure in which members shout "yea" in approval or "nay" in disapproval, permitting members to vote quickly or anonymously on bills33
15390616500division votea congressional voting procedure in which members stand and are counted34
15390616501roll-call voteA congressional voting procedure that consists of members answering "yea" or "nay" to their names.35
15390616502teller voteA congressional voting procedure in which members pass between two tellers, the "yeas" first and the "nays" second.36
15390616503vetoChief executive's power to reject a bill passed by a legislature37

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