AP Human Geography Barron's book vocabulary for Chapter 1: What Is Human Geography?
1500382584 | Cartography | Theory and practice of making visual representations of the earth's surface in the form of maps. | 1 | |
1500382585 | Ptolemy | Roman geographer-astronomer and author of Guide to Geography which included maps containing a grid system of latitude and longitude. | 2 | |
1500382586 | Eratosthenes | The head librarian at Alexandria during the third century B.C.; he was one of the first cartographers. Performed a remarkably accurate computation of the earth's circumference by measuring the sun's angle at the summer solstice and the distance between the two Egyptian cities of Alexandria and Syene. He is also credited with coining the term "geography." | 3 | |
1500382587 | George Perkins Marsh | Inventor, diplomat, politician, and scholar; his classic work, Man and Nature, or Physical Geography as Modified by Human Action, provided the first description to the extent to which natural systems had been impacted by human actions. | 4 | |
1500382588 | Fertile Crescent | Name given to crescent-shaped area of fertile land stretching from the lower Nile valley, along the east Mediterranean coast, and into Syria and present-day Iraq where agriculture and early civilization first began about 8000 B.C.; one of the first areas of sedentary agriculture and urban society. | 5 | |
1500382589 | Carl Sauer | Geographer who defined the concept of cultural landscape as the fundamental unit of geographical analysis; argued that virtually no landscape has escaped alteration by human activities. | 6 | |
1500382590 | Cultural landscape | The human-modified natural landscape specifically containing the imprint of a particular culture or society. | 7 | |
1500382591 | Natural landscape | The physical landscape or environment that has not been affected by human activities. | 8 | |
1500382592 | Environmental geography | The intersection between human and physical geography, which explores the spatial impacts humans have on the physical environment and vice versa. | 9 | |
1500382593 | Cultural ecology | The study of the interactions between societies and the natural environments they live in. | 10 | |
1500382594 | Quantitative revolution | A period in human geography associated with the widespread adoption of mathematical models, statistical techniques, empirical measurements, the use of hypothesis testing, and the use of computer programs to explain geographic patterns. | 11 | |
1500382595 | Remote sensing | Observation and mathematical measurement of the earth's surface using aircraft and satellites; the sensors include photographic images, thermal images, multispectral scanners, and radar images. | 12 | |
1500382596 | Global Positioning System (GPS) | A set of satellites used to help determine location anywhere on the earth's surface with a portable electronic device. | 13 | |
1500382597 | Geographical Information Systems (GIS) | A set of computer tools used to capture, transform, analyze, and display geographic data. | 14 | |
1500382598 | Thematic layers | Individual maps of specific features that are overlaid on one-another in a Geographical Information System to understand and analyze a spatial relationship. | 15 | |
1500382599 | Physical geography | The realm of geography that studies the structures, processes, distributions, and change through time of the natural phenomena of the earth's surface. | 16 | |
1500382600 | Earth system science | Systematic approach to physical geography that looks at the interaction between the earth's physical systems and processes on a global scale. | 17 | |
1500382601 | Systematic geography | The study of the earth's integrated systems as a whole, instead of focusing on particular phenomena in a single place. | 18 | |
1500382602 | Anthropogenic | Human-induced changes on the natural environment. | 19 | |
1500382603 | Sustainability | The concept of using the earth's resources in such a way that they provide for people's needs in the present without diminishing the earth's ability to provide for future generations. | 20 | |
1500382604 | W.D. Pattison | Claimed that geography drew from four distinct traditions: the earth-science tradition (physical geography), the culture-environment tradition (environmental geography), the locational tradition (analysis of spatial data through cartography), and the area-analysis tradition (regional geography). | 21 | |
1500382605 | Spatial perspective | An intellectual framework that looks at the particular location of specific phenomena, how and why that phenomena is where it is, and how it is spatially related to phenomena in other places. | 22 | |
1500382606 | Region | A territory that encompasses many places that share similar attributes (may be physical, cultural, or both) in comparison with the attributes of places everywhere. | 23 | |
1500382607 | Regional geography | The study of geographic regions. | 24 | |
1500382608 | Sense of place | Feelings evoked by people as a result of certain experiences and memories associated with a particular place; an attachment to "home." | 25 | |
1500382609 | Qualitative data | Data associated with a more humanistic approach to geography, often collected through interviews, empirical observations, or the interpretation of texts, artwork, old maps, and other archives; often associated with cultural or regional geography. | 26 | |
1500382610 | Quantitative data | Data associated with mathematical models and statistical techniques used to analyze spatial location and association; often associated with economic, political, and population geography. | 27 | |
1500382611 | Idiographic | Pertaining to the unique facts or characteristics of a particular place. | 28 | |
1500382612 | Nomothetic | Concepts or rules that can be applied universally. | 29 |