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AP Human Geography Motherload of All Key Terms Flashcards

Human Geography: People, Place, and Culture by JF De Blij, Alexander Murphy, and Erin Fouberg; 8th Edition

Terms : Hide Images
775719558Absolute LocationLocation determined by a frame of reference, usually latitude and longitude
775719559AccessibilityThe degree of ease with which it is possible to reach a certain location from other locations.
775719560Activity SpaceThe space within which daily activity occurs.
775719561CartographyThe art and science of making maps.
775719562ConnectivityThe degree of direct linkage between places by transportation and communication
775719563Contagious DiffusionA form of expansion diffusion where nearly all adjacent individuals are affected
775719564Cultural BarrierPrevailing cultural attitude rendering certian innovations; ideas or practices unacceptable or unadoptable in that particular culture.
775719565Cultural DiffusionThe expansion and adoption of a cultural element, from its place of origin to a wider area.
775719566Cultural EcologyThe multiple interactions and relationships between a culture and the natural environment.
775719567Cultural HearthHeartland, source area, innovation center; place of origin of a major culture.
775719568Cultural LandscapeThe visible imprint of human activity and culture on the landscape. Layers of buildings, forms, and artifacts sequentially imprinted by the activities of various human occupants.
775719569CultureThe sum total of the knowledge, attitudes, and habitual behavior patterns shared and transmitted by the members of a society(music, literature, art, etc.)
775719570Culture ComplexA related set of cultural traits, such as prevailing dress codes and cooking and eating utensils.
775719571Culture TraitA single element of normal practice in a culture, such as the wearing of a turban.
775719572DistanceMeasurement of the physical space between two places
775719573Environmental DeterminismEnvironment(nature) affects human life(culture)
775719574Epidemicregional outbreak of a disease
775719575Expansion DiffusionAn innovation/idea develops in a hearth and remains strong there while also spreading outward.
775719576FieldworkTo answer geographic inquiry by visiting places to observe how people's actions and reactions change those places and how they vary across space
775719577Five ThemesDeveloped by the Geographic Educational National Implemention Project (GENIP):
775719578Formal RegionMarked by a certain degree of similarity
775719579Functional Regiondefined by the particular set of activities or interactions that occurs within it.
775719580Generalized MapsInformation is always generalized on maps.
775719581GeocachingA hunt for a cache, the GPS coordinates which are placed on the Internet by other geocachers.
775719582Geographic ConceptWays of seeing the world spatially that are used by geographers in answering research questions.
775719583Geographic Information SystemsComputer technology that lets spatial data be collected and analyzed.
775719584Global Positioning SystemSatellite-based system for determining the absolute location of places or geographic features.
775719585GlobalizationSet of processes that...without boundaries: • increase interactions • deepen relationships • heighten interdependence Set of outcomes...throughout the world: • unevenly distributed • differently manifested • varying across scales
775719586Hierarchical DiffusionA pattern in which the main channel of diffusion is some segment of those who are susceptible to/adopting what is being diffused (ex: new shoes)
775719587Human Geographystudy of human phenomena; how people make places, organize space and society, interact with another here and across space, and make sense of others and ourselves in our locality, region, and world
775719588Human-Environmentrelationship between humans and physical world
775719589Independent InventionA trait with many cultural hearths that developed independent of each other
775719590IsothermLine on a map connecting point of equal temperature values.
775719591LandscapeThe overall appearance of an area. Most are comprised of a combination of natural and human-induced influences.
775719592LocationHow geographical position of people and things affects what happens and why
775719593Location Theoryan element of contemporary human geography that seeks answers to a variety of questions(where a Target should be built)
775719594Medical Geographystudy of health and disease from a geographical perspective; mapping the distribution of a disease to find the cause
775719595Mental Mapmaps we carry in our minds
775719596MovementMobility of people, goods, and ideas across Earth
775719597Pandemicworldwide outbreak of a disease
775719598Patterndesign of the spatial distribution; what processes create and sustain it
775719599Perception of Placebelief or understanding about a place from books, movies, pictures, etc.
775719600Perceptual Regiononly exists as an idea, not as a physically demarcated entity(different people have different opinions)
775719601Physical Geographystudy of physical phenomena on Earth; spatial analysis of the structure, processes, and location of natural phenomena
775719602PlaceAll have unique human and physical characteristics; geo-graphers study the special character and meaning of places
775719603Political EcologyThe environment/nature is affected by political and socioeconomic contexts
775719604PossibilismHumans affect culture
775719605Reference MapsMaps that show the absolute location of places and geographic features
775719606RegionPhenomena aren't evenly distributed, but concentrated; marked by a degree of formal, funtional, or perceptual homogeneity
775719607Relative LocationThe regional position or situation of a place relative to the position of other places.
775719608Relocation DiffusionActual movement of individuals who have adopted the idea/innovation, and carry it to a new(and maybe distant) locale, where they disseminate it(ex: migration)
775719609Remote SensingCollecting data/info(that is almost instantly available) from instruments physically distant from the area or object
775719610RescaleInvolve players at other scales to generate global support for their position.
775719611Sense of PlaceInfusing a place with meaning and emotion
775719612Sequent OccupanceCultural succession and its lasting imprint, contributing to the cumulative cultural landscape.
775719613SpatialHow places and phenomena are laid out, organized, and arranged on Earth; how they appear on the landscape. Used by human and physical geographers
775719614Spatial Distributionphysical location of geographic phenomena across space
775719615Spatial Interactionhow places interact with another
775719616Spatial PerspectiveObserving variations in geographic phenomena across space
775719617Stimulus Diffusioncultural adaptation is created as a result of the introduction of a cultural trait from another place; ideas indirectly promote local experimentation
775719618Thematic MapsMaps that tell stories, typically showing the degree of some attribute of the movement of a geographic phenomenon.
775719619Time-Distance DecayThe declining degree of acceptance of an idea or innovation with increasing time and distance from its point of origin or source.
775719620AIDSAcquired immune deficiency syndrome caused by HIV and spread by bodily contact
775719621Arithmetic Population DensityAverage population density of country/region (divide total population by # of km/miles)
775719622CensusPeriodic and official count of a country's population
775719623Child Mortality RateDeath of children from ages 1-5
775719624Chronic DiseasesAfflictions of middle and old age, reflecting higher life expectancies, such as cancer, stroke, tuberculosis, etc.
775719625Crude Birth Rate# of lives per year per thousand people
775719626Crude Death Rate# of deaths per year per thousand people
775719627Demographic TransitionSequence of stages in population growth: 1. Low-growth stage 2. High-growth stage 3. Moderate-growth stage 4. Low-growth/stationary stage
775719628Dot MapA map that represents population distribution, where one dot equals a certain # of a population
775719629Doubling Timetime required for population to double in size
775719630Eugenic Population PoliciesFavors one racial/cultural sector of a population over others
775719631Expansive Population PoliciesEncourages large families to raise rate of natural increase
775719632Infant Mortality RateBaby's death between birth to 1 year old, per thousand births
775719633Life ExpectancyAverage of how long a person is expected to live
775719634MegalopolisHuge urban agglomerations that coalesce into an enormous megacity
775719635Natural IncreaseDifference between # of births and deaths
775719636Physiological Population Density# of people per unit area of agriculturally productive land
775719637Population CompositionStructure of a population by age, gender, marital status, education, etc.
775719638Population DensityTotal population relative to land size, measurement of # of people per unit of land
775719639Population Distributiondescriptions of locations where individuals/groups live
775719640Population ExplosionRapid growth of population by shorter doubling times and accelerating rates of increase
775719641Population PyramidsShows demographic situation by visually displaying % of each age group in a total population by gender. Poor countries look like evergreen tree while rich countries look like lopsided vase.
775719642Restrictive Population PoliciesTolerates officially unapproved birth control, prohibits large families.
775719643Stationary Population LevelStabilized world population, where major problems involve the old, not young
775719644Activity Spacesspace where daily activity occurs
775719645Asylumshelter and protection for refugees from another state
775719646Chain Migrationpattern of migration that develops when migrants move along and through kinship links
775719647Colonizationcolonizer takes over another place and puts its government in charge. Moves its people in or brings indentured outsiders to control the people and land.
775719648Cyclic Movementsshorter periods away from home
775719649Distance DecayGreater distance means less interaction
775719650Explorersa person examining a region that is unknown to them
775719651Forced Migrationhuman migration flows in which movers have no choice but to relocate
775719652Gravity ModelPredicts interactions between places based on their population size and distance between them
775719653Guest Workerslegal immigrant who has a short term work visa
775719654Immigration Lawslaws and regulations of a state designed specifically to control immigration into that state
775719655Immigration Wavephenomenon where different patterns of chain migration combine to create a swell in migration from one origin to same destination
775719656Internal Migrationhuman movement within a nation-state
775719657Internal Refugeespeople who have been displaced within their own country
775719658International Migrationhuman movement across international boundaries
775719659International Refugeesrefugees who have crossed at least one international boundary during dislocation, searching for asylum in a different country
775719660Intervening Opportunitypresence of a nearer opportunity that greatly diminishes the attractiveness of sites farther away
775719661Islands of Developmentplace built by government/corporation to attract foreign investment. Has high concentrations of jobs and infrastructure
775719662Kinship Linkspush and pull factors that influence a migrant's decision to go where family/friends have already found success
775719663Laws of MigrationDeveloped by Ernst Ravenstein 1.Every migration flow generates a return/countermigration 2.Majority of migrants move short distances 3.Long distance migrants tend to choose big-city destinations 4.Urban residents are less migratory than rural inhabitants 5.Young adults more likely to move internationally than families
775719664Migrant Labormillions of workers who cross international borders and become immigrants in search for jobs
775719665Migrationchange in residence intended to be permanent
775719666Military ServiceMilitary personnel and families move to new locations to spend tours of duty, up to a few years
775719667Nomadismmovement among a definite set of places; a matter of survival, culture, and tradition. Takes place along same well-known routes to find water, food, and shelter
775719668Periodic Movementslonger periods away from home
775719669Pull Factorscircumstances that effectively attract the migrant to certain locales from other places
775719670Push Factorsconditions and perceptions that help migrant decide to leave
775719671Quotaslimits set by governments on the number of immigrants allowed into a country each year
775719672Refugeespeople who have fled their country from political persecution and seek asylum in another country
775719673Remittancesmonies migrants send home to family
775719674Selective Immigrationprocess to control immigration in which individuals with certain backgrounds are barred from immigrating
775719675Step Migrationmigration to a distant destination that occurs in stages
775719676Transhumanceseasonal periodic movement of pastoralists and their livestock between highland and lowland pastures
775719677Voluntary Migrationpeople relocate in response to perceived opportunity; not forced
775719678AssimilateProcess where people lose original differentiating traits when they come contact with another society/culture(Immigrant adaptation to new place)
775719679AuthenticityAccuracy where a stereotypical/typecast image or experience conveys a dynamic and complex local culture or its customs
775719680CommodificationProcess in which something that was previously not regarded as merchandise becomes able to be bought, sold, and traded in the world market
775719681Cultural AppropriationProcess where other cultures adopt customs and knowledge and use them for their own benefit
775719682Cultural LandscapeVisible imprint of human activity on the landscape
775719683CultureGroup of belief systems, norms, and values practiced by a people
775719684CustomA practice that a group of people routinely follow
775719685Diffusion RoutesSpatial trajectory through which cultural traits/phenomena spread
775719686Distance DecayEffects of distance on interaction; the greater the distance the less interaction
775719687Ethnic NeighborhoodA neighborhood in a major city where a local culture can practice its customs
775719688Folk CultureSmall, incorporates a homogeneous population, typically rural, and cohesive in cultural traits
775719689Folk-Housing RegionsRegion where housing stock reflects architecture particular to the place's original culture
775719690Global-Local ContinuumWhat happens at one scale is not independent of what happens at other scales
775719691GlocalizationPeople in a local place mediated and alter regional, national, and global processes
775719692HearthOrigin of an idea/cultural trait
775719693Hierarchical Diffusionidea/innovation spreads fastest among most connected places/people
775719694Local Culturegroup of people in a particular place who see themselves as a collective/community, sharing and preserving experiences, customs, and traits to stay unique and distinguished
775719695Material Culturethings a group of people construct(art, clothing, food, etc.)
775719696NeolocalismSeeking out the regional culture and reinvigorating it in response to the uncertainty of the world
775719697Nonmaterial CultureBeliefs, practices, aesthetics, and values of a group of people
775719698PlacelessnessLoss of uniqueness of place in the cultural landscape; one place looks like the next
775719699Popular CultureLarge, ubiquitous, incorporates heterogeneous populations, typically urban, and experiences quickly changing cultural traits
775719700ReterritorializationWhen a place produces an aspect of popular culture in the context of their local culture and making it their own
775719701Time-Space CompressionHow fast innovations diffuse depends on how interlinked two places are through transportation and communication
775719702Barrioizationincrease in Hispanic population in a given neighborhood
775719703Dowry Deathsdisputes over the price to be paid by the bride's family to the groom's father, resulting in death
775719704Ethnicityidentity within a group bound by common ancestry and culture
775719705Gendera culture's assumptions about the social differences between men and women
775719706Genderedplaces designed for women or men
775719707Identifying againstconstructing an identity by first defining the "other" and then defining ourselves as "not the other"
775719708Identityhow we make sense of ourselves; how people see themselves at different scales
775719709Invasion and Successionnew immigrants to a city often move to areas occupied by older immigrant groups
775719710Placeparticular articulations of those social relations as they come together in that certain location
775719711Queer Theorycontextual nature of opposition to the heteronormative and focuses on the political engagement of queers with the heteronormative
775719712Racesocial and political constructions; categorization of humans based on skin color and other physical characteristics
775719713Racismdifferences in socioeconomic classes started the concept of superiority of race
775719714Residential Segregationdegree to which two or more groups live separately from one another, in different parts of the urban environment
775719715Sense of Placeinfusing a place with meaning and feeling; fluid
775719716Spacesocial relations stretched out

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