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AP Lang Language Words Flashcards

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4850375933ArtificialNot natural or real; made, produced, or done to seem natural0
4850377264BombasticHigh sounding, but has little meaning; pretentious or pompous sounding1
4850377265Colloquialto speak in an informal way2
4850377266Concreterelation to specific people, things, or actions rather than general ideas3
4850378579Connotativerelating to an idea or quality that a word makes you think about in addition to its meaning4
4850378580Culturedhaving or showing good education and manners5
4850380747Detachedseparating from something larger6
4850380748Emotionalrelating to emotions7
4850380761Esoterichard to understand for one of normal intelligence; only understood by members of a certain group8
4850382722Euphemisticpleasant word or phrase used instead of one that is unpleasant or offensive9
4850382723Figurativeused with a meaning that is different from the basic meaning and that expresses an idea in an interesting way10
4850382724Formalinvolving outward form, structure, or arrangements of elements rather than content; according with established custom11
4850384779Grotesqueextremely unusual, ugly, or distorted12
4850384780Homespunplain and simple13
4850384781Idiomaticrelation to expressions that cannot be understood from the meaning of its separate words but that has a separate meaning of its own14
4850385808Informalfriendly or relaxed quality15
4850385809Insipiddull or boring16
4850385810Jargonspecial terms relating to a certain field; confused unintelligible language17
4850385811Learnedcharacterized by or associated with learning; used to describe something because of learning or experience18
4850385812Literalordinary or usual meaning of a word19
4850387112Moralistichaving or showing strong opinions about what is right behavior and what is wrong behavior20
4850387113Obscurenot well known by most people21
4850387114Obtusestupid; not able to think clearly or to understand what is obvious22
4850387115Ordinarynormal or usual23
4850389109Pedantic (2 definitions)narrowly, stodgily, and often ostentatiously learned, corrects minor details; unimaginitave, dull24
4850389110Picturesquevery pretty or charming; telling about something in a way that makes it very easy to imagine25
4850390679Plainhaving no pattern or decorations26
4850390680Poetichaving a beautiful or graceful quality27
4850390681Precisevery accurate and exact; careful to the details28
4850392295Provincialmaking unjustified or excessive claims; having or showing the unpleasant quality of people; a person of local or restricted interests or outlook; a person lacking urban polish or refinement29
4850392296Scholarlyrelating to formal study or research30
4850393742Sensuousaffecting the senses in a pleasing way31
4850395301Simplenot hard to understand32
4850395302Slangwords that aren't considered part of the standard vocabulary of a language and that are used very informally33
4850395303Symbolicexpressing an idea without using words34
4850395304Tritenot effective because of being used too often35
4850396572Vulgarnot having or showing good manners36
4850401688Amiablefriendly and pleasant37
4850401689Amusedmake someone laugh or smile; to entertain38
4850401690Appreciativehaving or showing appreciation39
4850402970Authoritativeshowing impressive knowledge of a subject40
4850402971Benevolentkind and generous; organized to do good things for others41
4850402972Bravefeeling or showing no fear42
4850406503Calmquiet and peaceful state or condition43
4850406504Cheerfulshowing happiness; willing to do something without complaints44
4850406505Cheeryhaving happy feelings; merry or bright in manner or effect45
4850410773Complimentaryexpressing praise or admiration for someone or something46
4850410774Confidentfeeling that you can do something well or succeed at something; certain that something will happen or come true47
4850411899Consolingto try to make someone less sad; to comfort48
4850411900Contentpleased and satisfied; not needing more49
4850413901Dreamypleasant, peaceful, relaxing; having a quality which shows or suggests that you're not noticing what is going on50
4850413902Ecstaticfeeling or showing ecstasy; very happy or excited51
4850413903Elatedvery happy and excited; marked by high spirits52
4850415143Elevatedhaving an intelligent and usually formal tone53
4850415144Encouragingcausing a hopeful feeling54
4850415145Energeticinvolving a lot of effort; showing a lot of energy55
4850416361Enthusiasticstrong excitement about something56
4850419054Excitedcause enthusiastic feelings in someone; to make someone feel energetic and eager to do something57
4850419055Exuberantvery lively, happy, or energetic; exciting in large amounts58
4850419056Fancifulcoming from the imagination; unusual and appealing59
4850420291Friendlyacting like a friend; kind and helpful; showing support or approval60
4850420293Hopefulfull of hope62
4850421343Impassionedshowing or feeling strong emotions, great warmth, or intensity of feelings63
4850421344Jovialfull of joy and happiness; markedly good-humored64
4850421345Joyfulfull of joy65
4850421346Jubilantvery happy, joyful; expressing joy with shouting66
4850423048Lightheartedcheerful or happy nature, not serious; free from care or anxiety67
4850423049Lovingshowing love; careful and thorough68
4850423050Optimisticbelief that good things will happen in the future; belief that this world is the best possible world69
4850424584Passionateexpressing strong emotions (sexual or romantic sometimes); capable of, or affected by intense feelings70
4850426255Peacefulquiet and calm, without noise; not involved in violence; untroubled by conflict71
4850426256Playfuleager to play, full of energy; showing you're having fun and not being serious72
4850426257Pleasantfriendly and likeable; causing a feeling of happiness and pleasure73
4850426258Proudvery happy because of something you've done, someone you know, or something you own; showing attitude of people who think they're more important than others74
4850427699Relaxedcalm or free from stress, worry, anxiety; informal, but comfortable; not strict or controlled75
4850427700Reverentshowing a lot of respect76
4850427701Romanticrelating to love between 2 people; thinking about love and doing and saying things to show that you love someone77
4850427702Soothingproducing feelings of comfort or relief78
4850428762Surprisedfeeling caused by something unexpected or unusual; without awareness79
4850428763Sweetgentle, kind, or friendly; generalized term of approval80
4850428764Sympatheticshowing concern about someone who is in a bad situation; showing support and sensitivity to others' emotions81
4850430311Vibrantshowing great life, activity, energy, bright, loud, giving the sense of life, vigor, and action82
4850430312Whimsicalunusual in a playful or amusing way; lightly fanciful83
4850431942AccusingTo blame someone for something wrong84
4850431943AggravatedTo make someone angry85
4850433571AgitatedTo disturb or anger someone86
4850433573ApatheticTo not showing much emotion87
4850434686ArrogantTo have an offensive attitude of superiority88
4850438535AudaciousVery confident and daring89
4850438536BelligerentAngry and aggressive90
4850438537BitterAngry, hurt, or resentful because of one's bad experiences91
4850439726BrashRude or harsh92
4850439727ChildishLacking maturity93
4850439728CholericEasily angry94
4850439729CoarseRude or offensive95
4850441082ColdLacking affection or warmth feeling96
4850441083CondemnatoryHaving strong disapproval97
4850442288CondescendingShowing that you are more intelligent or better than others98
4850442289ContradictoryInformation that disagrees with other information99
4850442290CriticalExpressing criticism or disapproval100
4850442291DesperateVery upset because of little or no hope101
4850443655DisappointedFeeling unhappy because something was not as good as expected102
4850443656DisgruntledTo be unsatisfied or angry103
4850443657DisgustedStrong dislike for something that is unpleasant104
4850445209DisinterestedNot influenced by personal feelings, interests, or concerns105
4850445210FacetiousSpeech meant to be funny but instead regarded as improper106
4850445212Harshsevere or cruel107
4850446907HaughtyInsulting attitude of people who think that they are better, smarter, or more important than others108
4850446908Hatefulcausing or deserving hate109
4850446909Hurtfulcausing injury or emotional pain110
4850448248IndignantHaving anger because of something that is unfair or wrong111
4850448249Inflammatorycausing anger112
4850448250Insultingdisrespectful or scornfully abusive113
4850450148ManipulativeDishonest control of a situation or person115
4850451782Obnoxiousunpleasant in a way that makes people feel offended, annoyed, or disgusted116
4850451783Outragedextremely angered117
4850453317Passivesomeone who accepts what others do or decide without trying to change anything118
4850453318Quarrelsomeready or likely to argue or disagree119
4850453319Shamefulbad enough to make someone ashamed120
4850454715Smoothhappening or done without any problems121
4850454716Snootyinsulting attitude of people who think that they are better, smarter, or more important than others122
4850454717Superficialconcerned only with what is obvious or apparent123
4850456061Surlyrude and unfriendly124
4850456062Testybecoming angry or annoyed easily125
4850456063Threateninghostile or deliberately frightening126
4850456078Tiredbored or annoyed by something because you have heard it, seen it, done it, etc., for a long time127
4850458599Uninterestednot interested128
4850458600Wrathfulfull of extreme anger129
4850484354Banteringto speak to or address in a witty and teasing manner130
4850484385Causticvery harsh and critical131
4850486671Comicalcausing laughter especially by being unusual or unexpected132
4850486673Contemptuoushaving deep hatred or disapproval133
4850488259Cynicalbelieving that people are generally selfish and dishonest134
4850488260Disdainfuldislike of someone or something you think does not deserve respect135
4850499387Drollhaving an odd and amusing quality136
4850499389Flippantlacking proper respect or seriousness137
4850501012Giddyplayful and silly138
4850503371Humorouscausing laughter139
4850503372Insolentrude or impolite140
4850503373Ironicstrange or funny because something is different from what you expected141
4850504946Irreverentlack of respect for someone or something that is usually treated with respect142
4850504947Jokingsomething said or done to cause laughter143
4850504948Malicioushaving or showing a desire to cause harm to another person144
4850508485Mock-heroicimitating the style of heroic literature in order to satirize an unheroic subject.145
4850508486Mockingmaking fun of someone or something in a cruel way146
4850508487Mock-seriouspretending to be serious as a joke147
4850509845Partronizingspeaking down to others, acting as though you are smarter, classier, or better than others148
4850509846Pompousspeaking or behaving in a formal way because they believe that they are better, smarter, or more important than others149
4850509847Quizzicalshowing that you find something strange or amusing150
4850509848Ribaldreferring to sexual matters in an amusingly rude or unrespectful way151
4850511311Ridiculingmaking fun of someone or something in a cruel or harsh way152
4850511313Sarcasticusing irony in order to mock or convey contempt153
4850512610Sardonicshowing that you disapprove of or do not like someone or something; disdainfully or skeptically humorous, derisively mocking154
4850512611Satiricusing humor to show that someone or something is foolish, weak, bad, etc.155
4850512612Scornfulfeeling or expressing contempt or derision156
4850512613Sharpsudden and quick157
4850513763Sillyfoolish or stupid158
4850513764Tauntingprovoke or challenge (someone) with insulting remarks159
4850513765Teasinglaugh at and criticize (someone) in a way that is either friendly and playful or cruel and unkind160
4850518404Wryusing or expressing dry, especially mocking, humor161
4850584347Anxiousafraid or nervous162
4850585807Apologeticfeeling/showing regret163
4850587562Apprehensiveafraid that soemthing bad/unpleasant is going to happen164
4850587563Concernedfeeling worry or concern; having an interset/involvement in something165
4850587564Confusedunable to understand/think clearly; not clearly organized/expressed166
4850589335Dejectedsad bc of failure or loss167
4850589336Depressingfeeling sad; economic depression - low growth and few jobs168
4850589337Despairingfeeling very sad without hope169
4850593294Disturbedshowing signs of mental/emotional illness; worried and unhappy170
4850593295Embarrassedfeeling confused/foolish in front of other people171
4850593296Fearfulfeeling fear172
4850593441Forebodinga feeling that somthing bad is going to happen173
4850595918Gloomydark; sad, depressed, not hopeful174
4850595919Graveserious/likely to produce a great harm or danger175
4850598724Hopelesshaving/feeling no hope; incapable of solution/improvement177
4850598725Horrifichavng the power to horrify; appalling, atrocious178
4850598726Horrorpainful/intense fear, dread, or dismay179
4850598727Melancholya pensive/thoughtful/sad mood; characterized by depression or bad temper180
4850600406Miserablebeing distressed/unhappy; inadequate/meager181
4850600407Morosesullen or gloomy182
4850600408Mournfulwith sorrow or melancholy183
4850600409Nervouseasily excited or irritated184
4850600522Numbdeviod of emotion/sensation185
4850602019Ominousforeshadowing evil186
4850602020Paranoidsuspiciousness; fearful187
4850603648Pessimistichaving lack of hope, expecting bad things to happen188
4850603649Pitifuldeserving pity or contempt189
4850603650Poignantstrong feeling of sadness or regret, painfully affecting the feelings190
4850605296Regretfulfeeling sad or sorry about something191
4850605297Remorsefulapologetic, regretful, repentant192
4850605298Resignedto accept as inevitable, to give up deliberately/quit193
4850606790Seriousthoughtful or subdued; not joking or trifling195
4850606791Sobermarked by temperance or seriousness; sensible196
4850610703Solemnvery serious or formal, sad; marked by ceremony197
4850610704Sombervery sad or serious; gloomy198
4850610705Staidserious, boring, old-fashioned; not joking or playful in mood or manner199
4850610706Upsetto trouble mentally/unemotionally; to defeat unexpectedly200
4850610707Lugubriousfull of sadness/sorrow in an exaggerated/insincere way201
4850612440Admonitorywarning, cautioning202
4850612441Allusivean implied/indirect reference to something203
4850616361Baffledcompletely confused204
4850616362Callousfeeling no emotion/sympathy/concern for others205
4850616363Candidhonest and sincere; without bias, prejudice or malice206
4850616364Ceremonialwith ceremony; without real power or influence207
4850617866Clinicalanalytical or coolly dispassionate208
4850621589Contemplativeinvolving deep thought; devoted to religious thought/prayer209
4850623617Conventionalcommon/traditioanl and ordinary, lacking originality210
4850623619Didacticdesignedto teach people something, preachy and moralistic211
4850628164Disbelievingnot believing212
4850628165Dramaticsudden and extreme; attracting attention213
4850629746Earnestserious, intent, sincere214
4850629747Expectantlooking forward to something that will happen215
4850629748Factualbased on fact216
4850629749Ferventhaving/showing very strong feelings217
4850631544Forthrightclear, honest, direct218
4850631545Frivolousnot serious or important219
4850635966Histrionictoo emotional or dramatic in a theatrical way220
4850638805Humblenot proud or haughty; of low rank221
4850638806Incredulousnot able/willing to believe something222
4850638807Informativegiving information223
4850641141Inquisitivecurious, asking many questions224
4850641142Instructiveproviding knowledge or instructions225
4850641143Intimatehaving a very close relationship; to say something in an indirect way; to announce226
4850641144Judgementaljudging people too quickly or critically227
4850648007Loudhigh in volume or showiness228
4850651718Lyricalbeautiful or expressive229
4850651719Matter-of-Factstarightforward, unemotional230
4850653287Meditativevery thoughtful231
4850653288Nostalgicwistful/yearning for the past232
4850653289Objectivewithout bias or emotion233
4850654846Obsequiousmarked by fawning attentivess to someone with authority; sucking up234
4850654847Patrioticstrong support for your country235
4850656592Persuasiveable to persuade/convince236
4850656594Pretentiousexpressing exaggerated importance/worth/stature238
4850659439Provocativeserving to excite or stimulate thought/argument239
4850659479Questioningdoubting something240
4850661139Reflectivereflecting sound/light, thinking carefully about something241
4850661140Reminiscentreminding you of someone/something else; thinking about the past242
4850664152Restrainedshowing self-control; not too colorful or fancy243
4850666012Seductivemaking someone do/want something; allure244
4850666013Sentimentalappealing to emotions; v emotional245
4850668615Shockinghard to believe246
4850668616Sinceregenuine, without malice247
4850668617Unemotionalwithout emotion248
4850668618Urgentvery important and needing immediate attention249
4850670154Vexedannoyed/frustrated or worried250
4850670155Wistfulfull of yearning/desire tinged with melancholy/sadness251
4850670485Zealousfeelin strong and energetic support for252

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