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AP Lang Terms Flashcards

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18971578Absolutea word free from limitations or qualifications0
18971579Adagea familiar proverb or wise saying1
22547989Ad hominem argumentargument attacking an individual's character rather than his position2
22547990Allegoryliterary works in which characters, objects, or actions represent abstractions3
22547991Alliterationthe repetition of consonant sounds in successive or neighboring words4
22547992Allusionan indirect reference to something literary, mythological, or historical5
22547993Analogya comparison of two different things that are similar in some way6
22547994Anaphorathe repetition of words or phrases at the beginning of consecutive lines or sentences7
22547995Anecdotea brief narrative that focuses on a particular incident or event8
22547996Antecedentthe word, phrase, or clause to which a pronoun refers9
22547997Antithesisthe opposite of10
22547998Aphorisma concise statement that expresses succinctly a general truth or idea. Typically rhymes.11
22547999Apostrophespeaking to an absent or imaginary person or an inanimate object12
22548000Archetypea detail, image, or character type that occurs frequently in literature and appeals in a universal way13
22548001Argumenta statement of meaning or main point of a literary work14
22548002Asyndetona construction in which elements are presented in a series without conjunctions15
22548004Bathosoverly sentimental quality intended to evoke pity16
22548005Chiasmusa statement consisting of two parallel parts in which the second part is structurally reversed17
22548006Clichean expression that has been overused to the extent that its freshness has worn off18
22548007Climaxthe point of highest interest in a literary work19
22548008Colloquialisminformal words or expressions not usually acceptable in formal writing20
22548009Complex sentencea sentence with one independent and one dependent clause21
22548010Compound sentencetwo independent clauses combined with a conjunction22
22548011Conceita fanciful, particularly clever extended metaphor23
22548012Concrete detaildetails that relate to or describe actual, specific things or events24
22548013Connotationthe implied or associative meaning of a word25
22548014Cumulative sentencea sentence in which the main independent clause is elaborated by the successive addition of modifying clauses or phrases26
22548015Declarative sentencea sentence that makes a statement or declaration27
22548016Deductive reasoningreasoning in which a conclusion is reached by stating a general principle and then applying that principle to a specific case28
22548017Denotationthe literal meaning of a word29
22548018Dialecta variety of speech characterized by its own particular grammar or pronunciation30
22548019Dialogueconversation between two or more people31
22548020Dictionthe word choices made by a writer32
22548021Didactichaving the primary purpose of teaching or instructing33
22548022Dilemmasituation that requires a decision between equally attractive or unattractive alternatives34
22548023Dissonancetwo or more things or ideas that just don't belong together35
22548024Elegya formal poem presenting mediation on death36
22548025Ellipsesthe omission of a word or phrase that is grammatically necessary but can be deduced from the context37
22548029Epiphanya moment of sudden revelation or insight38
22548030Epitaphan inscription on a tombstone or burial place39
22548031Epitheta compound adjective used to point out a characteristic of a person40
420923736EthosAn appeal to credibility41
22548032Eulogya formal speech praising a person who has died42
22548033Euphemisman indirect, less offensive way of saying something that is considered unpleasant43
22548034Exclamatory sentencea sentence expressing strong feeling44
22548035Expletivean interjection to lend emphasis, sometimes a profanity45
22548036Fablea brief story that leads to a moral, often using animals as characters46
22548038Figurative languagelanguage employing one or more figures of speech47
420923737First PersonA point of view that includes the speaker, i.e. I, me, my, we, us, our, etc48
22548043Genrea major category or type of literature49
22548044Homilya sermon, or a moralistic lecture50
22548045Hubrisexcessive pride or arrogance51
22548046Hyperboleintentional exaggeration to create an effect52
22548047Hypothetical questiona question that raises a conjecture, or supposition53
22548048Idioman expression in a given language that cannot be understood from the literal meaning of the words54
22548049Imagerythe use of figures of speech to create vivid images that appeal to one of the senses55
22548050Implicationa suggestion an author or speaker makes without stating it directly56
22548051Inductive orderthe main point appears at the end57
22548052Inferencea conclusion one draws based on premises or evidence58
22548053Invectivean intensely vehement, highly emotional verbal attack59
22548054Ironyan unexpected and unlikely outcome60
22548055Jargonthe specialized language or vocabulary of a particular group or profession61
22548056Juxtapositionplacing two elements side by side to present a comparison or contrast62
22548061Litotesa type of understatement in which an idea is expressed by negating its opposite like saying something's "not bad" rather than saying it's good or OK.63
420924986LogosAn appeal to logic64
22548062Malapropismthe mistaken substitution of one word for another word that sounds similar65
22548063Maxima concise statement, often offering advice; an adage66
22548064Metaphora direct comparison of two different things67
22548065Metonymypart for the whole, but not literally68
22548066Moodthe emotional atmosphere of a work69
22548069Mytha traditional story presenting supernatural characters and episodes that help explain natural events70
22548070Narrativea story or narrated account71
22548071Narratorthe one who tells the story72
22548072Non sequituran inference that does not follow logically from the premises73
22548074Onomatopoeiaa word formed from the imitation of natural sounds74
22548075Oxymoronan expression in which two words that contradict each other are joined75
22548076Parablea simple story that illustrates a moral or religious lesson76
22548077Paradoxan apparently contradictory statement that actually contains some truth77
22548078Parallelismthe use of corresponding grammatical or syntactical forms78
22548079Paraphrasea restatement of a text in a different form or in different words79
22548080Parodya humorous imitation of a serious work80
22548081Parentheticala comment that interrupts the immediate subject, often to qualify or explain81
22548082Pathosan appeal to emotion82
22548083Pedanticcharacterized by an excessive display of learning or scholarship83
22548084Personificationendowing non-human objects or creatures with human qualities84
22548085Philippica strong verbal denunciation85
22548087Point of viewthe vantage point from which a story is told86
22548088Polysyndetonthe use, for rhetorical effect of more conjunctions than is necessary or natural87
22548089Puna play on words achieved through words with similar sounds but different meanings88
22548090Resolutionthe falling action of a narrative89
22548091Rhetoricthe art of presenting ideas in a clear, effective, and persuasive manner90
22548092Rhetorical Questiona question asked merely for effect and not requiring an answer91
22548093Rhetorical Devicesliterary techniques used to heighten the effectiveness of expression92
22548097Sarcasmharsh, cutting language or tone intended to ridicule93
22548098Satirethe use of humor to emphasize human weaknesses or imperfections94
22548099Scapegoata person or group that bears the blame for another95
420924987Second PersonA point of view that directly references the reader, i.e. you96
22548101Settingthe time, place, and environment in which action takes place97
22548102Similea comparison of two things using "like" or "as"98
22548103Simple sentencea sentence consisting of one independent clause99
22548104Solecismnonstandard grammatical usage100
22548108Syllepsisa construction in which one word is used in two different senses101
22548109Syllogisma three-part deductive argument102
22548110Symbolan object that is used to represent something else103
22548111Synecdochepart for the whole, literally "Nice threads"--threads stands in for clothing, and thread is literally part of clothing, so part for the whole, literally.104
22548112Synesthesiadescribing one kind of sensation in terms of another105
22548113Syntaxthe manner in which words are arranged into sentences106
22548114Tautologyproviding useless clarification--dead corpse, male boy, wet water, etc.107
420927242Telegraphic SentenceA very short sentence, usually no more than four words long108
22548115Themea central idea of a work109
420923735Third PersonPoint of view not involving the speaker. He, She, her, him, they, etc.110
22548117Tonethe attitude of a writer toward the subject or audience111
22548121Triteoverused and hackneyed, meaning it's become an annoying cliche112
22548123Understatementa deliberate under-emphasis113
22548126Voltaan abrupt or sudden shift in tone or perspective114
1521190894Epiphorathe repetition of words or phrases in a series of successive sentences. Or, the opposite of anaphora115

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