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AP Government Vocab

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124781600GovernmentThe institution through which the state maintains social order, provides public services, and enforces binding decisions on citizens
124781601PoliticsThe process by which we select our governmental leaders and what policies these leaders pursue. This produces authoritative decisions about public issues.
124781602Political ParticipationAll the activities used by citizens to influence the selection of political leaders or the policies they pursue. Voting is the most common but not the only means of this in a democracy. Other means include protest and civil disobedience.
124781603Single-Issue GroupGroups that have a narrow interest, tend to dislike compromise, and often draw membership from people new to politics. Link to: cohesiveness, free-rider problem.
124781604Policymaking SystemThe process by which policy comes into being and evolves over time. people's interests, problems, and concerns create political issues for government policymakers. these issues shape policy, which in turn impacts people, generating more interests, problems, and concerns.
124781606Linkage InstitutionsThe channels through which people's concerns become political issues on the government's policy agenda. In the United States, they include elections, political parties, interest groups, and the media.
124781607Policy AgendaThe issues that attract the serious attention of public officials and other people actually involved in politics at any given time. Link to: gatekeeper role of media; electronic throne.
124781608Policymaking InstitutionsThe branches of government charged with taking action on political issues; examples include Congress, the Presidency, the Courts, and the Bureaucracy.
124781609DemocracyA system of selecting policymakers and of organizing government so that policy represents and responds to the public's preferences. Link to: republic; oligarchy.
124781610Majority RuleA fundamental principle of traditional democratic theory. in a democracy, choosing among alternatives requires that the majority's desire be respected.
124781611Minority RightsA principle of traditional democratic theory that guarantees rights to those who do not belong to majorities and allows that they might join majorities through persuasion and reasoned argument
124781612Pluralist TheoryA theory of government and politics emphasizing that politics is mainly a competition among groups, each one pressing for its own preferred policies.
124781613Elite and Class TheoryA theory of government and politics contending that societies are divided along class lines and that the upper-class elite will rule; or perhaps should rule.
124781614HyperpluralismA cynical theory of government and politics contending that groups are so strong that government is weakened; pluralism gone bad.
124781615Policy GridlockA condition that occurs when no coalition is strong enough to form a majority and establish policy. The result is that nothing may get done.
124781616IndividualismThe belief that individuals should be left on their own by the government; a prominent belief in American political thought.
124781617Declaration of IndependenceThe document approved by representatives of the American colonies in 1776 that stated their grievances against the British monarch and declared their independence. Link to: Locke's natural rights.
124781618U.S. ConstitutionThe document written in 1787 and ratified in 1788 that sets forth the institutional structure of the U.S. government and the tasks these institutions perform. It replaced the Articles of Confederation.
124781619Natural RightsRights inherent in human beings, not dependent on governments, which include life, liberty, and property. The concept was central to John Locke's theories about government, and was widely accepted among America's Founding Fathers. Link to Dec. of Independence.
124781620Consent of the GovernedThe idea that government derives its authority by sanction of the people (Locke).
124781621Limited GovernmentThe idea that certain restrictions should be placed on government to protect the natural rights of citizens.
124781622Articles of ConfederationThe first constitution of the United States, adopted by Congress in 1777 and enacted in 1781. The articles established a national legislature, the Continental Congress, but most authority rested with the state legislature.
124781623Shays' RebellionA series of attacks on courthouse by a small band of farmers led by Revolutionary War Captain Daniel Shays to block foreclosure proceedings. Historians consider this the last straw against the Articles of Confederation.
124781624FactionsInterest groups arising from the unequal distribution of property or wealth that James Madison attacked in Federalist Paper #10. Today's parities or interest groups are what Madison had in mind when he warned of the instability in government caused by these.
124781625Connecticut CompromiseThe compromise reached at the Constitution Convention that established two houses of Congress: the House of Representatives, in which representatives is based on a state's share of the U.S. population, and the Senate, in which each state has two representatives (bicameral legislature).
124781626Writ of Habeas CorpusA court order requiring jailers to explain to a judge why they are holding a prisoner in custody.
124781627Separation of PowersA feature of the Constitution that requires each of the three branches of government executive, legislative, and judicial-to be relatively independent of the others so that one cannot control the others. From this premise, adison developed his system of checks & balances setting power against power.
124781628Checks and BalancesFeatures of the Constitution that limit government's power by requiring that power be balanced among the different governmental institutions. These institutions continually check one another's activities.
124781629RepublicA form of government in which the people select representatives to govern them and make laws.
124781630FederalistsSupporters of the U.S. Constitution at the time the states were contemplating its adoption. This type of person favored a strong central government.
124781631Anti-federalistsOpponents of the American Constitution at the time when the states were contemplating its adoption. This type of person viewed the constitution as a threat to both individual and state rights. Their solution was to propose a Bill of Rights
124781632Bill of RightsThe first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, drafted in response to some of the Anti-Federalist concerns. These amendments define such basic liberties as freedom of religion, speech, and press and guarantee defendants' rights.
124781633Equal Rights AmendmentA constitutional amendment passed by Congress in 1972 stating that "equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex." The amendment failed to acquire the necessary support from three-fourths of the state legislatures.
124781634Judicial ReviewFirst asserted in the 1803 Supreme Court case, Marbury v. Madison, it is the right of the Court to determine the constitutionality of congressional laws and actions of the President. Link to: Marbury v. Madison.
124781635Marbury v. Madison, 1803The case in which Chief Justice John Marshall and his associates first asserted the right of the Supreme Court to determine the meaning of the U.S. Constitution. The decision established the Court's power of judicial review over acts of Congress, in this case the Judiciary Act of 1789.
124781636FederalismA way of organizing a nation so that two or more levels of government have formal authority over the same land and people. It is a system of shared power between units of government.
124781637McCulloch v. Maryland, 1819A Supreme Court decision that established the supremacy of the national government over state governments. In deciding this case, Chief Justice John Marshall and his colleagues held that Congress had certain implied powers in addition to the enumerated powers found in the Constitution.
124781638Supremacy ClauseArticle VI of the Constitution, which makes the Constitution, national laws, and treaties supreme over state laws when the national government is acting within its constitutional limits.
124781639Tenth AmendmentThe Constitutional amendment stating that "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people."
124781640Enumerated PowersPowers of the federal government that are specifically addressed in the Constitution; for Congress, these powers are listed in Article I, Section 8. Also called "expressed," or "delegated."
124781641Implied PowersPowers of the federal government that go beyond those enumerated in the Constitution. The Constitution states that Congress has the power to "make all laws necessary and proper for carrying into execution" the powers enumerated in Article I.
124781642Elastic ClauseThe final paragraph of Article I, Section 8, of the Constitution, which authorizes Congress to pass all laws "necessary and proper" to carry out the enumerated powers.
124781643Gibbons v. Ogden, 1824A landmark case in which the Supreme Court interpreted very broadly the clause in Article I, Section 8, of the Constitution giving Congress the power to regulate interstate commerce, encompassing virtually every form of commercial activity.
124781644Full Faith and Credit (Clause)A clause in Article IV, Section 1, of the Constitution requiring each state to recognize the official documents and civil judgments rendered by the courts of other states.
124781645Extradition (Clause)A legal process whereby an alleged criminal offender is surrendered by the officials of one state to officials of the state in which the crime is alleged to have been committed.
124781646Privileges and Immunities (Clause)A clause of Article IV, Section 2, of the Constitution guaranteeing citizens of each state most of the privileges of citizens of other states.
124781647Dual FederalismA system of government in which both the states and the national government remain supreme within their own spheres, each responsible for some policies. Also called "layer cake federalism."
124781648Cooperative FederalismA system of government in which powers and policy assignments are shared between states and the national government. They may also share costs, administration, and even blame for programs that work poorly. Also called "marble cake federalism." Link to: liberalism.
124781649Fiscal FederalismThe pattern of spending, taxing, and providing grants in the federal system; it is the cornerstone of the national government's relations with state and local governments.
124781650Categorical GrantsFederal grants that can be used only for specific purposes, or "categories," of state and local spending. They come with strings attached, such as nondiscrimination provisions. Compare to block grants.
124781651Formula GrantsFederal categorical grants distributed according to a formula specified in legislation or in administrative regulations
124781652Project GrantsFederal categorical grants given for specific purposes and awarded on the basis of the merits of application.
124781653Block GrantsFederal grants given more or less automatically to states or communities to support broad programs in areas such as community development and social services. Link to: devolution; Republican revolution of the 1990s.
124781654MandatesRequirements (sometimes unfunded) that direct states or local governments to comply with federal rules under threat of penalties or as a condition of receipt of federal grant funds. DO NOT confuse with mandate theory of elections.
124781655Cross-Over SanctionWhen the federal government uses federal grant dollars in one program to influence state and local policy in another (example: highway funds and drinking age).
124781656Cross-Cutting RequirementsWhen a condition on one federal grant is extended to all activities supported by federal funds, regardless of their source (example: discrimination).
124781657Public OpinionThe distribution of the population's beliefs about politics and policy issues.
124781658DemographyThe science of human population changes.
124781659CensusA valuable tool for understanding demographic changes. The constitution requires that the government conduct an "actual enumeration" of the population every 10 years.
124781660Melting PotThe mixing of cultures, ideas, and peoples that has changed the American nation. The United States, with its history of immigration, has often been called a melting pot. Link to: salad bowl.
124781661Minority MajorityThe emergence of a non-Caucasian majority, as compared with a white, generally Anglo-Saxon majority. It is predicted that by about 2060, Hispanic Americans, African Americans, and Asian Americans together will outnumber white Americans.
124781662Political CultureAn overall set of values widely shared within a society.
124781663ReapportionmentThe process of reallocating seats in the House of Representatives every 10 years on the basis of the results of the census.
124781664Random SamplingThe key techniques employed by sophisticated survey researchers, which operates on the principle that everyone should have an equal probability of being selected for the sample.
124781665SampleA relatively small proportion of people who are chosen in a survey so as to be representative of the whole.
124781666Random Digit DialingA technique used by pollsters to place telephone calls randomly to both listed and unlisted numbers when conducting a survey
124781667Exit PollsPublic opinion surveys used by major media pollsters to predict electoral winners with speed and precision.
124781668Political IdeologyA coherent set of beliefs about politics, public policy, and public purpose. It helps give meaning to political events, personalities, and policies.
124781669Gender GapA term that refers to the regular pattern by which women are more likely to support Democratic candidates, Women tend to be significantly less conservative than men and are more likely to support spending on social services and to oppose higher levels of military spending.
124781670civil disobedienceA form of political participation that reflects a conscious decision to break a law believed to be immoral and to suffer the consequences.
124781671salad bowlA new term to describe, and celebrate the diversity of the United States without the controversial notion of assimilation found in the term melting pot.
124781672bandwagon effectAn effect caused by exit poll projections in which undecided voters turnout to support the candidate who is leading in the polls.
124781673cross-pressureA term used to describe being caught between two or more conflicting demographic tendencies.
124781674mass mediaTelevision, radio, newspapers, magazines, the Internet, and other means of popular communication.
124781675media eventsEvents purposely staged for the media that nonetheless look spontaneous (a "photo op"). In keeping with politics as theater, these can be staged by individuals, groups, and government officials, especially presidents.
124781676press conferenceMeetings of public officials with reporters. Since the Watergate/Vietnam era, the media has become more aggressive in its scrutiny of the Whitehouse (watchdog); therefore, recent Presidents have preferred the electronic throne over this.
124781677investigative journalismThe use of detective-like reporting to unearth scandals, scams, and schemes, placing reporters in adversarial relationships with political leaders. Ever since the Washington Post broke the story of Watergate (Richard Nixon's illegal activities) the media has been in a constant posture of suspicion against big government and big corporations.
124781678print mediaNewspapers and magazines, as compared with broadcast media.
125852737Broadcast mediaTelevision and radio, as compared with print media.
125852738ChainsBy 1994, more than 80 percent of America's daily papers were controlled by national and regional chains.
125852739NarrowcastingMedia programming on cable TV or the Internet that is focused on one topic and aimed at a particular audience. Examples include MTV, ESPN, and C-SPAN. While it certainly increases our entertainment options, critics claim it makes our news coverage more biased and splintered, contributing to selective perception.
125852740Trial balloonsAn intentional news leak for the purpose of assessing the political reaction.
125852741Talking headA shot of a person's face talking directly to the camera. Because this is visually unappealing, the major commercial networks rarely show a politician talking one-on-one for very long.
125852742Policy agendaThe issues that attract the serious attention of public officials and other people actively involved in politics at the time.
125852743Electronic ThroneThe presidential skill of using the television as a platform for public persuasion; developed as an alternative to press conferences.
125852744InfotainmentA term used to characterize the recent trend in network television news production that blends analysis with entertainment. Many experts believe this trend can be linked to many other trends in politics and voter behavior. A good example is the ever-growing illusion that a Hollywood break-up is actually news.
125852745ReferendumA state-level method of direct legislation that gives voters a chance to approve or disapprove proposed legislation or a proposed constitutional amendment.
125852746Initiative petitionA process permitted in some states whereby voters may put proposed changes in the state constitution to a vote if sufficient signatures are obtained on petitions calling for such a referendum.
125852747LegitimacyA characterization of elections by political scientists meaning that they are almost universally accepted as a fair and free method of selecting political leaders. When this is high, as in the United States, even the losers accept the results peacefully.
125852748SuffrageThe legal right to vote, extended to African Americans by the Fifteenth Amendment, to women by the Nineteenth Amendment, and to people over the age of 18 by the Twenty-sixth Amendment.
125852749Political efficacyThe belief that one's political participation really matters; that one's vote can actually make a difference. Since the 1960s, it has been dropping - especially among 18-25 year old.
125852750Civic dutyThe belief that in order to support democratic government, a citizen should actively participate in the political process.
125852751Voter registrationA system adopted by the states that requires voters to register well in advance of Election Day. A few states permit Election Day registration.
125852752Motor Voter ActPassed in 1993, this Act went into effect for the 1996 election. It requires states to permit people to register to vote at the same time they apply for their driver's license.
125852753Mandate theory of electionsThe idea that the winning candidate has a 'mandate' from the people to carry out his or her platforms and politics. Politicians like the theory better than political scientists do.
125852754Policy votingElectoral choices that are made on the basis of the voter's policy preferences and on the basis of where the candidates stand on policy issues.
125852755Electoral CollegeA unique American institution, created by the Constitution, providing for the selection of the president by electors chosen by the state parties. Candidates who win the popular vote in each state receive all of that state's electoral votes. The candidate receiving 270 electoral votes wins the presidential election.
125852756Retrospective votingA theory of voting in which voters essentially ask this simple question: "What have you done for me lately?"
125852757Recall electionThe power of the people at the state or local level to 'recall' an elected official, or remove them from office and force a follow up election.
125852758Bush v. Gore, 2000An extremely controversial U.S. Supreme Court ruling that stopped a manual recount of ballots in Florida, thereby awarding Florida's electoral votes to George W. Bush and declaring him the winner of the 2000 election.
125852759Interest groupAn organization of people with shared policy goals entering the policy process at local and national levels in order to achieve policy change. Link to: PACs, 527s, iron triangles.
125852760Pluralist theoryA theory of government and politics emphasizing that politics is mainly a competition groups, each one pressing for its own preferred policies.
125852761Elite theoryA theory of government and politics contending that societies are divided along class lines and than an upper-class elite will rule, regardless of the formal niceties of governmental organization.
125852762Hyperpluralist theoryA theory of government and politics contending that groups are so strong that government is weakened. It is an extreme, exaggerated, or perverted form of pluralism.
125852763Subgovernments (Iron Triangles)A term used to describe the relationship between interest group leaders interested in a particular policy, the government agency in charge of administrating that policy, and the members of congressional committees and subcommittees handling that policy.
125852764Free-rider problemThe problem faced by unions and other groups when people do not join because they can benefit from the group's activities without officially joining. Link to: Olson's Law; cohesiveness.
125852765Olson's law of large groupsAdvanced by Mancur Olson, a principle stating that "the larger the group, the further it will fall short of providing an optimal amount of a collective good." Link to: cohesiveness.
125852767Selective benefitsGoods (such as information publications, travel discounts, and group insurance rates) that a group can restrict to those who pay their annual dues.
125852768LobbyingAccording to Lester Milbrath, a "communication, by someone other than a citizen acting on his own behalf, directed to a governmental decisionmaker with the hope of influencing his decision."
125852769Political action committees (PACs)Political funding vehicles created by 1974 campaign finance reforms. A corporation, union, or some other interest group can create this and register it with the Federal Election Commission (FEC), which will meticulously monitor the its expenditures.
125852770ElectioneeringDirect group involvement in the electoral process. Groups can help fund campaigns, provide testimony, and get members to work for candidates, and some form political action committees (PACs). Link to: 527s; FECA 1974; BiCRA 2002.
125852771Amicus curiae briefsLegal briefs submitted by a "friend of the court" for the purpose of raising additional points of view and presenting information not contained in the briefs of the formal parties. These briefs attempt to influence a court's decision.
125852772Class action suitsLawsuits permitting a small number of people to sue on behalf of all other people similarly situated.
125852773CohesivenessA unified sense of purpose among all of the members; the single most important goal for any interest group.
125852774Party CompetitionThe battle of the parties for control of public offices. Ups and downs of the two major parties are one of the most important elements in American politics.
125852775Political partyA group of people trying to gain control of the country's governing apparatus (at the local or national level) by winning elections.
125852776Rational-choice theoryA popular theory in political science to explain the actions of voters as well as politicians. It assumes that individuals act in their own best interest, carefully weighing the costs and benefits of possible alternatives.
125852777Party IdentificationA citizen's self-proclaimed preference for one party or the other. Link to: dealignment.
125852778Ticket-splittingVoting with one party for one office and with another party for other offices. It has become the norm in American voting behavior. Link to: dealignment.
125852779Party machinesA type of political party organization that relies heavily on material inducements, such as patronage, to win votes and to govern.
125852780PatronageOne of the key inducements used by party machines. A ______ job, promotion, or contract is one that is given for political reasons rather than for merit or competence alone.
125852781Primary electionA run-off election between the contenders within the parties. For example, in the year before the general election, the Democrats will need to hold a primary in order to narrow the field to their top candidate.
125852782Closed primariesElections to select party nominees in which only people who have registered in advance with the party can vote for that party's candidates, thus encouraging greater party loyalty.
125852783Open primariesElections to select party nominees in which voters can decide on election day whether they want to participate in the Democratic or Republican contests.
125852784Blanket primariesElections to select party nominees in which voters are presented with a list of candidates form all the parties. Voters can then select some Democrats and some Republicans if they like.
125852785National conventionThe meeting of party delegates every four years to choose a presidential ticket and write the party's platform.
125852786National committeeOne of the institutions that keeps the party operating between conventions. This committee is composed of representatives from the states and territories.
125852787National chairpersonThis chairperson is responsible for the day-to-day activities of the party and is usually nominated by the presidential nominee.
125852788Party erasHistorical periods in which a majority of voters cling to the party in power, which tends to win a majority of the elections.
125852789CoalitionA group of individuals with a common interest upon which every political party depends.
125852790Critical electionAn electoral "earthquake" where new issues emerge, new coalitions replace old ones, and the majority party is often displaced by the minority party. These election periods are sometimes marked by a national crisis and may require more than one election to bring about a new party era.
125852791New Deal CoalitionA coalition forged by the Democrats, who dominated American politics from the 1930's to the 1960's. Its basic elements were the urban working class, ethnic groups, Catholics and Jews, the poor, Southerners, African Americans, and intellectuals.
125852792Party dealignmentThe gradual disengagement of people and politicians from strict party identification. In the past 30 years, more Americans are calling themselves "independents," and splitting their ballots up between parties.
125852793Party neutralityA term used to describe the fact that many Americans are indifferent toward to two major political parties.
125852794Winner-take-all systemAn electoral system in which legislative seats are awarded only to the candidates who comes in first in their constituencies. For example, in the presidential election, the candidate who wins the most votes in Washington state receives ALL eleven of Washington's electoral votes.
125852795Third partiesElectoral contenders other than the two major parties. American third parties are not unusual, but they rarely win elections as a result of the winner-take-all nature of the Electoral College.
125866327Proportional representationAn electoral system used throughout most of Europe that awards legislative seats to political parties in proportion to the number of votes won in an election.
125866328Responsible party modelA view favored by some political scientists about how parties should work. According to the model, parties should offer clear choices to the voters, who can then use those choices as cues to their own preferences of candidates. Once in office, parties would carry out their campaign promises.
125866329NominationA political party's official endorsement of a candidate. Generally, success in the primary elections brings momentum, money, and media attention, which ultimately helps a candidate win the nomination from their party.
125866330National party conventionThe supreme power within each of the parties. The convention meets every four years to nominate the party's presidential and vice-presidential candidates and to write the party's platform.
125866331CaucusA meeting of all state party leaders for selecting delegates to the national party convention
125866332Presidential primariesElections in which voters in a state vote for a candidate (or delegates pledged their support to him or her). Most of these delegates who attend the national party conventions are chosen this way.
125866333McGovern-Fraser CommissionA commission formed in 1968 Democratic convention in response to demands for reform by minority groups and others who sought better representations.
125866334SuperdelegatesNational party leaders who automatically get a delegate slot at the Democratic national party convention.
125866335National PrimaryA proposal by critics of the caucuses and presidential primaries, which who would replace these electoral methods with a nationwide primary held early in the election year.
125866336FrontloadingThe recent tendency of states to hold primaries early in the calendar in order to capitalize on media attention. This topic will be BIG in 2007-08 as states tinker with their election laws in order to jockey for media position.
125866337Party platformA political party's statement of its goals and policies for the next four years. This, crafted at the national convention, often appears as a mission statement on the party's official website.
125866338Regional primariesA proposal by critics of the caucuses and presidential primaries to replace these electoral methods with a series of primaries held in each geographic region.
125866339Direct mailA high tech method of raising money for a candidate or cause. It involves sending information and requests for money to people whose names appear on lists of those who have supported similar candidates in the past.
125866340Federal Election Campaign Act of 1974A law passed for reforming campaign finance that created the FEC, provided public financing for primaries and general elections, limited presidential campaign spending, required disclosure, and attempted to limit contributions.
125866341Federal Elections Commission (FEC)A six member bipartisan agency that administers campaign finance laws and enforces compliance with their requirements.
125866342Soft MoneyMoney given to a party for the purpose of building up the party at the grassroots level. This category of campaign contributions have been banned by BiCRA. See www.opensecrets.org.
125866343Political Action CommitteeFundraising vehicles created by FECA 1974. A corporation, union, or some other interest group can create one and register it with the FEC which will meticulously monitor its expenditures.
125866344Selective perceptionThe phenomenon that people often pay the most attention to things they already agree with and interpret them according to their own predispositions. This decreases the likelihood that average Americans challenge their own presuppositions.
125866345Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 (BiCRA or McCain-Feingold)Campaign finance regulations that double the amounts specified by FECA while trying to eliminate soft money contributions. It inadvertently created another loophole for Section 527 contributions.
125866346IncumbentsMembers of Congress who already hold office. Link to: safe seat; gerrymandering; US Term Limits v. Thornton, 1995.
125866347527Named for the section of the IRS Tax Code, a ### is an advocacy group trying to influence elections through voter mobilization and the spending of unlimited dollars in "independent expenditures." The most famous of these in the 2004 election cycle was the "Swiftboat Veterans for Truth."
125866348CaseworkActivities of members of Congress that help constituents as individuals cut through bureaucratic regulations (red tape) to get things they want. Link to: incumbency; red tape; pork barrel.
125866349Pork barrelThe list of federal projects, grants, and contracts that incumbents secure for their constituents.
125866350Bicameral LegislatureA legislature divided into two houses; like the US Congress and Nebraska's State Legislature.
125866351House Rules CommitteeCommittee that reviews all bills (except revenue, budget, and appropriations) that come out of committee before they enter the full House for debate; they attach "rules" to bills.
125866352FilibusterStalling technique unique to the Senate used to "talk a bill to death." Link to: cloture.
125866353Speaker of the HouseConstitutionally mandated position chosen by the majority party in the House; first in command in the Senate; second in the line of Presidential succession.
125866354WhipsLeaders who track vote totals and lean on anyone who may be influenced before the vote occurs; target undecided members.
125866355Majority leaderResponsible for scheduling bills, influencing committee assignments, and rounding up votes.
125866356Minority leaderThe principal leader of the minority party in the Senate.
125866357Standing committeesSeparate subject-matter committees in each house that handle bills in different policy areas.
125866358Joint committeesCommittees on a few subject-matter areas with membership drawn from both houses.
125866359Conference committeeCommittees formed from each house to reconcile the language of a bill as it emerges from the House and the Senate; "iron out" language differences.
125866360Select committeeCommittees appointed for a single purpose, such as an investigation. Link to: watchdog role of the press; iron triangle; legislative oversight.
125866361Legislative oversightCongressional monitoring of the bureaucracy and its administration of policy; performed mainly through hearings. Link to: select committee; iron triangle; "power of the purse."
125866362Committee chairsThe most important influence on the congressional agenda; scheduling hearings, hiring staff, appointing subcommittees, and managing bills. They were once chosen strictly based on the seniority system, now they are mostly determined by the party in power.
125866363Seniority systemA rule for choosing committee chairs that has slowly been replaced since the 1970s.
125866364BillA proposed law that must be formally introduced by a member of the House or Senate
125866365ClotureThe vote (requiring 60 members present) to end a filibuster.
125866366Omnibus legislationNickname given to miscellaneous, all-inclusive spending bills. Link to: pork barrel; incumbency.
125866367ReciprocityThe tradition in Congress of trading votes; also called "logrolling."
125866368JunketNickname critics give to congressional trips (for business or not) at taxpayers' expense.
125866369GerrymanderingStrategic redistricting performed by the majority party of the state legislature after the census. Gerrymandering seeks to gain a geographic advantage for one party. Link to: safe seat; Shaw v. Reno, 1993.
125866370Shaw v. Reno, 1993U.S. Supreme Court case that banned racial gerrymandering.
125866371US Term Limits, Inc. vs Thornton, 1995U.S. Supreme Court case striking down term limits for incumbents.
125866372Safe seatNickname for a seat of Congress that is well protected by incumbency. Link to: gerrymandering; Miller v. Johnson, 1995; US Term Limits Inc vs. Thornton.
125866373Power of the pursePhrase describing Congress' budget appropriations power, one of the most powerful methods of legislative oversight.
125866374Congressional Budget OfficeCongressional agency responsible for analyzing the president's proposed budget. Link to: OMB; Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act, 197
125866375General Accounting OfficeNon-partisan congressional agency that performs audits of the executive branch thereby helping with legislative oversight. Link to: iron triangle; "power of the purse."
125866376Congressional Research ServiceNon-partisan congressional agency that provides research for members and staff of Congress.

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