Definition of all of the zones in AP Human Geography with pictures
5913177319 | Concentric Zone Model | A model on the internal structure of cities in which social groups are arranged spatially in a series of rings. The lower class lives closer to the center and the upper class lives farther away from the center. | 0 | |
5913177320 | They created the Concentric Zone Model | E.W. Burgess, Robert Park, and Roderick McKenzie | 1 | |
5913177321 | Concentric Zone Model | Burgess Model, The Bull's Eye Model, Concentric Ring Model, Concentric Circles Model | 2 | |
5913177322 | Problems with Concentric Zone Model | -Does not work well outside the U.S. -Does not work well because of changes in transportation and technology -Assumes transportation is the same everywhere -Does not take shops and industry into account | 3 | |
5913177323 | Zones of Concentric Zone Model (going outward) | Central Business District (CBD), Zone of Transition, Zone of the Working Class, Zone of Better Residence, Commuter's Zone | 4 | |
5913177324 | Central Business District (CBD) | The area of a city where retail and office activities are clustered. AKA central activities district | 5 | |
5913177325 | Sector Model | A model of the internal structure of cities in which social groups are arranged around a series of sectors, radiating from the CBD | 6 | |
5913177326 | Sector Model | AKA the Hoyt Model | 7 | |
5913177327 | Problems with Sector Model | -Did not take cars into consideration -Because of cars, people can live anywhere and further from the city and still travel to the CBD | 8 | |
5913177328 | Multiple Nuclei Model | A model of urban land use in which a city grows from several independent points rather than from one CBD Each point acts as a growth center from a particular kind of land use. As these expand, they form a single urban area | 9 | |
5913177329 | Multiple Nuclei Model | -Takes into account the varied factors of decentralization in the structure of modern North American cities -Distance decay is still applicable | 10 | |
5913177330 | Problems with Multiple Nuclei Model | -Negligent of building heights -Abrupt division between zones -Unaware of inertia forces -No consideration of government policy | 11 | |
5913177331 | Peripheral Model | A model of an urban area that consists of an inner city surrounded by large suburban residential and business areas tied together by a beltway or ring road -Goes with development of urban sprawl -Decentralization of CBD -Works with the idea of edge cities | 12 | |
5913177332 | Edge city | a relatively large urban area situated on the outskirts of a city, typically beside a major road. | 13 | |
5913177333 | Peripheral Model | AKA Galactic Model | 14 | |
5913177334 | South East Asian City Model | A model that features high-class residential zones that stem from the center, middle-class residential zones that occur in inner city areas in suburban areas, and low-class income squatter settlements that occur in the periphery -Mostly occurs in developing cities in SE Asia | 15 | |
5913177335 | South East Asian City Model | AKA the McGee Model | 16 | |
5913177336 | Problems with the South East Asian City Model | Most SE Asian cities are rapidly developing and likely to change | 17 | |
5913177337 | Latin American City Model | Combines elements of Latin American culture and globalization by combining radical sectors and concentric zones. Includes thriving CBD with commercial spine and a focus on employment and economic activity | 18 | |
5913177338 | Latin American City Model | AKA Griffin-Ford Model | 19 |