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AP Human Geography Final (1st Semester) Flashcards

This set is the vocabulary from the sheet entitled, "1st Semester's Sexy Geography Study Suggestions" (Catch Up Units 1 and 2 and Units 1, 2, and 3)

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114912834environmental determinisma country's environment determines its success0
114912835possibilismany country can overcome its environmental disadvantages1
114912836ethnocentrismthe belief that your people/ethnic group are better2
114912837superpowera country that is culturally, economically, and militarily dominant3
114912838scalethe ratio between the size of something and a representation of it4
114912839mercator projectionA method of making maps in which the Earth's surface is shown as a rectangle; exaggerates the size of areas5
114912840robinson projectionmap projection of a world map with no direction6
114912841azimuthal projectiona map projection of polar areas7
114912842equal area projectionan interrupted, equal-area, composite map projection used for world maps8
114912843aggregationthe level at which information is revealed on a map9
114912844cartogrammaps that swell and shrink depending on big or small numbers for that country/region10
114912845chloropleth mapa map that shows data with colors11
114912846isoline mapA map containing continuous lines joining all points of identical value12
114912847imperialismwhen a group comes in and crushes another group, steals their women and gold and children and forces them into an unfair trade relationship13
114912848mercantilismcreating a favorable balance of trade WITH FORCE14
114912849inflationa general and progressive increase in prices15
114912850Berlin Conferencethe peaceful splitting of Africa to colonies of Portugal, Belgium, Britain and Germany16
114912851mono-economyan economy with only 1 product being sold17
114912852capitalmoney for investment into business18
114912853primate citycities more than twice the size of the next largest city19
114912854infrastructureServices and facilities including roads, water, sewer, emergency services, parks,20
114912855forward capitala new capital that was created for a historical or economical reason21
114912856brain drainthe large-scale emigration of individuals with technical skills or knowledge normally due to conflict, lack of opportunity, political instability, or health risks22
114912857demilitarized zone (DMZ)a zone from which military forces or operations or installations are prohibited23
114912858Cold WarNATO vs Warsaw Pact or "First World" vs "Second World"24
114912859Korean WarNorth Korea vs South Korea (UN involved)25
114912860Vietnam WarNorth Vietnam vs South Vietnam (UN not involved)26
114912861mutually assured destructionthe knowledge that if one side shoots a deadly weapon, the other side will immediately do the same, and both sides will die27
114912862nuclear clubthe nations possessing nuclear weapons (China, France, Russia, UK, USA)28
114912863nuclear non-proliferation treatyagreement of 189 states to not spread nuclear weapons across the globe, disarm nuclear weapons that currently exist, and help member states with out nuclear weapons develop nuclear energy29
114912864treatya written agreement between two states or sovereigns30
114912865devolutionthe process of allowing a certain part of a country to have freedoms31
114912866balkanizationthe act of dividing a region or state into smaller regions or states and the two parts often very hostile or uncooperative towards each other32
114912867velvet divorcethe splitting of Czechoslavokia into the Czech Republic and Slovakia33
114912868ethnic cleansingmassive killing of an ethnic group in the hope of having them leave an area34
114912869genocidemassive killing of an ethnic group in the hope of having them completely obliterated35
114912870spatial perspectiveto observe the physical and human characteristics of our planet as they vary over space, looking specifically for patterns and processes36
114912871remote sensinggaining information about an object without coming in direct contact with it37
114912872surveya method of collecting information from people about their characteristics, behaviors, attitudes, or perceptions. ...38
114912873censusthe procedure of systematically acquiring and recording information about the members of a given population39
114912874field studya trip (*cough vacation *cough) to a place to make qualitative observations40
114912875toponomythe study of the origins of place names41
114912876absolute locationa location in latitude and longitude42
114912877relative locationa location of a place determined by what's closest around you43
114912878sitedescribing a place based on its resources and land44
114912879situationdescribing a place based on its location to other places45
114912880cultural landscapecombination of environmental and human influences on the environment46
114912881formal regionan area within which everyone shares in common one or more distinctive characteristics47
114912882functional regionan area that is a person's daily commute48
114912883vernacular regionan area that is a person's mental map49
114912884globalizationwhen ideas, values, beliefs, and cultural traits are becoming increasingly shared throughout the world as interconnectedness increases50
114912885local diversitywhen there are differences that are maintainted around the world between places/cultural groups no matter how much globalization spreads51
114912887cultural hearththe origin of a particular cultural trait52
114912888acculturationwhen a dominant group moves into a weaker culture and forces the culture onto the weaker group abruptly53
114912889assimilationwhen a weaker group moves into a dominant culture by choice and adopts the traits of the dominant group gradually54
114912890sequence occupancyseveral different cultural groups have occupied that territory so you will see different layers in modern culture55
114912891expansion diffusionthe spread of an innovation or an idea through a population in an area56
114912892hierarchal diffusionspread of an idea through an established structure usually from people or areas of power down to other people or areas57
114912893contagious diffusionspread of an idea/trait/concept through a group of peole or an area equally without regard to social class, economic position, or position of power58
114912894stimulus diffusionthe spread of an underlying principle even though the new groups "remix" your idea59
114912895relocation diffusionpeople move and they take their culture with them60
114912896migrant diffusionan idea migrates outwards, but overtime fades out at the origin61
114912897time-distance decay modelmodel that shows the farther away two places are, the less likely they are to have diffusion62
114942045correlationa measurement of how related two variables under study are related63
114942046crude birth ratethe childbirths per 1,000 people per year64
114942047crude death ratethe deaths per 1,000 people per year65
114942048natural rate of increasethe CBR minus the CDR66
114942049population growth ratethe CBR minus the CDR plus the immigrants minus the emmigrants67
114942050total fertility ratethe average number of childbirths a woman has from the age of 15 to 4968
114942051doubling ratethe length of time required for a population to double in size69
114942052dependency ratioa measure of the dependence that non-working people have on working people70
114942053life expectancythe number of years expcected to live for bablies born this year71
114942054infant mortality ratethe number of babies who die becore their first birthday out of 1000 live births72
114942055demographic transition modela model that explains the changing population (High stationary, Early expanding, Late expanding, Late stationary)73
114942056population pyramida graphical illustration that shows the distribution of various age groups in a human population which normally forms the shape of a pyramid74
114942057population changehow a population changes religiously, ethnicly, etc75
114942058overpopulationtoo many people with too little resources76
114942059sustainabilitythe capacity to endure77
114942060Thomas Malthussaid food grows linearly, population grows exponentially, and Britain was a closed system78
114942061Ester Boserupsaid population density creates more agricultural output and humans will figure out ways of producing more food on the same amount of land rather than starve to death79
114942062carrying capacitythe maximum population size of a given species that an area can sustain without reducing its ability to support the same species in the future80
114942063push factora social, political, economic, or environmental force that drives people from a location81
114942064pull factora social, political, economic, or environmental attraction to a new area that draws people from a previous location82
114942065gravity modelpopulation1 X population 2/density squared83
114994986culturethe way a group of people live84
114994987popular culturea large group of people; heterogeneous group, changes quickly, dispersed at a global scale; tends to share customs with a large number of people85
114994988folk culturesmall, isolated groups; homogenous groups; slow to change; clustered at a local scale; traditional societies with little interaction with other groups86
114994989taboostrong social prohibition relating to any area of human activity or social custom that is sacred and forbidden based on religious beliefs87
114994991wattlea mat of woven sticks and weed used in wall construction89
114994992literary traditionhelp cultural continuity by having a written word90
114994993Indo-European Familymade of of Germanic, Romance, Balto-Slavic, and Indo-Iranian branches mainly91
114994994Sino-Tibetan FamilyMandarin the most spoken language in this family92
114994995Afro-Asiatic Familylanguage family from North Africa and the Middle East; Arabic is the most spoken language from this family93
114994996standard languagethe dialect that is seen as proper in a language94
114994997vulgar languagevariants of the standard language that have regional accents that can reveal a person's home95
114994998languagesystematic means of communicating by the use of sounds or conventional symbols96
114994999British Received Pronounciation (BRP)the accent of Standard English in England97
114995000isoglosstransition zone surrounding a particular linguistic feature98
114995001language divergencewhen two dialects become mutually unintelligible, two separate languages emerge (involves time and isolation)99
114995002Basquebelongs to the language family of Basque100
114995003Khoisanbelongs to the language family of Khoisan101
114995004Conquest (Kurgan Hearth) Theorypositive checks; language spread west as people conqured territory using superior technology and animals102
114995005Agriculture (Anatolian Hearth) Theorypeople sharing agriculture techniques diffused the language through Europe103
114995006lingua francacommon language used when conducting business with two people who's primary language is not the same104
114995007pidginsimple way of getting understood by someone who doesn't speak your language105
114995008creolizationprocess of a pidgin becoming real106
114995009Afrikaansan official creole of the Republic of South Africa; closely related to Dutch and Flemish107
114995010Francophonethe French speaking part of the world108
114995011corethe wealthiest countries in the world belong to this category109
114995012semi-peripherythe countries that are not poor but not wealthy belong to this category110
114995013peripherythe poorest countries in the world belong to this category111
114995014primary jobs (extractive jobs)most basic jobs (hunting/gathering, nomadic herding, mining, fishing, forestrym, agriculture)112
114995015secondary jobsconstruction, shipbuilding, automobile production, textile production, breweries and bottlers, energy producers113
114995016service jobs (tertiary jobs)waiting tables, plumbers, teachers114
114995017quinary jobsmost complex jobs; have something before or after name115
114995018quaternary jobsfinance, insurance, real estate116
114995019remittancesa transfer of money by a foreign worker to his or her home country117
114995020wet foot dry foot policyIf Cubans fleeing to the United States are found in the water, they are sent back to Cuba; if they are found on land, they are allowed to stay here118
114995021arithmetic densitythe density of all the land in a place119
114995022physiologic densitythe density of only the arable land in a place120
115025925syncretic religionreligions who have borrowed ideas from other religions121
115025926ethnic religiondon't seek converts outside the group, tend to be spatially concentrated, holidays tend to be seasonal, can be a member of the cultural group and not believe in the theology of the faith, very old/prehistoric, no clergy, relocation diffusion122
115025927universalizing religionseek converts, scattered all over the world, holidays tend to be historic events, have to believe in theology to be a member, younger than ethnic religions, clergy, hierarchical diffuision123
115025928ImanMuslim teacher124
115025929clergythe formal religious leadership within a given religion125
115025930proselytizingseeking converts126
115025931denominationa group of religious congregations having its own organization and a distinctive faith127
115025932secta subdivision of a denomination128
115025933animismthe doctrine that all natural objects and the universe itself have souls129
115025934cosmogonythe branch of astrophysics that studies the origin and evolution and structure of the universe130
115025935pilgrimidgeto follow a prescribed historical/environmental route131
115025936fundamentalismthe interpretation of every word in the sacred texts as literal truth132
115025937deista person who believes that God does not have interaction with humans (no miracles)133
115025938interfaith disputea dispute happening between two different religions134
115025939intrafaith disputea dispute happening within a religion135
115025940Pakistan/IndiaHindu origin136
115025941NepalBuddhism origin137
115025942IsraelChristian/Judaism origin138
115025943Arabian Peninsula (Mecca)Islam origin139
115025944IndiaJainism/Sikhism origin140
115025945Roman Catholicreligion located in Southern Europe, Phillippines141
115025946Prostestantreligion located in Northern Europe, United States142
115025947Sunni Muslimreligion located in Northern Africa143
115025948Sikhismreligion located in Punjab, India144
115025949Hinduism, Islam, Jainismreligions located in India145
115025951Mormanreligion located in Utah146
115025952Orthodoxreligion located in Greece, Turkey147
115025953Quebec, Ireland, Belgiumplaces with intrafaith dipute between Protestants and Catholics (3)148
115025954Egyptplace with interfaith dispute between Coptic Christians and Sunni Muslims149
115025955Iraqplace with intrafaith dispute between Sunni and Shi'ite Muslims150
115025956Southern Sudanplace with interfaith dispute between Christians and Muslims151
115025957Cyprusplace with interfaith dispute between Orthodox Christians and Sunni Muslims152
115025958Indiaplace with interfaith disputes between many religions153
115025961Coptic Christianity156
115330002high latitudeshigh numbers163
115330003low latitudeslow numbers164
115330004cultural hierarchycultural realm, cultural complex, cultural system, cultural region, cultural trait165
115330005unipolarone countries rules the world (feared)166
115330006multipolarmultiple countries have power in the world167
115330007agnosticsomeone who believes we can't know if there is a God168
115330008Sri Lankaplace with interfaith dispute between Buddhists and Hindus169
115330009Phillippinesplace with interfaith dispute between Catholic Christians and Muslims170
115330010JapanShintoism origin171
115330011Mainland ChinaWhere Mihayana Buddhists are now172
115330012South East AsiaWhere Theravana Buddhists are now173
115330013Afro-Asiatic, Indo-European, Sino-Tibetan3 major language families174
115336649HalalMuslim dietary rules175
115336650KosherJewish dietary rules176
115336651Christianity, Islam, Buddhism3 universalizing religions177
115336652Shintoism, Jainism, Judaism, Hinduism4 ethnic religions178
115395353English, Mandarin, Spanish, French, Arabic, Russian6 official languages of the U.N.179
115395354ShariaIslamnic law legal system180
115395355chain migrationmigrates somewhere, and then call/write home to get family members/friends to come over, who in turn call/write home to bring more family members/friends over181
115395356Great SchismThe splitting of Christianity into Orthodox and Catholic182
115395357Stage 1Stage of DTM where birth and death rates are constant and overall very high183
115395358Stage 2Stage of DTM where the death rate decreases dramatically, and the birth rate stays high and constant184
115395359Stage 3Stage of DTM where the birth rate decreases dramatically, and the death rate stays low and constant185
115395360Stage 4Stage of DTM where birth and death rates are constant and overall very low (towards end, death rate rises higher than birth rate)186
1153953612.1replacement rate in MDCs187
116879448altitudedistance above the earth188
116879449elevationland's height above sea level189
116879450dissolutionsplitting of a nation190
116879451proxy wara war that results when opposing powers use third parties as substitutes for fighting each other directly191
116879452arms racebuild up nuclear weapons on both sides192
116879453nation statecountry where only one type of people live193
116879454first strike capabilityhave ability of launching so quickly that opponent is completely destroyed and can't retaliate194
116879455cultural barrierpractices, ideas, or innovations not acceptable/adoptable in a particular culture195
116879457homeostatic plateauearth's population plateaus out196
116879458dependency ratioa measure of the dependence that non-working people have on working people197
116879459positive checksincrease death rates (famine, war, disease, natural disastor)198
116879460preventative checksdecrease birth rates (marrying later, abstinence, birth control, homeosexuality)199
116879461demographic momentumit takes a lifetime for a population policy to work200
116879462linguisticsstudy of languages201
116879463domino theorythe political theory that if one nation comes under communist control then neighboring nations will also come under communist control202
116879464counter migrationmoving back home203
116879465forced migrationdeportation204
116879466world's systems analysisgroups countries into core, semi-peripherty and perophery205

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