6166096193 | Setting | Time, place, in which a story occurs (social, political, historical, atmosphere) | 0 | |
6166096194 | Simile | A figurative comparison using words like or as | 1 | |
6166096195 | Stream of Conciousness | A style of writing in which the author tries to reproduce the random flow of thoughts in the human mind | 2 | |
6166096196 | Style | The manner in which an author uses and arranges words, shapes, ideas, forms sentences, and creates a structure to convey ideas | 3 | |
6166096197 | Stylistic devices | A general term referring to diction, syntax, tone, figurative language, and other elements that contribute to "style" | 4 | |
6166096198 | Subject complement | The grammatical unit comprised of predicate nominatives and predicate adjectives | 5 | |
6166096199 | Subjective | Of or relating to private and personal feelings and attitudes as opposed to facts and reality (opposite of objective) | 6 | |
6166096200 | Subtext | The implied meaning that underlies the main meanings of an essay or other work | 7 | |
6166096201 | Syllogism | A form of deductive reasoning in which given certain ideas or facts, other ideas or facts must follow | 8 | |
6166096202 | Symbolism | The use of one object to evoke ideas and associations not necessarily part of the original object | 9 | |
6166096203 | Synecdoche | A figure of speech in which a part signifies the whole or the whole signifies the part | 10 | |
6166096204 | Syntax | The organization of language into meaningful structure | 11 | |
6166096205 | Theme | The main idea or meaning, often an abstract idea upon which an essay or other form of discourse is built | 12 | |
6166096206 | Thesis | The main idea of a piece of discourse; the statement or proposition that a speaker or writer wishes to advance, illustrate, prove, or defend | 13 | |
6166096207 | Tone | The author's attitude toward the subject being written about- emotional essence of the piece | 14 | |
6166096208 | Tragedy | A form of literature in which the hero is destroyed by some character flaw and by a set of forces that cause the hero anguish | 15 | |
6166096209 | Transition | A stylistic device used to create a link between ideas. Transtitions often endow discourse with continuity and coherence | 16 | |
6166096210 | Trope | The generic name for a figure of speech such as image, symbol, simile, metaphor | 17 | |
6166096211 | Understatement | Restrained statement that departs from what could be said; avoidance of emphasis for effect | 18 | |
6166096212 | Verbal irony | A discrepancy between the true meaning of a situation and the literal meaning of the written or spoken words | 19 | |
6166096213 | Verse | A synonym for poetry; group of lines or line in a song or poem | 20 | |
6166096214 | Verisimilitude | Similar to the truth; the quality of realism in a work that persuades readers they are getting a vision of life as it is | 21 | |
6166096215 | Voice | The real or assumed personality used by a writer or speaker (grammar: active/passive voice) | 22 | |
6166096216 | Whimsy | An object, device, or creation that is fanciful or rooted in unreality | 23 | |
6166096217 | Wit | The quickness of intellect and the power and talent for saying brilliant things that surprise and delight by their unexpectedness | 24 | |
6166096218 | Abhor | To consider with horror and disgust | 25 | |
6166096219 | Allay | To relieve or lessen | 26 | |
6166096220 | Assert | To state or express positively | 27 | |
6166096221 | Assimilate | To consume and incorporate into | 28 | |
6166096222 | Buttress | To support or reinforce, to strengthen | 29 | |
6166096223 | Castigate | To chastise or punish | 30 | |
6166096224 | Concede | To acknowledge as true | 31 | |
6166096225 | Condemn | To express disapproval of to denounce | 32 | |
6166096226 | Condone | To overlook, forgive, or disregard w/out protest | 33 | |
6166096227 | Conjecture | To infer from incomplete evidence- to guess | 34 | |
6166096228 | Deign | To deem something barely worthy of oneself | 35 | |
6166096229 | Demean | To debase or degrade | 36 | |
6166096230 | Demonize | To transform into or as if into a demon | 37 | |
6166096231 | Denounce | To condemn openly | 38 | |
6166096232 | Deprive | To take something away from | 39 | |
6166096233 | Derive | To receive or obtain from a source | 40 | |
6166096234 | Detract | To distract | 41 | |
6166096235 | Devastate | To lay waste, ruin | 42 | |
6166096236 | Diffuse | To spread out, disperse in every direction | 43 | |
6166096237 | Disapprove | To have an unfavorable view of, to condemn | 44 | |
6166096238 | Discredit | To damage the reputation of; to disgrace | 45 | |
6166096239 | Dispel | To rid one's mind of | 46 | |
6166096240 | Distinguish | To recognize as being different or distinct | 47 | |
6166096241 | Dwell | To live as an inhabitant | 48 | |
6166096242 | Eliminate | To get rid of, remove | 49 | |
6166096243 | Emerge | To come forth or rise up as it from immersion | 50 | |
6166096244 | Engage | To employ; to obtain and hold the attention of | 51 | |
6166096245 | Engross | To occupy the attention of; absorb | 52 | |
6166096246 | Enhance | To increase or make greater | 53 | |
6166096247 | Escalate | To enlarge, increase or intesify | 54 | |
6166096248 | Espouse | To take in marriage; marry; to give one's support | 55 | |
6166096249 | Evoke | To call forth or summon | 56 | |
6166096250 | Exalt | To raise in rank, character, status; elevate | 57 | |
6166096251 | Exhort | To urge by strong argument, advice, or appeal | 58 | |
6166096252 | Exploit | To utilize to greatest advantage, to make use of unethically or selfishly | 59 | |
6166096253 | Expose | To lay open, as to something undesirable or injurious; to make known; to reveal the guilt | 60 | |
6166096254 | Extrapolate | To infer or estimate | 61 | |
6166096255 | Falsify | To give an untruthful account of | 62 | |
6166096256 | Galvanize | To arouse to awareness or action | 63 | |
6166096257 | Invoke | To call on for aid, support, inspiration | 64 | |
6166096258 | Justify | To show or prove to be just or valid | 65 | |
6166096259 | Juxtapose | To place side by side for contrast or comparison | 66 | |
6166096260 | Linger | To delay in quitting or leaving something; tarry | 67 | |
6166096261 | Lure | To attract by temptation or wiles; to entice | 68 | |
6166096262 | Maim | To disable or disfigure, usually by depriving of limb | 69 | |
6166096263 | Manifest | To show or demonstrate plainly; to reveal | 70 | |
6166096264 | Mitigate | To make or become less severe or intense; moderate | 71 | |
6166096265 | Oppress | To persecute or subjugate by unjust use of force or authority | 72 | |
6166096266 | Orate | To speak in a pompous, oratorical way | 73 | |
6166096267 | Originate | To bring or come into being | 74 | |
6166096268 | Parley | To discuss, debate, or confer with another | 75 | |
6166096269 | Proclaim | To announce officially and publicly; to declare | 76 | |
6166096270 | Progress | To proceed; to advance toward a more desirable form | 77 | |
6166096271 | Purport | To have or present the appearance, often false, of being or intending | 78 | |
6166096272 | Rally | To call together for a common purpose; assemble | 79 | |
6166096273 | Rationalize | To devise self-satisfying but incorrect reasons for one's behavior | 80 | |
6166096274 | Reconsider | To consider again, especially with intent to modify an earlier decision | 81 | |
6166096275 | Recount | To narrate the facts or details of | 82 | |
6166096276 | Refute | To prove to be false or mistaken | 83 | |
6166096277 | Ridicule | To make fun of | 84 | |
6166096278 | Undercut | To undermine; to diminish or destroy the effectiveness of | 85 | |
6166096279 | Underscore | To draw a line under; to emphasize or stress | 86 | |
6166096280 | Unveil | To disclose or reveal | 87 | |
6166096281 | Vindicate | To clear of accusation, blame, suspicion, or doubt with corroboration or proof | 88 | |
6166096282 | Warrant | To justify or call for | 89 | |
6166096283 | Boisterous | Noisy, loud, rough | 90 | |
6166096284 | Compassionate | Sympathetic | 91 | |
6166096285 | Confident | Assured, certain, bold | 92 | |
6166096286 | Effusive | Excessively emotional in an unrestrained manner | 93 | |
6166096287 | Elated | Joyful | 94 | |
6166096288 | Exuberant | Elaborate, flowery | 95 | |
6166096289 | Fanciful | Imaginative, whimsical | 96 | |
6166096290 | Genial | Cheerful, friendly | 97 | |
6166096291 | Jocular | Joking, humorous, full of fun | 98 | |
6166096292 | Mirthful | Merry | 99 | |
6166096293 | Nostalgic | Longingly | 100 | |
6166096294 | Optimistic | Positive | 101 | |
6166096295 | Sanguine | Cheerful, confident, optimistic | 102 | |
6166096296 | Whimsical | Full of whimsy, fanciful, out of the ordinary | 103 | |
6166096297 | Wistful | Expressing vague yearnings | 104 | |
6166096298 | Admonitory | Admonishing, warning | 105 | |
6166096299 | Condemnatory | Condemning, declaring guilt | 106 | |
6166096300 | Exacerbated | Intense, angry | 107 | |
6166096301 | Incendiary | Willfully stirring up strife, riot, rebellion | 108 | |
6166096302 | Incensed | Angry, wrathful | 109 | |
6166096303 | Indignant | Scornful, angry | 110 | |
6166096304 | Inflammatory | Rousing excitement, anger, violence | 111 | |
6166096305 | Irate | Angry, wrathful, incensed | 112 | |
6166096306 | Livid | with rage | 113 | |
6166096307 | Pretentious | Affectedly grand, ostentatious, showy | 114 | |
6166096308 | Resentful | Offended | 115 | |
6166096309 | Vexed | Distressed, annoyed | 116 | |
6166096310 | Chagrined | Sorrowful, gloomy | 117 | |
6166096311 | Disconcerted | Frustrated | 118 | |
6166096312 | Foreboding | Warning of something bad to come | 119 | |
6166096313 | Melancholic | Pensive, sad, gloomy | 120 | |
6166096314 | Mournful | Expressing sorrow, depression | 121 | |
6166096315 | Ominous | Threatening, sinister | 122 | |
6166096316 | Resigned | Submissive, yielding | 123 | |
6166096317 | Sober | Serious, solemn, grave | 124 | |
6166096318 | Solemn | Sacred, formal, somber | 125 | |
6166096319 | Staid | Fixed, settled, sober, sedate | 126 | |
6166096320 | Defame | to slander, libel, or discredit | 127 | |
6166096321 | Defile | to make dirty; to dishonor or corrupt | 128 | |
6166096322 | Depravity | wickedness or corruption | 129 | |
6166096323 | Desecrate | to defile, violate, or contaminate something sacred | 130 | |
6166096324 | Despicable | contemptible or worthy of scorn | 131 | |
6166096325 | Flagrant | outrageous or scandalous | 132 | |
6166096326 | Guile | deceit or treacherous | 133 | |
6166096327 | Hedonistic | pleasure- loving | 134 | |
6166096328 | Imperil | to endager or jeopardize | 135 | |
6166096329 | Infernal | hellish | 136 | |
6166096330 | Insolence | rudeness; insulting behvior | 137 | |
6166096331 | Lewd | indecent or obscene | 138 | |
6166096332 | Malevolent | showing ill will; spiteful | 139 | |
6166096333 | Marauder | a person or animal that makes raids for booty | 140 | |
6166096334 | Morbid | unhealthy or unwholesome; gloomy | 141 | |
6166096335 | Odious | hateful or offensive | 142 | |
6166096336 | Prodigal | wasteful; spending too much | 143 | |
6166096337 | Profane | having no regard for sacred things; vulgar | 144 | |
6166096338 | Revile | to verbally abuse | 145 | |
6166096339 | Subvert | to overthrow or destroy | 146 | |
6166096340 | Ameliorate | to improve or make better | 147 | |
6166096341 | Amicable | friendly | 148 | |
6166096342 | Beneficial | conducive to well-being; helpful or useful | 149 | |
6166096343 | Benign | kind or mild; having a gentle disposition | 150 | |
6166096344 | Blissful | joyous; ecstatic | 151 | |
6166096345 | Conciliate | to make peace through reasoning; to appease | 152 | |
6166096346 | Essence | the basic character or quality of a thing | 153 | |
6166096347 | Exemplary | worthy of imitation; admirable | 154 | |
6166096348 | Extol | to praise highly | 155 | |
6166096349 | Finesse | delicacy or skill in handling a situation | 156 | |
6166096350 | Genteel | refined or well-bred | 157 | |
6166096351 | Integrity | honesty; incorrubility | 158 | |
6166096352 | Laudatory | praising or complimentary | 159 | |
6166096353 | Luscious | mouth watering | 160 | |
6166096354 | Munificent | extremely generous or charitable | 161 | |
6166096355 | Omnipotent | all-powerful | 162 | |
6166096356 | Pulchritude | physical beauty | 163 | |
6166096357 | Sublime | lofty; of high intellectual or spiritual worth | 164 | |
6166096358 | Tranquil | peaceful or calm | 165 | |
6166096359 | Veracious | truthful | 166 |
AP Language 1 Vocabulary Flashcards
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