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AP Human Geography Chapter 7 Vocab: Religion Flashcards


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1074935467religion"a system of beliefs and practices that attempts to order life in terms of culturally perceived ultimate priorities."
1074935468secularismthe idea that ethical and moral standards should be formulated and adhered to for life on Earth, not to accommodate the prescriptions of a deity and promises of a comfortable afterlife, opposite of theocracy
1074935469monotheistic religionworship a single deity, a God or Allah
1074935470polytheistic religionworship more than one deity, even thousands
1074935471universalizing religiona belief system that espouses the idea that there is one true religion that universal in scope. represents universal truths and some cases, great effort is under taken in evanelisn and missionary work
1074935472ethnic religionadherents are born into the faith and converts are not actively sought
1074935473Hinduismone of the oldest religions in the modern world, dating back to over 4000 years, and originating in the Indus River Valley of what is today part of Pakistan. It is unique among the world's religions in that does not have a single founder, a single theology, or agreement on its origins
1074935474caste systemlocks people into particular social classes and imposes many restrictions, especially in the lowest of the castes, the untouchables socal segergation in Idian's Hindu society
1074935475Buddhismreligion founded in the sixth century BCE and characterized by the belief that enlightenment would some through knowedge, especially self-knowledge; elimination of greed, craving, and desire; it splintered from Hinduism as a reaction to the strict social hierarchy maintained by Hinduism
1074935476Shintoismreligion located in Japan and related to Buddhism; it focuses particularly on nature and ancestor worship
1074935477Taoismreligion believed to have been founded by Lao-Tsu and based upon his book entitled "Tao-te-ching" or "Book of the Way" Lao-Tsu focused on the proper form of political rule and on the oneness of humanity and nature
1074935478Feng Shuiliterally "wind-water" The chinese art and science of placement and orientation of tombs, dwellings, buildings, and cities; structures and objects are positioned in an effort to channel flows of shen-chi("life-breath") in favorable ways
1074935479Confucianisma philosophy of ethics, education, and public service based on the writings of Confucius and traditionally thought of as one of the core elements of Chinese culture
1074935480Judaismreligion with its roots in the teachings of Abraham (from Ur), who is credited with uniting his people to worship only one god; according to its teaching, Abraham and God have a covenant in which the followers agree to worship only on God, and God agrees to protect his chosen people, the followers of this religion
1074935481diasporafrom the Greek "to disperse," a term describing forceful or coluntary dispersal of a people from their homeland to a new place; originally denoting the dispersal of Jews, it is increasingly applied to other population dispersals, such as the involuntary relocation of Black peoples during the slave trade or Chinese peoples outside of Mainland China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong
1074935482Zionismthe movement to unite the Jewish people of the diaspora and to establish a national homeland for them in the promised land
1074935483Christianityreligion based on the teachings of Jesus; according to this teaching, Jesus in the son of God, placed on Earth to teach people how to live according to God's plan
1074935484Eastern Orthodox Churchone of three major branches of Christianity, arose out of the division of the Roman Empire by Emperor Diocletian into four governmental regions; two western regions centered in Rome, and two eastern regions centered in Constantiople (now Istanbul, Turkey) In 1054 CE, Christianity was divided along that same line when the church, centered in Constantinople; and the Roman Catholic Church, centered in Rome, split
1074935485Roman Catholic Churchone of three major branches of Christianity, arose out of the division of the Roman Empire by Emperor Diocletian into four governmental regions; two western regions centered in Rome, and two eastern regions centered in Constantiople (now Istanbul, Turkey) In 1054 CE, Christianity was divided along that same line when the Eastern Orthodox Church, centered in Constantinople; and the Roman Catholic Church, centered in Rome split
1074935486Protestantone of the three major branches of Chrisianity following the widespread societal changes in Europe starting in the 1300s CE, may adherents to the Roman Catholic Church began to question the role of religion in their lives and opened the door to the Protestant Reformation wherein John Huss, Martin Luther, John Calvin, and others challenged many of the fundamental teachings of the Roman Catholic Church
1074935487Islamthe youngest of the major world religions, it is based on the teachings of Muhammad, corn in Mecca in 571 CE; according to this teaching, Muhammad received the truth directly from Allah in a series of revelations during which Muhammad spoke the verses of Qu'ran (Koran), the holy book
1074935488Sunnisadherents to the largest branch of Islam, called the orthodox or traditionalist; they believe in the effectiveness of family and community in the solution of life's problems, and they differ from the Shi'ites in accepting the traditions (sunna) of Muhammad as authoritative
1074935489Shi'itean adherent of one of the two main divisions of Islam; also known as Shiahs, they represent the Persian (Iranian) variation of Islam and believe in the infallibility and divine right to authority of Imams, descendants of Ali
1074935490Shamanismcommunity faith in traditional societies in which people follow their shaman-a religious leader, teacher, healer, and visionary; at times, an especially strong shaman might attract a regional following; however, most shamans remain local figures
1074935491pilgrimagevoluntary travel by an adherent to a sacred site to pay respects or participate in a ritual at the site
1074935492sacred sitesplaces or spaces people infuse with religious meaning
1074935493minaretstowers attached to a Muslim mosque, having one or more projecting balconies from which a crier calls Muslims to prayer
1074935494hajjthe muslim pilgrimage to Mecca, the birthplace of Muhammad
1074935495interfaith boundariesboundaries between the world's major faiths
1074935496intrafaith boundariesboundaries within a single major faith
1074935497activity spacethe space within which daily activity occurs
1074935498religious fundamentalismreligious movement whose obectives are to return to the foundations of the faith and to influence state policy
1074935499religious extremismreligious fundamentalism carried to the point of violence
1074935500jihada doctrine within Islam; commonly translated as "Holy War,"; it represents either a personal or collective struggle on the part of Muslims to live up to the religious standards set by the Qu'ran
1074935501animistic religionscentered on the belief that inanimate objects, such as mountains, boulders, rivers, and trees, possess spirits and should therefore be revered (worshiped)
1074935502indigenous religionbelief systems and philosophies practiced and traditionally passed from generation to generation among peoples within an indigenous tribe or group.
1074935503ethnic cleansingsystematic killing or extermination of an entier people or nation

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