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AP Government & Politics Vocab (D-K)

Vocab found in back of Princeton Review book for AP Gov&Politics

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6217854dealignmenta recent trend in which voters act increasingly independent of a party affiliation, a consquence of this is split-ticket voting which leads to a divided government
6217855delegated powersconstitutional powers granted solely to the federal government
6217856direct democracyform of government in which all enfranchised citizens vote on all matters of government
6217857divided governmenta goverment in which the presidency is controlled by one party and Congress is controlled by the other
6217858double jeopardythe act of trying an individual a second time after he has been acquitted on the same charges (prohibited by the Constitution)
6217859dual federalismform of U.S. federalism during the nation's early history, during this period the federal and state governments remained separate and independent
6217860due processestablished legal procedures for the arrest and trial of an accused criminal
6217861elastic clausethe section of the Constitution that allows Congress to pass laws "necessary and proper" to the performance of its duties (allows Congress to stretch its powers beyond those specified by the Constitution)
6217862electoral collegeConstitutionally established body created for the sole purpose of choosing the president and vice president
6217863eminent domainthe power of the government to take away property for public use as long as there is just compensation for property taken
6217864entitlement programssocial insurance programs that allocate federal funds to all people who meet the conditions of the program, they are a form of mandatory spending so it is incredibly difficult to cut funds during the budgetary process (Social Security largest and most expensive one)
6217865Equal Rights Amendmentfailed Constitutional amendment that would have guaranteed equal protection under the law for women (1970s)
6217866establishment clausesection of the Constitution that prohibits the government from designating one faith as the official religion of the United States
6217867exclusionary rulerule that prohibits the use of illegally obtained evidence at trial (exceptions are the objective good faith rule and the inevitable discovery rule)
6217868executive agreementpresidential agreements made with foreign nations that have the same legal force as treaties but do not require the approval of the Senate
6217869executive privilegethe right of the president to withold information when doing so would compromise national security (not mentioned in the Constitution)
6217870ex post facto lawsif allowed, these laws would punish people for actions that occurred before such actions were made criminal
6217871extraditionprocess by which governments return fugitives to the jurisdiction form which they have fled
6217872Federal Reserve Boardexecutive agency that is largely responsible for the formulation and implementation of monetary policy
6217873federalismterm describing a system under which the national government and local governments share powers (United States and others including Canada, Switzerland, and Australia)
6217874Federalist Papersa series of essays written by James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay to defend the Constitution and persuade Americans that it should be ratified, they presented concerns and issues the framers faced as they created a blueprint for the new government
6217875filibustera lengthy speech that halts all legislatvie action in the Senate
6217876fiscal yeartwelve-month period starting on October 1, government budgets go into effect at the beginning of this and a budget resolution is agreed upon in April to guide government spending for the coming fiscal year
6217877Freedom of Information Act (1974)act which declassified government documents for public use
6217878front-loadinga strategy in which states have pushed forward the date of their primary elections
6217879full faith and credit clausesection of the Constitution that requires states to honor one another's licenses, marriages, and other acts of state courts
6217880general electionelection held on the first Tuesday of November, during which voters lect officials
6217881gerrymanderingthe practice of drawing congressional district lines to benefit one party over the other
6217882Gideon v. Wainwright (1963)Supreme Court case in which the Court ruled that a defendant in a felony trial must be provided a lawyer free of charge if the defendant cannot afford one
6217883Gramm-Rudman-Holings Bill (1985)set budget reduction targets to balance budget but failed to eliminate loopholes
6217884Great SocietyPresident Lyndon B. Johnson's social/economic program, aimed at raising the standard of living for America's poorest residents (Medicare, Medicaid, Project Head Start, Job Corps, and VISTA)
6217885Griswold v. Connecticut (1965)Supreme Court decision in which the Court ruled that the Constitution implicitly guarantees citizens' right to privacy
6217886Hatch Act (1939)a congressional law that forbade government officials from participating in partisan politics and protected government employees from being fired on partisan grounds; it was revised in 1993 to be less restrictive
6217887House Rules Committeedetermines the rules for debate of each bill, including whether the bill may be amended (most powerful committee in the House)
6217888impeachmentprocess by which a president, judge, or other government official can be tried for high crimes and misdemeanors (does not remove from office)
6217889indictmenta written statement of criminal charges brought against a defendant, guarantee that defendants know the charges against them so they can plan a defense
6217890inevitable discoveryexception to the exclusionary rule that allows the use of illegally obtained evidence at trial if the court determines that the evidence would eventually have been found by legal means
6217891initiativeprocess through which voters may propose new laws, one of several Progressive Era reforms that increased voters' power over government
6217892interest grouppolitical group organized around a particular political goal or philosophy, they attempt to influence public policy though political action and donations to sympathetic candidates
6217893iron trianglealso called subgovernment they are formed by the close working relationship among various interest groups, congressional committees, and executive agencies that enforce federal regulations (these groups can collectively exert a powerful influence over legislation and law enforcement)
6217894Jim Crow lawsstate and local laws passed in the post-Reconstruction Era South to enforce racial segregation and otherwise restrict the rights of African Americans
6217895joint committeecongressional committee composed of members of both houses of Congress, usually to investigate and research specific subjects
6217896judicial activismterm referring to the actions of a court that frequently strikes down or alters the acts of the executive and/or legislative and executive acts
6217897judicial reviewthe power of the Supreme Court to declare laws and executive actions unconstitutional
6217898killer amendmentamendment to a bill proposed by its opponents for the specific purpose of decreasing the bill's chance of passage

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