Vocabulary in AP Human Geography Chapter 10.
264512314 | Agribusiness | The system of commercial farming found in the United States and other relatively developed countries found in the United States and other relatively developed countries | |
264512315 | Agriculture | Deliberate modification of earth's surface through cultivation of plants and rearing of animals to obtain sustenance or economic gain. | |
264512316 | Cereal grain | Oats, wheat, rye, barley. | |
264512317 | Chaff | To separate husks. | |
264512318 | Combine | Machines performing in one operation the three tasks of reaping, threshing, and cleaning. | |
264512319 | Commercial agriculture | The production of food primarily for sale off the farm. | |
264512320 | Crop | Any plant cultivated by people. | |
264512321 | Crop rotation | The practice of rotating use of different fields from crop to crop each year to avoid exhausting the soil. | |
264512322 | Desertification | A process where human actions are causing land to deteriorate to a desert-like condition. | |
264512323 | Double cropping | Obtaining two harvests per year from one field. | |
264512324 | Grain | Seed from various grasses, like wheat, corn, oats, barley, rice, millet, and others. | |
264512325 | Green Revolution | Invention and rapid diffusion of more productive agricultural techniques during the 1970s and 1980s. | |
264512326 | Horticulture | Growing of fruits, vegetables, and flowers. | |
264512327 | Hull | Outer covering. | |
264512328 | Intensive subsistence agriculture | Intensive work done to subsist on a parcel of land. | |
264512329 | Milkshed | The ring surrounding a city from which milk can be supplied without spoiling. | |
264512330 | Paddy | The flooded field. (In North America and Europe) | |
264512331 | Pastoral nomadism | Form of subsistence agriculture based on the herding of domesticated animals. | |
264512332 | Pasture | Grass or other plants grown for feeding grazing animals. | |
264512333 | Plantation | A large farm that specializes in one or two crops. | |
264512334 | Prime agricultural land | The most productive farmland. | |
264512335 | Ranching | Commercial grazing of livestock over an extensive area. | |
264512336 | Reaper | A machine that cuts grain standing in the field. | |
264512337 | Ridge tillage | A system of planting crops on ridge tops. | |
264512338 | Sawah | The flooded field. | |
264512339 | Seed agriculture | The reproduction of plants through annual planting of seeds that result from sexual fertilization. | |
264512340 | Shifting cultivation | Farmers clear land for planting by slashing vegetation and burning the debris. Farmers grow crops on a cleared filed for only a few years until nutrients are depleted and then leave it fallow for many years so the soil can recover. | |
264512341 | Slash-and-burn agriculture | Farmers clear land for planting by slashing vegetation and burning the debris. | |
264512342 | Spring wheat | Dakotas, Montana, southern Saskatchewan. ( 2nd most grain producing region in important in America) | |
264512343 | Subsistence agriculture | The production of food primarily for consumption by the farmer's family. | |
264512344 | Sustainable agriculture | An agricultural practice that preserves and enhances environmental quality. | |
264512345 | Swidden | The cleared area. | |
264512346 | Thresh | The beating of heads on the ground or treading on them barefoot. | |
264512347 | Transhumance | Seasonal migration of livestock between mountains and lowland pasture areas. | |
264512348 | Truck farming | Highly efficient large-scale operations that take full advantage of machines at every stage of the growing process. | |
264512349 | Vegetative planting | The reproduction of plants by direct cloning from existing plants. | |
264512350 | Wet rice | The practice of planting rice on dry land in a nursery and then moving the seedlings to a flooded field to promote growth. | |
264512351 | Winnow | Allowing lighter chaff to be blown away. | |
264512352 | Winter Wheat | Kansas, Colorado, Oklahoma. The crop is planted in the autumn and develops a strong root system before growth stops for the winter. |