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Ap Human Geography: Migration Flashcards

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5296993823Relocation DiffusionThe spread of characteristics from one place to another0
5296993824MigrationPermanent movement to a new location1
5296993825MobilityGeneral term for all types of movement from one place to another2
5296993826CirculationRepetitive movement that occurs on a regular basis3
5296993827EmigrationMigration from a location; focus is exit4
5296993828ImmigrationMigration to a location; focus is coming5
5296993829Net migrationDifference between immigrants and emigrants. Result can be net in-migration (+) or net out-migration (-).6
5296993830Voluntary MigrationMigrants chose to move; economic improvement7
5296993831Forced MigrationMigrant is compelled to move; political/environmental factors8
5296993832International MigrationPermanent movement from one country to another9
5296993833Internal MigrationPermanent movement within a country10
5296993834Interregional MigrationMovement from one region of a country to another region11
5296993835Intraregional MigrationMovement within a region12
5296993836CounterurbanizationUrban to rural13
5296993837UrbanizationRural to urban14
5296993838SuburbanizationUrban to suburban15
5296993839Push FactorsPersuades people to move out of current location16
5296993840Pull FactorPersuades people to move to a new location17
5296993841RefugeeForced to migrate to a new country due to political/ environmental factors and cannot return due to fear of persecution18
5296993842Internally Displaced PersonsForced to migrated with the same country due to same reasons as a refugee19
5296993843Asylum SeekerSomeone who migrated to a new country to be recognized as a refugee20
5296993844FloodplainArea subjected to flooding during a specific number of years based on historic trends21
5296993845Guest WorkerImmigrants temporary allowed into a country for a job22
5296993846Intervening ObstacleEnvironmental/ political factor that stops migration23
5296993847QuotaMaximum limits to number of immigrants to USA annually, per country.24
5296993848Brain DrainWhen talented professionals all migrate to the USA or another region25
5296993849Chain MigrationMigration specific to a specific location because of relatives or people of the same nationality26
5296993850Unauthorized (or undocumented) ImmigrantsImmigrants who enter without proper documents27
5296993851RemittancesMoney sent back home by migrants to family members in home country28
5296993852Regions with the Largest FlowsAsia to Europe Asia to North America Latin America to North America29
5296993853Typical International FlowDeveloping (LDCs) to Developed (MDCs) Countries30
5296993854Types of Intraregional MigrationRural to Urban Urban to Suburban Urban to Rural31

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