Ap Human Geography Population
4942163582 | Carrying Capacity | largest number of individuals of a population that a environment can support. Sentence: If the population of the US doubled over, the carrying capacity would be exceeded because there are not enough resources for all those people. | ![]() | 0 |
4942163583 | Cohort | a group people having approximately the same age Example: Teens, Elderly, Infants, etc. | ![]() | 1 |
4942163584 | Demographic Equation | The formula that calculates population change. The formula finds the increase (or decrease) in a population. The formula is found by doing births minus deaths plus (or minus) net migration. This is important because it helps to determine which stage in the demographic transition model a country is in. Births-Deaths+Immigration-Emigration | 2 | |
4942163585 | Demographic Momentum | this is the tendency for growing population to continue growing after a fertility decline because of their young age distribution. This is important because once this happens a country moves to a different stage in the demographic transition model. Example: If there were 3 million babies in the US, 30 years from then there will be about 3 million 30 year olds. | 3 | |
4942163586 | Demographic Regions | Cape Verde is in Stage 2 (High Growth), Chile is in Stage 3 (Moderate Growth), and Denmark is in Stage 4 (Low Growth). This is important because it shows how different parts of the world are in different stages of the demographic transition. Sentence: To find out which stage of the demographic transition model the United States is in, one would study demographic regions of North America. | ![]() | 4 |
4942163587 | Dependency Ratio | The number of people under the age of 15 and over age 64, compares to the number of people active in the labor force. Sentence: If a country has a very high dependency ratio, that country is likely to be unsuccessful. | ![]() | 5 |
4942163588 | Diffusion of Fertility Control | The diffusion of fertility control is spread throughout the world. In the U.S it's below 2.1 in much of Africa it is above 4, if South America is between 2 and 3, in Europe it is below 2.1, in China and Russia it is below 2.1, and in much of the Middle East it is above 4. This is important because its shows how many kids a mother is having thus helping to see where the countries are growing rapidly and where countries are leveling off. Sentence: Diffusion of fertility control will likely decrease some populations. | 6 | |
4942163589 | Disease Diffusion | There are two types, contagious and hierarchical. Hierarchical is along high density areas that spread from urban to rural areas. Contagious is spread through the density of people. This is important in determining how the disease spread so you can predict how it will spread. Ex. Smallpox, malaria, etc. | ![]() | 7 |
4942163590 | Ecumene | The portion of Earth's surface occupied by permanent human settlement. | ![]() | 8 |
4942163591 | Epidemiological Transition Model | This is a distinctive cause of death in each stage of the demographic transition. This is important because it can explain how a countries population changes so dramatically and more. Ex. During the black plague epidemic, the black plague would bve the distinctive cause of death globally. | ![]() | 9 |
4942163592 | Gendered Space | areas or regions designed for men or women. Ex. A small scale example would be an all girls school. | 10 | |
4942163593 | Infant Mortality Rate | the death rate during the first year of life. Infant mortality rate is high in places such as Africa because many of the children die of malaria, AIDS, or hunger. | ![]() | 11 |
4942163594 | J-Curve | A growth curve that depicts exponential growth. | 12 | |
4942163595 | Maladaptation | This is an adaptation that has become less helpful than harmful. This relates to human geography because it has become less and less suitable and more of a problem or hindrance in its own right, as time goes on. Which shows as the world changes so do the things surrounding it. | ![]() | 13 |
4942163596 | Malthus, Thomas | Was one of the first to argue that the worlds rate of population increase was far outrunning the development of food population. This is important because he brought up the point that we may be outrunning our supplies because of our exponentially growing population. | ![]() | 14 |
4942163597 | Mortality | the ratio of deaths in an area to the population of that area. Sentence: Mortality is higher in places with war, disease, etc. | ![]() | 15 |
4942163598 | Natality | the ratio of live births in an area to the population of that area. Sentence: The natality is lower in places with restrictive population policies. | ![]() | 16 |
4942163599 | Neo-Malthusian | Advocacy of population control programs to ensure enough resources for current and future populations. Sentence: Neo-Malthusian ideas were derived from the ideas of Thomas Malthus. | ![]() | 17 |
4942163600 | Overpopulation | The number of a people in an area exceeds the capacity of the environment to support life at a decent standard of living. Sentence: Overpopulation is an issue in China. | ![]() | 18 |
4942163601 | Population Projection | a statement of a population's future size, age, and sex composition based on the application of stated assumptions to current data. Sentence: The population projection is a mere estimate of the future populations. | 19 | |
4942163602 | Rate of Natural Increase | birth rate minus the death rate, suggesting the annual rate of population growth without considering net migration. Fact: DOES NOT INCLUDE EMIGRATION OR IMMIGRATION!!!! | 20 | |
4942163603 | S-Curve | a curve that depicts logistic growth; shape of an "S" | 21 | |
4942163604 | Sex Ratio | The number of males per 100 females in the population. Ex. 8 males/6 Females | ![]() | 22 |
4942163605 | Standard of Living | a level of material comfort in terms of goods and services available to someone. Sentence: The United States has a higher standard of living than most African countries. | ![]() | 23 |
4942163606 | Sustainability | the ability to meet humanities current needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs Sentence: If the poulation is to keep sustainability, natural resource useage should be lowered. | 24 | |
4942163607 | Underpopulation | Measure that is difficult to pinpoint; occurs when a population size is below its carrying capacity and cannot sustain economic development it has reached. Sentence: Many problems come with underpopulation; One of these is that there are not enough people for the dependent age groups to depend on for work force. | ![]() | 25 |
4942163608 | Zero Population Growth | A decline of the total fertility rate to the point where the natural increase rate equals zero. Ex: If too many restrictive population policies are made, this could happen. | 26 | |
4942163609 | Population Density | A measurement of the number of people per given unit of land. Sentence: The population density is extreeeemely high in China. | ![]() | 27 |
4942163610 | Arithmetic Population Density | the population of a country or region expressed as an average per unit area. The figure is derived by dividing the population of the areal unit by the number of square kilometers or miles that make up the unit. | 28 | |
4942163611 | Physiological Population Density | The number of people per unit of arable land. Sentence: Physiological Population Density is lower than other population density because it is farmlands, which don't have large, busy megalopolis' or urban areas. | ![]() | 29 |
4942163612 | Population Distribution | Variation of population density over a particular geographic area. For example, a country has a high population density in its urban areas and a much lower population density in rural areas. | ![]() | 30 |
4942163613 | Dot Map | Maps where one dot represents a certain number of a phenomenon, such as a population. | ![]() | 31 |
4942163614 | Megalopolis | a very large urban complex (usually involving several cities and towns) | ![]() | 32 |
4942163615 | Census | a periodic and official count of a country's population. Sentence: The US Census comes out every year with many questions to find percentages in that country. | ![]() | 33 |
4942163616 | Doubling Time | The number of years needed to double a population, assuming a constant rate of natural increase. Sentence: It takes many many years for the doubling time to be reached. | 34 | |
4942163617 | Population Explosion | the rapid growth of the world's human population during the past century, attended by ever-shorter doubling times and accelerating rates of increase. Ex. Baby Boom! | ![]() | 35 |
4942163618 | Crude Birth Rate | The number of live births per year per 1,000 people. | ![]() | 36 |
4942163619 | Crude Death Rate | The number of deaths per year per 1,000 people. | ![]() | 37 |
4942163620 | Demographic Transition Model | Has 4 steps. Stage 1 is low growth (low stationary), Stage 2 is High Growth (early expanding), Stage 3 is Moderate Growth (late expanding), and Stage 4 is Low Growth (low stationary), and Stage 5 although not officially a stage is a possible stage that includes zero or negative population growth. This is important because this is the way our country and others countries around the world are transformed from a less developed country to a more developed country. | 38 | |
4942163621 | Stationary Population Level | the level at which a national population ceases to grow. | 39 | |
4942163622 | Population Compostion | a population's makeup in terms of age,sex and other properties such as martial status and education Ex. If the population has 3 girls and 4 boys, that is part of the population compostion. | 40 | |
4942163623 | Population Pyramid | A model used in population geography to show the age and sex distribution of a particular population. | ![]() | 41 |
4942163624 | Child Mortality Rate | A figure that describes the number of children that die between the first and fifth years of their lives in a given population | 42 | |
4942163625 | Life Expectancy | The average number of years an individual can be expected to live, given current social, economic, and medical conditions. Life expectancy at birth is the average number of years a newborn infant can expect to live. Sentence: The life expectancy is higher in more developed countries than periphery countries. | 43 | |
4942163626 | AIDS | a serious (often fatal) disease of the immune system transmitted through blood products especially by sexual contact or contaminated needles, "acquired immunodeficiency syndrome" | ![]() | 44 |
4942163627 | Chronic Diseases | Generally long-lasting afflictions now more common because of higher life expectancies. | ![]() | 45 |
4942163628 | Expansive Population Policies | Government policies that encourage large families and raise the rate of population growth. Sentence: Countries with underpopulation might use expansive population policies. | 46 | |
4942163629 | Eugenic Population Policies | Government policies designed to favor one racial sector over others. Ex. China | 47 | |
4942163630 | Restrictive Population Policies | Government policies designed to reduce the rate of natural increase. Example: Countries that pass laws that force the population to use contraceptives. | 48 | |
4942163631 | Age Distribution | A model used in population geography that describes the ages and number of males and females within a given population; also called a population pyramid. | ![]() | 49 |