Chapter 5: Geography,Economic Geography Vocabulary of AP Human Geography Barron's Book, 2012 4th Edition
1467680422 | Agglomeration | Grouping together of many firms from the same industry in a single area for collective or cooperative use of infrastructure and sharing of labor resources. | 0 | |
1467680423 | Ancillary Activities | Economic activities that surround and support large scale industries such as shipping and food service. | 1 | |
1467680424 | Anthropocentric | Human-centered, in sustainable development, anthropocentric refers to ideas that focus solely on the needs of people without considering the creatures with whom we share the planet or the ecosystems upon which we depend. | 2 | |
1467680425 | Backwash Effect | The negative effects on one region that result from economic growth within another region. | 3 | |
1467680426 | Break-Bulk Point | A location where large shipments of goods are broken up into smaller containers for delivery to local markets. | 4 | |
1467680427 | Brick-and-Mortar Business | Traditional businesses with actual stores in which trade or retail occurs, it does not exist solely on the internet. | 5 | |
1467680428 | Bulk Gaining Industries | Industries whose products weigh more after assembly than they did previously in their constituent parts. Such industries tend to have production facilities close to their markets. | 6 | |
1467680429 | Bulk Reducing Industries | Industries whose final products weigh less than their constituent parts, and whose processing facilities tend to be close to sources of raw materials. | 7 | |
1467680430 | Conglomerate Corporation | A firm that is comprised of many smaller firms that serve several different functions. | 8 | |
1467680431 | Core | Nation or global regions where economic power, in terms of wealth, innovation, and advanced technology, is concentrated. | 9 | |
1467680432 | Core- Periphery Model | A model of the spatial structure of development in which underdeveloped countries are defined by their dependence on a developed core region. | 10 | |
1467680433 | Cottage Industry | An industry in which the production of goods and services is based in homes, as opposed to factories. | 11 | |
1467680434 | Deglomeration | The dispersal of an industry that formerly existed in an established agglomeration. | 12 | |
1467680435 | Deindustralization | Loss of industrial activity in a region. | 13 | |
1467680436 | Development | The process of economic growth, expansion, or realization of regional source development. | 14 | |
1467680437 | E- Commerce | Web based economic activities. | 15 | |
1467680438 | Economic Backwaters | Regions that fail to gain from national economic development. | 16 | |
1467680439 | Ecotourism | A form of tourism, based on the enjoyment of scenic areas or natural wonders, that aims to provide an experience of nature or culture in an environmentally sustainable way. | 17 | |
1467680440 | Export Processing Zone | Areas where government create favorable investments ad trading conditions to attract export-orientated industries. | 18 | |
1467680441 | Fast World | Areas of the world, usually the economic core, that experience greater levels of connection due to high-speed telecommunications and transportation technologies. | 19 | |
1467680442 | Footloose Firms | Manufacturing activities in which cost of transporting both raw materials and finished product is not important for determining the location of the firm. | 20 | |
1467680443 | Fordism | System of standardized mass production attributed to Henry Ford. | 21 | |
1467680444 | Foreign Investment | Overseas business investments made by private companies. | 22 | |
1467680445 | Gender Equity | A measure of the opportunities given to woman compared to men within a given country. | 23 | |
1467680446 | Globalization | The idea that the world is becoming increasingly interconnected on a global scale such that smaller scales of political and economic life are becoming obsolete. | 24 | |
1467680447 | Gross Domestic Product | The total value of goods and services produced within the borders of a country during a specific time period, usually one year. | 25 | |
1467680448 | Gross National Product | The total value of goods ad services, including income received from abroad, produced by the residents of a country within a specific time period, usually one year. | 26 | |
1467680449 | Human Development Index | Measure used by the United Nations that calculates development not in terms of money or productivity but in terms of human welfare. The HDI evaluates human welfare | 27 | |
1467680450 | Industrial Revolution | The rapid economic and social changes in manufacturing hat resulted after the introduction of the factory system to the textile industry in England at the end of the 18th century. | 28 | |
1467680451 | Industrialization | Process of industrial development in which countries evolve economically, from producing basic, primary goods to using modern factories for mass producing goods. At the highest levels of development, national economics are geared mainly toward the delivery of services and exchange of information. | 29 | |
1467680452 | Industralized Countries | Those countries including Britain, France, the United States, Russia, Germany, and Japan, that were all at the forefront of industrial production and innovation through the middle of the 20 th century. While industry is currently shifting to other countries to take advantage of cheaper labor and more relaxed environment standards, these countries still account for a large portion of the world's total industrial output. | 30 | |
1467680453 | Least Cost Theory | A concept developed by Alfred Weber to describe the optimal location of a manufacturing establishment in relation to the costs of transport and labor, and the relative advantages of agglomeration and deglomeration. | 31 | |
1467680454 | Least Developed Countries | These countries including Africa, except for South Africa, and parts of South America and Asia, that usually have low levels of economic productivity, low per capita incomes, and generally low standards of living. | 32 | |
1467680455 | Manufacturing Region | A region in which manufacturing activities have clustered together The major U.S industrial region has historically been in the Great Lakes, which includes the states of Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, New York, and Pennsylvania. Industrial regions also exist in southeastern Brazil, central England, around Tokyo, Japan, and elsewhere. | 33 | |
1467680456 | Maquiladoras | Those U.S firms that have factories just outside the United States/Mexican border in areas that have been specially designated by the Mexican government. In such areas, factories cheaply assemble goods for export back into the United States. | 34 | |
1467680457 | Net National Product | A measure of all goods and services produced by a country in a year, including production from its investments abroad, minus the loss or degradation of natural resource capital as a result of productivity. | 35 | |
1467680458 | Nonrenewable Resources | Natural resources, such as fossil fuels, that do not replenish themselves in a time frame that is relevant for human consumption. | 36 | |
1467680459 | Offshore Financial Center | Areas that have been specially designed to promote business transactions, and thus have become centers for banking and finance. | 37 | |
1467680460 | Outsourcing | Sending industrial processes out for external production. The term outsourcing increasingly applies not only to traditional industrial functions, but also to the contracting of service industry functions to companies to overseas locations, where operating costs remain relatively low. | 38 | |
1467680461 | Periphery | Countries that usually have low levels of economic productivity, low per capita incomes, and generally low standards of living. The world economic periphery includes Africa (except for South Africa), parts of South America, and Asia. | 39 | |
1467680462 | Primary Economic Activities | Economic activities in which natural resources are made available for use or further processing, including mining, agriculture, forestry, and fishing. | 40 | |
1467680463 | Productivity | A measure of the goods and services produced within a particular country. | 41 | |
1467680464 | Purchasing Power Parity | A monetary measurement of development that takes into account what money buys in different countries. | 42 | |
1467680465 | Quaternary Economic Activities | Economic activities concerned with research, information gathering, and administration. | 43 | |
1467680466 | Quinary Economic Activities | The most advanced form of Quaternary activities consisting of high-level decision making for large corporations or high-level scientific research. | 44 | |
1467680467 | Regionalization | The process by which specific region acquire characteristics that differentiate them from others within the same country. In economic geography, Regionalization involves the development of dominant economic activities in particular activities. | 45 | |
1467680468 | Renewable Sources | Any natural resource that can replenish itself in a relatively short period of time, usually no longer than the length of a human life. | 46 | |
1467680469 | Rostow's Stages of Development | A model of economic development that describes a country's progression which occurs in five stages transforming them from least-developed to most-developed countries. | 47 | |
1467680470 | Rust Belt | The manufacturing region in the United States that is currently debilitated because many manufacturing firms have relocated to countries offering cheaper labor and relaxed environmental regulations. | 48 | |
1467680471 | Secondary Economic Activities | Economic activities concerned with the processing of raw materials such as manufacturing, construction, and power generation. | 49 | |
1467680472 | Semiperiphery | Those newly industrialized countries with median standards of living, such as Chile, Brazil, India, China, and Indonesia. Semiperipheral countries offer their citizens relatively diverse economic opportunities but also have extreme gaps between rich and poor. | 50 | |
1467680473 | Service-based Economics | Highly developed economies that focus on research and development, marketing, tourism, sales, and telecommunication. | 51 | |
1467680474 | Slow World | The developing world that does not experience the benefits of high-speed telecommunications and transportation technology. | 52 | |
1467680475 | Spatially Fixed Costs | An input cost in manufacturing that remains constant wherever production is located. | 53 | |
1467680476 | Spatially Variable Costs | An input cost in manufacturing that changes significantly from place to place in its total amount and in its relative share of total costs. | 54 | |
1467680477 | Specialty Goods | Goods that are not mass produced but rather assembled individually or in small quantities. | 55 | |
1467680478 | Sustainable Development | Th idea that people living today should be able to meet their needs without prohibiting the ability of future generations to do the same. | 56 | |
1467680479 | Tertiary Economic Activities | Activities that provide the market exchange of goods and that bring together consumers and providers of services such as retail, transportation, government, personal, and professional services. | 57 | |
1467680480 | Transnational Corporation | A firm that conducts business in at least two separate countries; also known as multinational corporations. | 58 | |
1467680481 | World Cities | A group of cities that form an interconnected, internationally, dominant system of global control of finance and commerce. | 59 | |
1467680482 | World Systems Theory | Theory developed by Immanuel Wallerstein that explains the emergence of a core, periphery, and semi periphery in terms of economic and political connections first established at the beginning of exploration in the late 15th century and maintained through increased economic access up until the present. | 60 |