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AP Human Unit 1 Flashcards

Vocabulary Quiz #1

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7323786091Locationn. Relative or absolute, address, latitude/longitude0
7323786092Globalizationn. circumstances plancing people into greater interaction with each other1
7323786093Mapn. a 2D/flat-scale model of Earth's surface, or a portion of it2
7323786094Scalen. level of detail and amount of area covered on map depend on map scale3
7323786095Cartographyn. the science of mapmaking4
7323786096Land Ordinance of 1785n. set up a standardized system whereby settlers could purchase title to farmland in the undeveloped west5
7323786097Base Linesn. a minimum or starting point used for comparisons6
7323786098Remote Sensingn. acquisiton of data about Earth's surface from a satellite orbiting Earth/from other long distance methods7
7323786099Siten. physical character of a place -climate, water sources, topography, soil, vegetation, elevation, etc. -can be modified by humans8
7323786100Paralleln. circle drawn around globe, parallel to the equator (aka. lines of latitude) North and South poles are 90° latitude9
7323786101Latituden. Aka. Parallel10
7323786102International Date Linen. located at 180° longigutde, not a straight line11
7323786103Formal Regionn. area in which all, or significant majority, of people share a common characterisitic -uniform or homogenous12
7323786104Mental Mapn. shows a person's internal perception of space, not always accurate13
7323786105Cultural Ecologyn. geographic study of human-environment relationships14
7323786106Resourcesn. anything that could be of use such as rivers, trees, oil, natural, gas, etc.15
7323786107Densityn. the frequency with which something occurs in space (can be measures of people, houses, cars, volcanoes, or anything, with any method of measurement)16
7323786108Agricultural Densityn. number of farmers per unit area of farmland17
7323786109Space-Time Compressionn. influence on the rate of the expansion diffusion of an idea, observing that the spread/acceptance of an idea is usually delayed as distance from the source of the innovation increases18
7323786110Hearthn. the hub where individual attributes (trait) of culture evelop19
7323786111Hierarchical Diffusionn. spread of a feature or trend from one key node to another20
7323786112Uneven Developmentn. process by which the social relations of capitalist societies are translated into spatial forms21
7323786113Local Diversityn. people searching for more ways to express their unique traditions & practices22
7323786114Placen. Land features, climate, culture, language, religion, landmarks23
7323786115Spacen. geographical space often considered as land24
7323786116Townshipn. different kinds of settlements in different countries25
7323786117Sectionsn. a distinct part or subdivision of anything, as an object, country, community, class26
7323786118GPSn. Global Positioning System: system that accurately determines precise position of something on earth Includes the following: Satellites- placed in predetermined orbits Tracking Stations- monitor/control satellites Receivers- locate 4+ satellites to calculate its precise location27
7323786119Situationn. nominal location, illustrates how one place is related to others and is not viewed in isolation28
7323786120Longituden. arc drawn between North and South poles (aka. Meridian)29
7323786121Equatorn. parallel at 0° latitude30
7323786122Cultural Landscapen. visible imprint of human activity upon a space giving it a particular form31
7323786123Functional Regionn. area organized around a central focal point as "the characteristic"32
7323786124Spatial Associationn. degree to which things are similarly arranged in space. Analysis of the distribution patterns of two phenomena is done by map overlay. If the distributions are similar, then the spatial association is strong, and vice versa33
7323786125Transnational Corporationn. organization that owns or controls production of goods or services in one or more countries other than their home country34
7323786126Arithmetic Densityn. total number of objects in an area, commonly used to compare distribution of population in different countries35
7323786127Concentrationn. extent of a feature's spread over space; not same as density36
7323786128Distance Decayn. the diminishing in importance and eventual disappearance of a phenomenon with increasing distance from its origin37
7323786129Relocation Diffusionn. spread of traits/ideas through physical movement of people38
7323786130Contagious Diffusionn. nearly all adjacent individuals & places are influenced39
7323786131"Geography"n. The study of where things are found on Earth's surface and the reasons for the locations as well as the location of people and activites across Earth & the reasons for their distribution40
7323786132Regionn. Characteristics shared with other regions like political, agricultural, religious, cultural41
7323786133Connectionsn. relationships among people and objects across the barrier of space42
7323786134Projectionn. scientific method of transferring locations on Earth's surface to a flat map43
7323786135Principal Meridiansn. north-south line designated in the Land Ordinance of 1785 to facilitate the surveying and numbering of townships in the US44
7323786136GISn. Geographic Information System: computer system that captures/stores/queries/analyzes/displays geographic data Data is stored in layers45
7323786137Meridiann. an arc drawn between North and South poles (aka. longitude)46
7323786138Prime Meridiann. meridian through Greenwich, England, and is 0° longitude47
7323786139Greenwich Mean Timen. master reference time for all points on Earth and passes through Roya Observatory at Greenwich, England48
7323786140Regional Studiesn. study of world regions, attention is paid to unique characteristics of a particular region such as natural elements, human elements, and regionalization which covers the techniques of delineating space into regions49
7323786141Vernacular Regionn. area that people "believe" exists as part of a perceived identity -also known as perceptual region50
7323786142Culturen. body of customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits that together constitute a group of people's distinct tradition51
7323786143Possibilismn. theory that the physical environment may set limits on human actions, but people have the ability to adjust to the physical environment and choose a course of action from many alternatives52
7323786144Distributionn. arrangement of something across Earth's surface53
7323786145Physiological Densityn. number of people per unit of area of arable land54
7323786146Patternn. geometric or regular arrangement of something in a study area55
7323786147(Cultural) Diffusionn. occurs when individual attributes move/disseminate across space56
7323786148Expansion Diffusionn. an idea spread from a hearth, but remains strong there too57
7323786149Stimulus Diffusionn. occurs when a change is made for (or by) the receiving population -think hamgurger to even more advanced hamburger58
7323786150Coren. world region including major world powers and countries that contain much of the planet's wealth59
7323786151Peripheryn. world region including countries that are not reaping the benefits of global wealth and globalization60
7323786152Environmental Determinismn. a 19-20th century approach to study of geography that argued geography was the study of how the physical environment caused human activities61
7323786153Friction of Distancen. based on the notion that distance usually requires some amount of effort (energy) and/or money to overcome62
7323786154Graphic Scalen. can be written as 0|...(100 km)63
7323786155Written Scalen. is written out with words64
7323786156Fractional/Ratio Scalen. written as a fraction or a ratio65

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