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AP HUG CHAPTER 2 AND 3 Flashcards

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234674953Agricultural densityratio of number of farmers to the amount of arable land0
234674954Agricultural revolutionthe time when human beings first domesticated plants and animals and no longer relied entirely on hunting and gathering1
234674955Arithmetic densitytotal number of people divided by total land area2
234674956Censusa regular counting of citizens, their age, ethnicity, etc. living in a country3
234674957Crude Birth Rate (CBR)total number of live births in a year for every 1,000 people alive in the society4
234674958Crude Death Rate (CDR)total number of deaths in a year for every 1,000 people alive in the society5
234674959Demographic transitiona similar process of change in a society's population6
234674960Demographystudy of population characteristics7
234674961Dependency rationumber of people who are too young or too old to work, compared to the number of people in their productive years8
234674962Doubling timenumber of years needed to double the population, assuming a constant rate of natural increase9
234674963Epidemiologic transitionfocuses on distinctive causes of death in each stage of the demographic transition.10
234674964Epidemiologythe branch of medical science concerned with the incidence, distribution, and control of diseases that affect large numbers of people11
234674965Ecumeneportion of Earth's surface occupied by permanent human settlement12
234674966Industrial Revolutionbegan in England in the last 18th century and spread to the European continent and North America during the 19th century; conjunction of major improvements in industrial technology that transformed to the process of manufacturing goods and delivering them to market13
234674967Infant Mortality Rate (IMR)the annual number of deaths of infants under one year of age, compared to total live births14
234674968Life expectancymeasures the average number of years a newborn infant can expect to live at current mortality levels15
234674969Medical Revolutionmedical technology developed in Europe and North America diffused into less developed countries of Africa, Asia, and Latin America; caused late twentieth-century push of countries into stage 216
234674970Natural Increase Rate (NIR)percentage by which a population grows in a year. It is computed by subtracting CBR from CDR, after converting numbers to percentages17
234674971OverpopulationIs a condition where the human population exceeds the carrying capacity of its habitat18
234674972Pandemica disease that occurs over a wide geographic area and affects a very high proportion of the population19
234674973Physiological densitythe number of people supported by a unit of arable land in a region20
234674974Population pyramidshows percentage of population in 5-year age groups, with the youngest group at the base of the pyramid and the oldest group at the top. The length of the bar represents the percentage of the total population in that group. Males are usually on the left and females on the right21
234674975Sex rationumber of males per 100 females in the population22
234674976Total fertility rate (TFR)the average number of children a woman will have throughout her childbearing years (roughly ages 15 through 49)23
234674977Zero population growth (ZPG)CBR declines to the point where it equals the CDR, and the NIR approaches zero; usually happens in stage 4 countrties24
234674978Brain Drainlarge-scale emigration by talented people25
234674979Chain migrationthe migration of people to a specific location because relatives or members of the same locations previously migrated there26
234674980Circulationshort term, repetitive, or cyclical movements that recur on a regular basis, such as daily, monthly, or annually27
234674981Counterurbanizationnet migration from urban to rural areas28
234674982Emigrationthe migration from a location29
234674983Floodplainthe area around a river subject to flooding during a specific number of years, based on historical trends30
234674984Forced migrationmigrants are compelled to move by cultural factors31
234674985Guest workersworkers who migrate to the more developed countries of Northern and Western Europe, usually from Southern and Eastern Europe or from North Africa, in search of higher paying jobs32
234674986Immigrationthe migration to a location33
234674987Internal migrationpermanent movement within the same country34
234674988International migrationpermanent movement from one country to another35
234674989Interregional migrationmovement from one region of a country to another36
234674990Intervening obstacleenvironmental or cultural feature that hinders migration37
234674991Intraregional migrationmovement within one region [of a country]38
234674992Migrationa permanent move to a new location39
234674993Migration transitionconsists of changes in a society comparable to those in the demographic transition40
234674994Mobilitygeneral term covering all types of movements from one place to another41
234674995Net migrationdifference between number of immigrants and the number of emigrants42
234674996Pull factorinduces people to move into a new location43
234674997Push factorinduces people to move out of their present location44
234674998QuotasMaximum limit on the number of people who could immigrate to the United States from each country during a one-year period45
234674999RefugeesPeople who have been forced to migrate from their home and cannot return for fear of persecution because of their race, religion, nationality, membership in a social group, or political opinion46
234675000Undocumented immigrantsImmigrants who enter a country without proper documents47
234675001Voluntary migrationImplies that the migrant has chosen to move for economic improvement48
234704324Population DensityAverage number of people living in an area. Population/Area49
234704325Population DistributionHow much the population is distributed over a certain area.50
234704326Dot MapA map type that uses a dot symbol to show the presence of a feature or phenomenon51
234704327UnderpopulationA drop or decrease in a region's population.52
234704328MegalopolisA cluster of large cities53
234704329Population CompositionThe distribution within a group of people of specified individual attributes such as sex, age, marital status, and education.54
234704330Stationary Population LevelThe Population ceases to grow.55
234704331Population ExplosionThe population is growing rapidly.56
234704332Population ProjectionThe prediction of future populations based on the present age-sex structure, and with the present rates of fertility and mortality.57
234704333EndemicEffects only a certain region.58
234704334Disease DiffusionThe process where a disease spreads from one place to another.59
234704336Population ConsumptionHow much a population consumes.61
234704337SustainabilitySlowing the rise in human population for the benefit of our planet.62
234704338Family PlanningWomen were now educated enough to make decisions of the number of babies they wanted and when they wanted them.63
234704339ContraceptivesBirth control, and preventing babies.64
234704340Thomas MalthusEnglish economist who thought that the population os outrunning the Earth's food supply65
234704341Neo- MalthusiansAnother look at Malthus's theory and realized that the world population is outstripping a wide variety of resources, not just food production.66
234704342Expansive Population PoliciesPolicies to get more people to have kids67
234704343Eugenic Population PoliciesDesigned to favor a racial or cultural sector of a population.68
234704344One Child PolicyIn China, they have a strict policy that you may only have one child.69
234704345Activity SpaceSpace in which daily activities occur.70
234704346Cyclic MovementSeasonal Movement71
234704347Periodic MovementInvolves a longer period of time away from home base72
234704348TranshumanceSeasonal Migration of livestock between mountains and lowland pastures.73
234704349Rural to Urban MigrationTo seek economic advancement and were pushed from declining opportunities in agriculture.74
234704350Step MigrationStep migration is a migration pattern that consists of a series of small, less extreme locational changes.75

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