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AP Government - Review Terms

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165067724Grants-in-aid (categorical grants)Aid from federal government to states for specific programs. Helps federal officials control states
165067725Block GrantsDiscretionary money given to states. Part of devolution of power to states
165067726Majority-minority voting districtsDistricts drawn to create a majority of minorities in a congressional district. Ruled constitutional so long as race is not the primary factor in redistricting
165067727Straight-ticket votingVoting down party lines
165067728Split-ticket votingVoting for different parties in the same election. Sign of partisan dealignment
165067729Eminent domainThe government has the authority to take property for the public good, providing that just compensation is given
165067730Amicus curiae briefInformation offered to courts to help them decide a case
165067731Rule of fourFour justices must agree for the case to be heard
165067732ClotureLimits placed on debates in Senate to end filibusters
165067733ReferendumLegislatures turn decisions over to popular vote
165067734InitiativeVoters petition to vote on an issue
165067735Free RiderA person who benefits from an interest group or other organization without contributing
165067736Bad tendency doctrineUsed to determine the legality of free speech
165067737ImpoundmentRefusal of president to allow agencies to spend funds appropriated by Congress
165067738Issue AdvertisingAdvertisments advocating a particular issue but intended to illicit votes for a candidate. Usually paid for by interest groups. One method of getting around the FECA spending limits
165067739Log RollingVote and favor trading between legislators
165067740Closed PrimaryA primary in which only registered members of the party may vote
165067741Open PrimaryA primary in which either party may vote
165067742Winner-takes-All systemAn election where the person with the most votes wins with no proportional representation going to runner-ups
165067743Pluralitymost votes
165067744Writ of certiorariCommand of court to a lower court to hand up a court case for review
165067747Iron TriangleNetwork between interest group, executive agency, and congressional committee
165067748DeregulationRegulatory agencies relaxing government restrictions on preivate industries
165067749Prior restraintCensorship before publishing
165067750Compelling interest testUsed to interpret the Free Exercise clause and the Equal Protection Clause. Before the government can deny freedom of religion or show preferential treatment toward any group, it must also prove that it has a compelling public purpose in doing so.
165067751Selective IncorporationProcess by which the Bill of RIghts are applied to state governments through the due process clause of the 14th Amendment
165067752Enumerated PowersThose powers of the federal government outlined in the Constitution.
165067753PreemptionWhen a federal law takes over or precludes a state law
165067754Federal MandateA requirement placed on a state by federal government, such as to clean its rivers and lakes. They are often required to receive federal funds
165067755Coattail effectWhen people win elections because they are members of the same party as a popular politician
165067756Electoral realignmentWhen the traditional coalitions that make up a voting block are reordered
165067757Honeymoon periodThe short time immediately following the inauguration of the new president when he is treated relatively well by the press and his opposition party
165067758Pork-Barrel LegislationJunk laws that congressmen pass to send money to their districts
165067759Safe seatA polictical district or election that is predictably won by a party
165067760Affirmative ActionRemedial actions by the government to atone for past prejudices and injustices
165067761Pocket VetoWhen the president vetos a bill by refusing to sign it after Congress has adjourned
165067762Cross-cutting cleavageDivisions in society that make them more heterogeneous
165067763EntitlementsGovernment expenditures to people who qualify.
165067764Fairness doctrineDoctrine that required radio and televisin to represent differing opinions. Struck down in 1987
165067765Clear and present danger doctrineSpeech can be censored if it poses a clear and present danger to the nation's best interest.
165067766Equal Protection ClauseProhibits any state from passing a law that discriminates against a person or a group of people because of race, religion, national origin, or gender. The due process clause of the Fifth Amendment makes this applicable to the national government as well
165067767Procedural Due ProcessPlaces limits on the way government may exercise its power over citizens. [Habeas Corpus]
165067768BundlingSeveral PACs and interest groups combining their maximum contributions into one sum in order to influence law makers
165067769senatorial courtesywhen the president lets members of Congress know of appointees ahead of time
165067771Political SocializationProcess by which individuals learn their political beliefs, namely their party identification. [FAMILY]
165067772Direct PrimariesAn election in which votes directly select party candidates. ~Replaced caucuses
165067773Shay's RebellionRebellion of farmers in Massachusetts which demonstrated the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation and the need for a strong federal government
165067774Executive PrivilegeThe president's right to confidentiality regarding personal letters, memoirs and conversations. The president can only use this privilege regarding matters of national security
165067775Executive AgreementAn agreement between heads of state that is legal but does not have the legal force of a Senate-approved formal treaty
165248945Amount of House Representatives435
165248946Amount of Senators100
165248947Advantages of IncumbentsAdvertising Credit Claiming Position taking Party identification
165248948Party whipsAssist party leaders in generating support for party legislation
165248949Legislative oversightMonitor federal agencies and their execution of law
165248950Standing committees[Both House and Senate] Handle a specific policy area
165248951Joint committees[Composed of both representatives and senators] Responsible for legislation that overlaps policy areas
165248952Select committeesAppointed to handle a specific issue, such as investigation or impeachment trial
165248953Conference committeeIron out the differences between a House and Senate bill
165248954House Rules CommitteeReviews all bills submitted by committees before they go to the House floor Assigns them a slot on the calender Allocated time for debate Decides whether a bill can be amended or not
165248955House Ways and Means committeeWrites tax codes, which must be approved by both House and Senate
165248956Senate Finance CommitteeWorks with teh House Ways and Means Committee to write tax codes
165248957Appropriations Committee[ Both House and Senate ] Decides how government money will be apportioned to federal agencies

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