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AP Government: Judicial Branch Flashcards

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5490604078Majority Decision/Opinion of the Courta signed opinion of a majority of the Supreme Court0
5490604079concurring opiniona signed opinion that one or members agree with the majority view but for different reasons1
5490604087dissenting opiniona signed opinion in which one or more justices disagree with the majority view2
5490604082Rule of Fourif four justices of the nine have to agree that a case is "worthy", they can make a writ of cert for a case3
5490604083writ of certiorarian order by a higher court directing a lower court to send up a case for review4
5490604085Stare decisisallows the precedents set by prior rulings to control the current case, "let the decisions stand"5
5490604088judicial restraint (strict constructionist)a view that judges should decide cases strictly on the basis of the language of the laws and the Constitution6
5490604089standingsuggests a solid argument exists for your request to have your case heard (for trial or an appeal)7
5490604090appealpresenting a case again if you are unhappy with your trial, related to its fairness8
5490604093District Courttrial court in the federal justice system, 94 of these9
5490604106appeals courtno original jurisdiction, country has 12 federal circuit courts of appeals and 1 Special Appeals court. This is a panel of 3-5 justices.10
5490604094Supreme Court9 justices have life appointments; final say on any legal matters that come to them. Small caseload since writing of opinions takes a long time and accept few cases.11
5490635767Appellate Jurisdictionthe power of a higher court to review decisions and change outcomes of decisions of lower courts.12
5490604099original jurisdictionlegal right that a court has to receive a case first. i.e. State or District Courts usually have original Jurisdiction, Supreme Court has original jurisdiction when states sue other states and cases involving high-level diplomats13
5490604102judicial activismview that the Constitution is flexible and alive. Courts are called to settle disputes and use judicial review and should do so actively and without restraint14
5490604112doctrine of original intentRelated to the US Constitution, what was the 'intent' of the Founders. What did they mean? Obviously, 'original intent' can be interpreted differently depending on who's talking.15
5490604113Brown v. Board of Education of Topekahuge case that forced all schools to desegregate. overrode Plessy v. Ferguson, a Supreme Court decision that reinforced the concept of "separate but equal".16
5490604115Marbury v. MadisonlMade clear the concept of judicial review, that it is a power of the courts to review Constitutionality of government actions.17
5490604117McCulloch v. Marylandbank case. made clear that banking is a federal power. first time elastic clause was used to extend federal authority.18
5490648449Miranda v. Arizonaestablished that the accused must be informed of their rights before trial, the Miranda Warning19
5490653997Syndicated or Selective Incorporationgradual case by case application of the civil liberties guaranteed by the Bill of Rights to the states using the Due Process Clause of the 14th Amendment.20
5490653998Right to PrivacyThe 9th Amendment enables rights not in the Constitution to be granted. Supreme Court combined 1st, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Amendment implications into a Right to Privacy in Griswold v. Connecticut (birth control case.) Privacy was also the basis of Roe v. Wade21
5490655475Civil LibertiesBasic freedoms established to everyone by the Bill of Rights. Our shield against government oppression.22
5490653999Civil RightsActive protection of discriminated against groups, "protected classes" by the government. Race, Gender, Disability are the primary classes.23
5490658165Establishment Clause1st Amendment Clause forbidding the establishment of official religions.24
5490660088Free Exercise Clause1st Amendment Clause allowing each person to freely exercise their religious beliefs.25
5490660089Due Process Clause14th Amendment clause stating "nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law." - basis of Syndicated Incorporation.26
5490676211Equal Protection Clause14th Amendment clause stating "nor shall any state ... deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." - basis of Civil Rights protections.27

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