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AP Government - Linkage Institutions Flashcards

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5314158805Political Party✓ Group of citizens who organize to win elections, operate governments, and determine public policy0
5314158806Plurality Election✓ Winning candidate receives more votes than anyone else ✓ Less than half the total1
5314158807Single Member District✓ One person is chosen by the voters for each office ✓ Typically leads to legislatures led by 2 political parties2
5314158808Party Era✓ Historical period dominated by 1 political party3
5314158809Critical Election✓ Election when significant groups of voters change patterns of party loyalty4
5314158810Party Realignment✓ Triggered by critical election ✓ Majority is displaced by minority party, thus new party era5
5314158811Divided Government✓ One party controls presidency while another controls congress ✓ Typical of US Politics since the '70s6
5314158812Interest Groups✓ Organization where members share views on specific interests ✓ Do not elect people into office, influences public policy into their benefit7
5314158813Political Action Committee (PAC)✓ Committee formed by business, labor, or other interest groups ✓ Raise money and make contributions to the campaigns/candidates8
5314158814Free Riders✓ People who benefit from an interest group w/o making any contribution ✓ Ex. Labor Unions9
5314158815Power Elite Theory✓ Small number of very wealthy individuals, powerful corporate interest groups, and large financial institutions dominate policy10
5314158816Pluralist Theory✓ Many interest groups compete for power in a large number of policy areas11
5314158817Hyper-pluralist Theory✓ Government policy is weakened and often contradicted ✓ This is because there are so many competing interest groups12
5314158818Mass Media✓ Means of communication ✓ Newspapers, TV, radio, and the interest that reach large, widely dispersed areas13
5314158819Horse-Race Journalism✓ Tendency of media to cover campaigns by emphasizing the standings in polls ✓ Not on where they stand on issues14
5314158820Linkage Institutions✓ Institutions that connect citizens to the government15
5314158821Functions of Parties✓ Recruiting and nominating candidates for public office, running campaigns ✓ Serving as a linking institution that connects citizens to government16
5314158823Party Organization✓ National leaders, state chairpersons, county chairpersons ✓ National, state, and local party organizations are independent17
5314158824One-Party System✓ System in which one party exercises total control over the government ✓ Ex. China18
5314158825Two-Party System✓ Two major political parties compete for control of public offices ✓ Ex. U.S.19
5314158826Multi-Party System✓ Number of political parties compete for office and represent a wide variety of different ideologies ✓ Ex. Germany20
5314158827Core Political Values✓ Strong commitment to a group of core values ✓ Belief in freedom, political equality, individualism, and equality under law21
5314158829Single-Member Districts✓ Almost all elections are held this way; only one candidate is elected22
5314158831Winner-Take-AllAn election system in which the candidate with the most votes wins.23
5314158832Legal Barriers to Third Parties✓ Names of Democratic and Republican candidates are automatically placed on state ballots ✓ Minor party candidates must persuade registered voters to sign petitions24
5314158834Federalists✓ Led by Alexander Hamilton ✓ Supported a strong federal government ✓ Liked a national bank25
5314158840FDR and the New Deal Coalition✓ Great Depression marked an end to Republican dominance ✓ Democrats advocated a program of relief, recovery, and reform26
5314158841Southern Strategy✓ Republicans designed to break the Democratic Party's long dominance in the South ✓ Party realignment gradually occurred as Southern conservatives transferred their loyalty to the Republican party27
5314158843Divided Government Consequences✓ Heightened partisanship and made it difficult for moderates to compromise ✓ Slowed confirmation of the legislative process, thus creating gridlock28
5314158844Changes in Voter Trends in the last 50 Years✓ Decline in the percentage of voters who identify as Democratic or Republican ✓ Rise in those as independents ✓ Significant increase in split-ticket voting ✓ Party Dealignment29
5314158845Types of Minor Parties✓ Dominated by charismatic leaders ✓ Organized around a single issue ✓ Organized around an ideology30
5314158846Obstacles to Minor Party Candidates✓ Winner-take-all makes it difficult for a minor party candidate to win ✓ Single-member districts make it difficult to win seats ✓ Excluded from presidential debates31
5314158847Importance and Impact of Minor Parties✓ Express strong views on controversial issues ✓ Push major parties to adopt their ideas ✓ Can play the spoiler role32
5314158848Ways Interest Groups link Citizens to Government✓ Express members' preferences to gov't policymakers ✓ Convey government policy information to their members ✓ Raise and spend money to influence policymakers33
5314158849Political Parties v. Interest Groups✓ Parties are accountable for voters. Interest groups are private. ✓ Interest groups focus only on specific issues that directly affect their members34
5314158852Public Interest Groups✓ Advocate for the public good ✓ They support causes such as consumer rights, alternative energy, and electoral reform35
5314158853Single-Issue Groups✓ Focus their efforts on a single issue ✓ National Rifle Association36
5314158854Lobbying Congress✓ Testify before congressional committees ✓ Provide members of Congress with information on technical issues ✓ Meet informally with congressional aides37
5314158855Lobbying the Executive Branch✓ Interest groups direct particular attention to establishing access to regulatory agencies38
5314158856Lobbying the courts✓ Inappropriate for lobbyists to have an informal meeting with a federal judge ✓ Can take their case to courts39
5314158857Amicus Curiae Brief✓ Friend of the court brief in a case the group has interest in ✓ Written arguments to support a specific side in the case40
5314158859PACs Role✓ Support incumbent members ✓ Contribute to House members who serve on committees that consider legislation affecting the group41
5314158862Agenda Setting✓ Consists of issues that attract the serious attention of public officials and the mass media play an important role ✓ Draws public attention to particular issues42
5314158863Candidate-Centered Political Campaigns✓ Less focused on issues ✓ Speeches to sound bites ✓ Focuses on day to day activities ✓ Horse-Race Journalism43

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