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AP Government Chapter 3 Flashcards

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14965539759FederalismGovernment authority shared by national and local governments0
14965539760"necessary and proper" clauseSection of the Constitution allowing Congress to pass all laws "necessary and proper" to its duties, and which has permitted Congress to exercise powers not specifically given to it (enumerated) by the Constitution.1
14965539761dual federalismDoctrine holding tht the national government is supreme in its sphere, the states are supreme in theirs, and the two spheres should be kept separate2
14965539762unitary systemsovereignty is wholly in the hands of the national government, so that the states and localities are dependent on its will3
14965539763Confederationstates are sovereign and the national government is allowed to do only that which the states permit4
14965539764categorial grantsfederal grants for specific purposes, such as building an airport5
14965539765mandatesterms set by the national government that states must meet whether or not they accept federal grants6
14965539766intergovernmental relationsThe workings of the federal system- the entire set of interactions among national, state, and local governments.7
14965539767Supremacy ClauseArticle VI of the Constitution, which makes the Constitution, national laws, and treaties supreme over state laws when the national government is acting within its constitutional limits.8
14965539768Tenth AmendmentAmendment stating that the powers not delegated to the federal gov. are reserved to the states9
14965539769McCulloch v. MarylandSupreme Court ruling (1819) confirming the supremacy of national over state government10
14965539770enumerated powersThe powers explicitly given to Congress in the Constitution.11
14965539771implied powersPowers inferred from the express powers that allow Congress to carry out its functions.12
14965539772Elastic ClauseThe final paragraph of Article I, Section 8, of the Constitution, which authorizes Congress to pass all laws "necessary and proper" to carry out the enumerated powers.13
14965539773Gibbons v. OgdenCommerce clause case (1824). Decision greatly enlarged Congress' interstate commerce clause power by broadly defining the meaning of "commerce" to include virtually all types of economic activity.14
14965539774full faith and creditA clause in Article IV of the Constitution requiring each state to recognize the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of all other states.15
14965539775ExtraditionThe legal process by which a fugitive from justice in one state is returned to that state16
14965539776privileges and immunitiesThe provision of the Constitution according citizens of each state the privileges of citizens of other states.17
14965539777Cooperative FederalismA system of government in which powers and policy assignments are shared between states and the national government. They may also share costs, administration, and even blame for programs that work poorly.18
14965539778DevolutionTransferring responsibility for policies from the federal government to state and local governments.19
14965539779Fiscal FederalismThe pattern of spending, taxing, and providing grants in the federal system; it is the cornerstone of the national government's relations with state and local governments.20
14965539780project grantsFederal categorical grants given for specific purposes and awarded on the basis of the merits of applications21
14965539781formula grantsFederal categorical grants distributed according to a formula specified in legislation or in administrative regulations.22
14965539782block grantsFederal grants given more or less automatically to states or communities to support broad programs in areas such as community development and social services23
14965539783New FederalismA policy in 1969, that turned over powers and responsibilities of some U.S. federal programs to state and local governments and reduced the role of national government in domestic affairs (states are closer to the people and problems)24
14965614162DecentralizationDegree to which decision-making authority is given to state government instead of federal.25
14965614163revenue sharingthe distribution of a portion of federal tax revenues to state and local governments.26
14965614164U.S. v. Lopez (1995)Gun Free School Zones Act exceeded Congress' authority to regulate interstate commerce.27

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