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AP Lang Vocab Flashcards

Up To Vocab Week 16

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143982881Delineatedescribe accurately0
143982882Nefariousextreme wickedness1
143982883Vernaculareveryday speech; slang2
143982884Brawnmuscular strength3
143982885Toutpublicly brag4
143982887Hindrancean obstacle, to block from one's destination6
143982888Effaceto erase7
143982889Engenderto create, to cause8
143982890Gluttonsomeone who consumes too much food or drinks9
143982891Hiatusa break or vacation10
143982893Obliterateto destroy completely12
143982894Copiousabundant, plentiful13
143982895Obscuredark, unknown, hard to understand14
143982896Extolto praise highly15
143982897Pugnaciouseager to fight16
143982898Quellto calm17
143982899Artisansomeone who is skillful with their hands18
143982900Kindleto start a fire, ignite, arouse19
143982901Corroborateto confirm, to back up with evidence20
143982902Amoroussexual sensations21
143982903Decorousproper, in good taste22
143982904Expediteto speed up the progress of23
143982905Idyllicnaturally peaceful24
143982906Juxtaposeto place side by side25
143982907Incandescentbrilliant, luminous, giving off heat or light26
143982908Exasperateannoy thoroughly27
143982909Discordantlacking harmony or agreement28
143982910Volatilehighly unstable, explosive29
143982911Distendto swell, expand30
143982912Fecundfertile, productive31
143982913Sagea wise man, through experience and reflection32
143982914Vacuouslacking intelligence33
143982915Derideto ridicule34
143982916Assailto attack with words or force35
143982917Benevolentgenerous, kind36
143982918Scrutinizeto examine very carefully37
143982919Histrionicoverly dramatic38
143982920Didacticintended to teach, morally instructive39
143982921Bucoliccharmingly rural40
143982922Pretentiousmaking ridiculous claims41
143982923Gullibleeasily deceived42
143982924Convivialfestive, fond of partying43
143982925Discreetsneaky, unnoticeable44
143982926Discreteseparated, unconnected45
143982927Fabricateto lie46
143982928Gesticulatehand gestures, especially when talking47
143982929Laudto praise, applaud48
143982930Belaborto repeat more than once to an absurd extent49
143982931Reiterateto do something again, several times in a tiresome way50
143982932Conflagrationhuge fire, inferno51
143982933Inducecause to happen52
143982934Soporificto cause sleepiness, to bore53
143982935Anarchyabsence of government or control, lawlessness54
143982936Stridentshrill, high pitched55
143982937Nonchalantnot showing any concern or worry56
143982939Ludicrousabsurd, ridiculous57
143982940Abridgeto shorten, condense58
143982942Reconditehard to understand, over one's head60
143982943Conspicuousstanding out, obvious61
143982944Archaicancient, outdated62
143982945Imminentjust about to happen63
143982946Predatorone that preys or destroys64
143982947Coalesceto fuse or unite65
143982948Exultto take pride66
143982949Exaltto glorify67
143982950Extraneousirrelevant, unnecessary68
143982952Assuageto soothe, relieve70
143982953Insuperableincapable of being overcome or solved71
143982954Assiduoushardworking, busy72
143982955Indulgentlenient, desire73
143982956Avaricegreed for money, riches74
143982957Squanderto waste75
143982958Penuriousstingy, relate to poverty76
143982959Debunkto prove wrong77
143982960Eccentricunconventional, a little kooky78
143982961Desiccateeyes won't dry out79
143982962Diversevarious and differences80
143982963Loquacioustalks too much81
143982964Maudlinwallowing in self-pity82
143982965Farcicalabsurd, ludicrous83
143982966Vibrantlively, full of vitality/life84
143982967Virulentextremely poisonous85
143982968Contemptuousto express disdain, no respect86
143982971Lucidclear, easy to understand89
143982972Repudiateto reject or disown90
143982973Superficialrelate to surface, shallow91
143982974Primordialformed long ago, primitive92
143982975Mellifluoussweetly flowing93
143982976Provinciallimited outlook, narrow94
143982977Contriteadmitting or feeling guilt95
143982978Incessantunceasing, never ending96
143982979Cogentconvincing, reasoning.97
143982980Coherentlogically connected98
143982981Eloquenceability to speak clearly or persuasively99
143982982Discourseverbal expression or exchanging conversation100
143982983Fluideasily flowing101
143982984Cohesivecondition of sticking together102
143982985Implicationthe act of hinting or suggesting103
143982986Assertiona declaration or statement104
143982987Clarityclearness in thought or expression105
143982988Lucidclear, easily understood106
143982989Emphasizeto give special attention to something, to stress107
143982990Arbitera judge who decides a dispute108
143982991Exculpatefreedom from guilt, prove someone innocent109
143982993Inconvertiblenot able to be denied or disputed111
143982994Plausibleseemingly valid or acceptable112
143982995Penitentexpressing remorse for one's misdeeds113
143982996Substantiatedsupporting with proof or hard evidence114
143982997Integritytrustworthiness, completeness115
143982998Objectivitytreating facts without biased116
143982999Vindicatedfree from blame117
143983000Dictatorialdomineering, oppressing, over bearing118
143983001Contemptuousfeeling hatred, scornful119
143983003Imperiousarrogantly domineering, arrogant over bearing121
143983004Patronizingtreating someone as if he/she is less intelligent than yourself122
143983005Disdaincontempt or scorn123
143983006Crypticdifficult to comprehend124
143983007Convolutedintricate, complex125
143983008Futileuseless, no useful purpose Impede-to slow the progress of126
143983009Obscureconceal, or make indistinct127
143983010Quandarystate of uncertainty128
143983012Alliancea union of two or more groups130
143983013Insipiduninteresting, not challenging131
143983014Listlesslacking energy132
143983015Torporlaziness in activity, exhausted, feeling tired133
143983016Alienatedremove or disassociated from friends and family134
143983018Embellishto make beautiful by ornaments136
143983019Floriddescribing flowery, elaborate speech137
143983020Opulentexhibiting a great wealth (evidently, no action)138
143983021Ebullienceintense enthusiasm139
143983022Poignantprofoundly moving, touching140
143983023Ornateelaborately decorated141
143983024Ostentatiousdescribing a showy or pretentious display (people show off)142
143983025Effusiveemotionally gushy143
143983026Egregiousconspicuously bad or offensive144
143983027Freneticextremely active, wildly excited145
143983028Gratuitousgiven freely, unearned146
143983029Superfluousextra, unnecessary147
143983030Asylumplace of retreat, security148
143983031Alleviateease of pain or burden149
143983032Auspiciousfavorable, promising150
143983033Benignkind, gentle151
143983034Mollifyto calm, soothe152
143983035Reclamationact of making useful again153
143983036Sanctionto give official authorization or approval154
143983037Dubiousdoubtful of a likely authority155
143983038Hypocrisythe false claim to practice of156
143983039Fabricatedto lie, make up157
143983040Spuriousnot genuine158
143983041Astuteclever, shrewd159
143983043Coupbrilliantly, executed plan161
143983044Disingenuousnot straight forward, crafty162
143983045Rusecrafty trick163
143983046Stratagema clever trick to deceive or out trick164
143983047Surreptitiouslydone secretive means165
143983048Waryon guard166
143983050Ambiguousopen to more than one interpretation168
143983051Ambivalentsimultaneously having many opposing feelings; uncertain169
143983052Apatheticfeeling, showing little emotion170
143983053Arbitrarydetermined by impulse rather than reason171
143983055Equivocateto avoid to make definite statement, deliberately unclear173
143983056Indifferentnot caring in one way or another174
143983058Whimsicalnot a lot of thought, mystery, go with the flow, subject to erratic/unpredictable176
143983060Tenuouslittle substance/strength178
143983061Triviallittle importance/significance179
143983062Diligentpain staking effort180
143983064Doggedstubbornly persevering, determined to continue without giving up in spite of difficulties182
143983065Intrepidcourageous, fearless183
143983066Preservingmake sure something lasts184
144204517Maverickone who is independent and resists adherence to a group185
144204518Obduratestubborn, inflexible186
144204519Obstinatestubbornly adhering to an opinion or course of action187
144204520Proliferateto grow or increase rapidly188
144204522Vitalityenergy, power to survive190
144204523Assimilationto make similar, to absorb191
144204524Consensusgeneral agreement192
144204525Contextcircumstances of a situation, the environment193
144204526Derivedcopy or adapted from a source194
144204527Incumbentimposed as a duty; obligatory195
144204528Inevitablecertain to happen196
144204529Malleableeasily shaped or formed197
144204530Subdueto restrain, to hold back198
144204531Acquireddeveloped or learned199
144204532Dogmaticstubbornly adhering to one's beliefs200
144204533Inherentbuilt in; born with201
144204534Inveteratelong established, deep202
144204535Omnipotentall powerful203
144204536Emigrateto get out of a country204
144204537Transientpassing away with time; passing from one place to another205
144204538Transitoryshort-lived, temporary206
144204539Affableeasy going, friendly207
144204541Conceptionthe ability to form or understand an idea209
144204543Camaraderiegood will between friends211
144204544Facetiousplayfully humorous212
144204545Impingeto hinder; to interfere with213
144204546Lamentto mourn; to express grief for214
144204547Truncatedshortened or cut off215
144204548Melancholysadness; depression216
144204549Sanctioneconomic or military measure put in place to punish another country217
144204550Aesthetichaving to deal with the appreciation of beauty218
144204551Dilettantelimited or superficial understanding of a field of knowledge219
144204552Edecticmade of a variety of sources or styles220
144204553Medleyan assortment or mixture, especially of music221
144204554Genredescribing a category of artistic endevor222
144204555Murala large painting applied directly to a wall or ceiling surface223
145282649Disparityinequality in age, rank, or degree224
145282650Slanderfalse charges, and malicious oral statements225
145282651Flagrantdeliberately, extremely shocking or noticeable226
145287025Endureto put up with227
145287026Prevaricateto speak or act in an evasive way228
149181804Despoticexercising absolute power229

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