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AP Human Geography Flashcards

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30882047Fieldworkthe study of geographic phenomena by visiting places and observing how people interact with and thereby change those places.0
30882048human geographyone of the two major divisions of geography; the spatial analysis of human population, its cultures, activities, and landscapes1
30882049Globalizationexpansion of economic, political, and cultural processes to the point that they become global in scale and impact. The processes of globalization transcend state boundaries and have outcomes that vary across places and scales2
30882050Physical Geographyone of the two major divisions of systematic geography; the spatial analysis of the structure, processes, and location of the Earth's natural phenomena such as climate, soil, plants, animal, and topography3
30882051Spatialpertaining to space on the Earth's surface; sometimes used as a synonym for geographic4
30882052spatial distributionphysical location of geographic phenomena across space5
30882053patternthe design of a spatial distribution (e.g. scattered or concentrated)6
30882054Medical geographythe study of health and disease within a geographic context and from a geographical perspective. Among other things, medical geography looks at sources, diffusion routes, and distributions of diseases7
30882055Pandemican outbreak of a disease that spreads worldwide.8
30882056epidemica disease that is particular to a locality or region9
30882057spatial perspectiveobserving variations in geographic phenomena across space10
30882058five themes (of geography)developed by the Geography Educational National Implementation Project (GENIP), the five themes of geography are location, human-environment, region, place, and movement11
30882059locationthe first theme of geography as defined by GENIP; the geographical situation of people and things12
30882060Location theorya logical attempt to explain the locational pattern of an economic activity and the manner in which its producing areas are interrelated. The agricultural location theory contained in the von Thunen model is a leading example13
30882061human-environment interactionone of the two major divisions of geography; the spatial analysis of human population, its cultures, activities, and landscapes14
30882062regionthe third theme of geography as defined by the GENIP; an area on the Earth's surface marked by a degree of formal, functional, or perceptual homogeneity of some phenomenon15
30882063placefourth theme of geography as defined by the GENIP; uniqueness of a location16
30882064sense of placestate of mind derived through the infusion of a place with meaning and emotion by remembering important events that occurred in that place or by labeling a place with certain character17
30882065perception of placebelief or "understanding" about a place developed through books, movies stories or pictures18
30882066movementthe fifth theme of geography as defined by GENIP; the mobility of people, goods, and ideas across the surface of the planet19
30882067spatial interactioncondition that exists when two regions, through an exchange of raw materials and/or finished products, can specifically satisfy each other's demands20
30882068distancemeasurement of the physical space between two places21
30882069accessibilitythe degree of case with which it is possible to reach a certain location from other locations; Accessibility varies from place to place and can be measured22
30882070connectivitythe degree of direct linkage between one particular location and other locations in a transport network23
30882071Landscapethe overall appearance of an area. Most landscapes are compromised of a combination of natural and human-induced influences24
30882072Cultural landscapethe visible imprint of human activity and culture on the landscape. The layers of buildings, forms, and artifacts sequentially imprinted on the landscape by the activities of various human occupants25
30882073sequent occupancethe notion that successive societies leave their cultural imprints on a place, each contributing to the cumulative cultural landscape26
30882074Cartographythe art and science of making maps, including data compilation, layout, and design. Also concerned with the interpretation of mapped patterns27
30882075reference mapsmaps that show the absolute location of places and geographic features determined by a frame of reference, typically latitude and longitude28
30882076thematic mapsmaps that tell stories, typically showing the degree of some attribute or the movement of a geographic phenomenon29
30882077absolute locationthe position or place of a certain item on the surface of the Earth as expressed in degrees, minutes, and seconds of latitude, 0 to 90 degrees north or south of the equator, and longitude, 0 to 180 degrees east or west of the Prime Meridian passing through Greenwich, England (a suburb of London)30
30882078global position system (GPS)satellite-based system for determining the absolute location of places or geographic features31
30882079geocachinga hunt for a cache, the GPS coordinates which are placed on the Internet by other gocachers32
30882080Relative locationthe regional position or situation of a place relative to the position of other places. Distance, accessibility, and connectivity affect relative location33
30882081mental mapimage or picture of the way space is organized as determined by a individual's perception, impression, and knowledge of that space34
30882082activity spacethe space within which daily activity occurs35
30882083Generalized mapa topological model which allows one to represent and to handle subdivided objects.36
30882084remote sensinga method of collecting data or information through the use of instruments that are physically distant from the area or object of study37
30882085geographic information system(GIS)a collection of computer hardware and software that permits spatial data to be collected, recorded, stored, retrieved, manipulated, analyzed, and displayed to the user38
30882086rescaleinvolvement of players at other scales to generate support for a position or an initiative( e.g., use of the Internet to generate interest on a national or global scale for a local position or initiative)39
30882087formal regiona type of region marked by a certain degree of homogeneity in one or more phenomena; also called uniform region or homogeneous region40
30882088functional regiona region defined by the particular set of activities or interactions that occur within it41
30882089Perceptual regiona region that only exists as a conceptualization or an idea and not as a physically demarcated entity. For example, in the United States, "the South" and "the Mid-Atlantic region" are perceptual regions42
30882090Culturethe sum total of the knowledge, attitudes, and habitual behavior patterns shared and transmitted by the members of a society. This is anthropologist Ralph Linton's definition; hundreds of others exist43
30882091culture traita single element of normal practice in a culture, such as the wearing of a turban44
30882092culture complexa related set of cultural traits, such as prevailing dress codes and cooking and eating utensils45
30882093culture hearthheartland, source area, innovation center; place of origin of a major culture46
30882094independent inventionthe term for a trait with many cultural hearths that developed independent of each other47
30882095cultural diffusionthe expansion and adoption of a cultural element, from its place of origin to a wider area48
30882096time-distance decaythe declining degree of acceptance of an idea or innovation with increasing time and distance from its point of origin or source49
30882097cultural barrierprevailing culture attitude rendering certain innovations, ideas or practices unacceptable or unadoptable in that particular culture50
30882098expansion diffusionthe spread of an innovation or an idea through a population in an area in such a way that the number of those influenced grows continuously larger, resulting in an expanding area of dissemination51
30882099contagious diffusionthe distance-controlled spreading of an idea, innovation, or some other item through a local population by contact from person to person-analogous to the communication of a contagious illness52
30882100Hierarchal diffusiona form of diffusion in which an idea or innovation spreads by passing first among the most connected places or peoples. An urban hierarchy is usually involved, encouraging the leapfrogging of innovations over wide areas, with geographic distance a less important influence53
30882101stimulus diffusiona form of diffusion in which a cultural adaptation is created as a result of the introduction of a cultural trait from another place54
30882102Relocation diffusionsequential diffusion process in which the items being diffused are transmitted by their carrier agents as they evacuate the old areas and relocate to new ones. The most common form of relocation diffusion involves the spreading of innovation by a migrating population55
30882103geographic conceptways of seeing the world spatially that are used by geographers in answering research questions56
30882104Environmental determinismthe view that the natural environment has a controlling influence over various aspects of human life, including cultural development. Also referred to as environmentalism57
30882105isothermline on a map connecting points of equal temperature values58
30882106Possibilismgeographic viewpoint-a response to determinism-that hold that human decision making, not the environment, is the crucial factor in cultural development. Nonetheless, possibilists view the environment as providing a set of broad constraints that limits the possibilities of human choice59
30882107cultural ecologythe multiple interactions and relationships between a culture and the natural environment60
30882108political ecologyan approach to studying nature-society relations that is concerned with the ways in which environmental issues both reflect, and are the result of, the political and socioeconomic contexts in which they are situated61

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