13825285656 | caveat | caution to prevent misunderstanding | 0 | |
13825285644 | Abrogate (verb) | to abolish, officially | 1 | |
13825285645 | affable [adjective] | friendly | 2 | |
13825285646 | Charlatan (noun) | an intellectual fraud | 3 | |
13825285647 | irrefragable | indisputable (impossible to contradict) | 4 | |
13825285648 | Vacillate (verb) | to go back and forth | 5 | |
13825285649 | stellar | excellent | 6 | |
13825285650 | circumvent | to go around | 7 | |
13825285651 | precipitious | dangerously steep | 8 | |
13825285652 | sordid | filthy | 9 | |
13825285653 | incidentally (adv) | by the way | 10 | |
13825285654 | protract | to prolong | 11 | |
13825285655 | effervescent | fizzy or bubbly | 12 | |
13825285657 | gregarious | outgoing; sociable | 13 | |
13825285658 | Exarcerbate | to make something worse | 14 | |
13825285659 | recalcitrant | stubbornness to authority | 15 | |
13825285660 | vindicate | to prove right or free from guilt | 16 | |
13825285661 | harbinger | a sign of something to come | 17 | |
13825285662 | circumspect | careful in decision making | 18 | |
13825285663 | untenable | indefensible | 19 | |
13825285664 | embellish | to decorate | 20 | |
13825285665 | placid | peaceful | 21 | |
13825285666 | mollify | to soften | 22 | |
13825285667 | indelible | incapable of being removed | 23 | |
13825285668 | purveyor | one who provides or supplies | 24 | |
13825285669 | explicate | to explain | 25 | |
13825285670 | sophomoric | immature | 26 | |
13825285671 | frivolous | lacking in seriousness | 27 | |
13825285672 | assuage | to relieve | 28 | |
13825285673 | truncate | to shorten by cutting | 29 | |
13825285674 | pensive | (adj.) thoughtfully reflective | 30 | |
13825285675 | extrapolate S | To reason from the known to the unknown | 31 | |
13825285676 | ruse | an act( designed ) to confuse or mislead, - | 32 | |
13825285677 | germane | relevant, | 33 | |
13825285678 | penchant | A liking for | 34 | |
13825285679 | augment | to make greater or , increase | 35 | |
13825285680 | ubiquitous | Existing all at once | 36 | |
13825285681 | erudite | (adj.) scholarly, | 37 | |
13825285682 | assiduously (adv) | diligently | 38 | |
13825285683 | imbue (v) | To instill | 39 | |
13825285684 | resonate | To echo | 40 | |
13825285685 | pejorative (adj) | belittling .to put down | 41 | |
13825285686 | cogent | convincing | 42 | |
13825285687 | codify | To arrange laws into a systematic format | 43 | |
13825285688 | decry | To publicly denounce | 44 | |
13825285689 | enjoin | To prohibit | 45 | |
13825285690 | perfunctory | done as a matter of routine | 46 | |
13825285691 | tantamount | Equivalent | 47 | |
13825285692 | espouse (v) | to adopt as ones own | 48 | |
13825285693 | cognizant | Aware | 49 | |
13825285694 | abate | (v.) to lessen | 50 | |
13825285695 | mutlifarious | having great variety | 51 | |
13825285696 | odious | repulsive | 52 | |
13825285697 | dissemble | (v.) to disguise or conceal | 53 | |
13825285698 | aggrandize | (v.) to increase | 54 | |
13825285699 | inexorably (adv) | Unyielding | 55 | |
13825285700 | urbane | Civil, well manner | 56 | |
13825285701 | ascertain | to find out | 57 | |
13825285702 | deride | to ridicule, | 58 | |
13825285703 | clandestinely | secretly | 59 | |
13825285704 | cogitate | to ponder | 60 | |
13825285705 | fallacious | Logically false | 61 | |
13825285706 | Hubris | excessive pride | 62 | |
13825285707 | intemperate | lacking in self-control | 63 | |
13825285708 | embody | To personify, | 64 | |
13825285709 | Jocular | playful | 65 | |
13825285710 | malign | (v.)to speak evilly about | 66 | |
13825285711 | malediction | An evil curse placed on someone | 67 | |
13825285712 | capitulate | (v.)to surrender | 68 | |
13825285713 | recapitulate | to summarize | 69 | |
13825285714 | juxtapose | to place side by side | 70 | |
13825285715 | feckless | Senseless | 71 | |
13825285716 | circumlocution | roundabout way of speaking to be vague | 72 | |
13825285717 | verbose | wordy | 73 | |
13825285718 | engender | to bring about | 74 | |
13825285719 | pariah | social outcast | 75 | |
13825285720 | expunge | to obliterate, | 76 | |
13825285721 | lethargy | sluggishness | 77 | |
13825285722 | rarefield | Distant from ordinary people | 78 | |
13825285723 | mordant | bitingly sarcastic | 79 | |
13825285724 | obviate | to anticipate and prevent | 80 | |
13825285725 | unquivocal | Leaving no doubt | 81 | |
13825285726 | scrutinize | to examine thoroughly | 82 | |
13825285727 | malodorous | Smelling bad , stinky | 83 | |
13825285728 | insolence | rude behavior | 84 | |
13825285729 | formulate | To create or to devise | 85 | |
13825285730 | paragon | Perfect example of a model of exellence | 86 | |
13825285731 | largess | Great generosity | 87 | |
13825285732 | potentate | Powerful ruler | 88 | |
13825285733 | misnomer | An inaccurate name or designation | 89 | |
13825285734 | trechant | Thoroughly Inciteful Treacherous analysis of thanknyou next | 90 | |
13825285735 | equivocate | (v.) to use unclear language on purpose or deliberately | 91 | |
13825285736 | roustabout | An unskilled laborer Ex stripper | 92 | |
13825285737 | plausible | probable or apperently possible Plausible conclusión | 93 | |
13825285738 | inane | Foolish | 94 | |
13825285739 | Postumously | Done after death | 95 | |
13825285740 | indomitable | unconquerable or imposible to defeat | 96 | |
13825285741 | furtive | secretive | 97 | |
13825285742 | illicit | unlawful | 98 | |
13825285743 | splendiferous | splendid; | 99 | |
13825285744 | proscribe | to forbid | 100 | |
13825285745 | generate | (v.) to bring into existence She passed out flyers to generate support | 101 | |
13825285746 | disheveled | Untidy or disorderly | 102 | |
13825285747 | countenance | Ones facial expression We could tell by Mary's countenance that she finally scored a date | 103 | |
13825285748 | countenance verb | approve; I under no circumstances countenance cheating in my class | 104 | |
13825285749 | prescribe | To recommend a course of action Prescribe | 105 | |
13825285750 | tawdry | (adj.) shows but cheap The woman's tawdry was clearly made of plastic and we all knew it | 106 | |
13825285751 | virulent | Toxic or extremely harmful | 107 | |
13825285752 | galvanize | to motivate to action | 108 | |
13825285753 | prescient | having foresight | 109 | |
13825285754 | condone | To allow bad behavior | 110 | |
13825285755 | specious | Seemingly true but misleading | 111 | |
13825285756 | crestfallen | sad | 112 | |
13825285757 | nonplus | To puzzle or bewilder | 113 | |
13825285758 | skullduggery | trickery; underhandedness | 114 | |
13825285759 | Taxonomy | the classification of something | 115 | |
13825285760 | remiss | negligent | 116 | |
13825285761 | bellicose | warlike | 117 | |
13825285762 | parlance | The specific word choices a particular group uses or makes | 118 | |
13825285763 | resplendent | Colorful in appearance | 119 | |
13825285764 | alleviate | to make less severe | 120 | |
13825285765 | conciliatory | Tending to make amends | 121 | |
13825285766 | moniker | a name or nickname | 122 | |
13825285767 | insatiable | incapable of being satisfied | 123 | |
13825285768 | delineate | To describe accurately | 124 | |
13825285769 | indubitable | without a doubt | 125 | |
13825285770 | raze | (v.) to tear down, destroy completely; to demolish | 126 | |
13825285771 | minutiae | Tiny, unimportant details | 127 | |
13825285772 | carp | to complain or nag | 128 | |
13825285773 | enigma | something puzzling or mysterious | 129 | |
13825285774 | Glean | To extract or take from | 130 | |
13825285775 | fraught | filled with | 131 | |
13825285776 | diatribe | a bitter forceful attack against something or someone | 132 | |
13825285777 | frenetic | frenzied, widely energetic | 133 | |
13825285778 | allay | (To reduce (fears or concerns) | 134 | |
13825285779 | nuance | a slight difference or distinction (in meaning) | 135 | |
13825285780 | recant | To formally withdraw something said | 136 | |
13825285781 | benefactor | Patrón | 137 | |
13825285782 | impeccable | flawless | 138 | |
13825285783 | pedantic | Making mountains out of mole hill | 139 | |
13825285784 | assertion | a bold confident statement | 140 | |
13825285785 | coherent | (adj.) logically held together | 141 | |
13825285786 | didactic | intended to instruct | 142 | |
13825285787 | exculpate | to clear from guilt | 143 | |
13825285788 | incontrovertible | indisputable | 144 | |
13825285789 | listless | lacking energy | 145 | |
13825285790 | convoluted | extremely complex or complicated | 146 | |
13825285791 | obscure | not well known | 147 | |
13825285792 | impede | To obstruct or slow the progress | 148 | |
13825285793 | quandary | A dilemma | 149 | |
13825285794 | Discourse | written or spoken communication | 150 | |
13825285795 | cryptic | mysterious | 151 | |
13825285796 | indolent | lazy | 152 | |
13825285797 | Coup | Violent political takeover | 153 | |
13825285798 | proliferate | To increase rapidly in numbers | 154 | |
13825285799 | vilify | To publicly shame | 155 | |
13825285800 | malfeasance | Wrong doing by a public official | 156 | |
13825285801 | timorous | fearful | 157 | |
13825285802 | corroborate | To confirm with evidence | 158 | |
13825285803 | Cajole | To coax (persuade) with flattery | 159 | |
13825285804 | Peninent | Remorseful | 160 | |
13825285805 | disparity | a great difference (between a and b ) | 161 | |
13825285806 | frenetic | frenzied, | 162 | |
13825285807 | tenuous | A weak (case a lawyer presents ) | 163 | |
13825285808 | impinge | To impact negatively ( on or upon) | 164 | |
13825285809 | hegemony | The dominant leadership of one social class over another | 165 | |
13825285810 | schism | A great divide Or split | 166 | |
13825285811 | Watershed | A turning point in history ( a watershed event or moment) | 167 | |
13825285812 | parochial | Having a narrow perspective | 168 | |
13825285813 | squander | to waste foolishly | 169 | |
13825285814 | opulent | lavish | 170 | |
13825285815 | imperious | (adj.) overbearing | 171 | |
13825285816 | auspicious | promising success | 172 | |
13825285817 | proximity | (n.) nearness, closeness in time and space ( in procimity to) | 173 | |
13825285818 | disparage | to belittle | 174 | |
13825285819 | prognosticate | to predict with evidence | 175 | |
13825285820 | cofound | to confuse | 176 | |
13825285821 | parity | equality | 177 | |
13825285822 | Fatous | foolish | 178 | |
13825285823 | expiate | (v.) to make amends | 179 | |
13825285824 | ebullience | intense enthusiasm | 180 | |
13825285825 | inveterate | Deeply established (like traditions or habits ) | 181 | |
13825285826 | ingrate | an ungrateful person | 182 | |
13825285827 | efficacy | effectiveness | 183 | |
13825285828 | arbiter | a person who settles a dispute | 184 | |
13825285829 | ostentatious | showy | 185 | |
13825285830 | denigrate | To criticize unfairly | 186 | |
13825285831 | efface | to wipe out or erase | 187 | |
13825285832 | mercurial | Unpredictable with respect to changes in mood | 188 | |
13825285833 | soporific | tending to induce sleep | 189 | |
13825285834 | indifferent | not caring one way or the other | 190 | |
13825285835 | staid | unemotional | 191 | |
13825285836 | nocturnal | active at night | 192 | |
13825285837 | diurnal | active during the day | 193 | |
13825285838 | florid | excessively decorated or rosy appearance | 194 | |
13825285839 | reclamation | the act of making something useful again | 195 | |
13825285840 | moribund | Near death or at the point of death | 196 | |
13825285841 | prosaic | dull or boring | 197 | |
13825285842 | castigate | To scold severely | 198 | |
13825285843 | flippant | disrespectful lack of seriousness ( like saying whatever ) | 199 | |
13825285844 | Belabor (v) | to work on excessively | 200 | |
13825285845 | Denote (v) | to indicate | 201 | |
13825285846 | Eschew (v) | to avoid | 202 | |
13825285847 | Taciturn ( adj) | Always silent | 203 | |
13825285848 | Credence (n) | The belief in something as true | 204 | |
13825285849 | envince (v) | to show clearly | 205 | |
13825285850 | nefarious (adj) | wicked or villainous | 206 | |
13825285851 | ostensibly (adv) | supposedly | 207 | |
13825285852 | Bastión (n) | A fortress | 208 | |
13825285853 | jettison (v) | To discard or get rid of | 209 | |
13825285854 | Emulate (v) | To imitate with intent of surpassing | 210 | |
13825285855 | Euphemism (n) | Substitution of a non offensive word for one that is considered offensive | 211 | |
13825285856 | gainsay (v) | to contradict | 212 | |
13825285857 | innate (adj) | inborn or natural | 213 | |
13825285858 | felicity (n) | extreme happiness | 214 | |
13825285859 | elucidate (v) | To clarify | 215 | |
13825285860 | onerous (adj) | burdensome | 216 | |
13825285861 | Robust (adj) | strong and healthy | 217 | |
13825285862 | dolt (n) | a stupid person | 218 | |
13825285863 | attenuate (v) | To reduce in force | 219 | |
13825285864 | placate (v) | To appease or pacify | 220 | |
13825285865 | Abject (adj) | Of the lowest kind | 221 | |
13825285866 | nascent ( adj) | Newly formed or beginning to form | 222 | |
13825285867 | Abide (v) | To accept and act accordingly | 223 | |
13825285868 | ameliorate (v) | To make something bad better | 224 | |
13825285869 | nadir (n) | The lowest point | 225 | |
13825285870 | pungent (adj) | Sharp to the senses | 226 | |
13825285871 | Rife (adj) | abundant | 227 | |
13825285872 | Adept (adj) | skilled or proficient | 228 | |
13825285873 | Surreptitiously (adv) | secretly | 229 | |
13825285874 | eviscerate (v) | To deprive of essential parts | 230 | |
13825285875 | Copious (adj) | abundant | 231 | |
13825285876 | parsimonious (adj) | Extremely stingy | 232 | |
13825285877 | propensity (n) | A tendency or inclination | 233 | |
13825285878 | Garner (v) | to gather | 234 | |
13825285879 | foible (n) | A flaw or character weakness | 235 | |
13825285880 | sacrosanct (adj) | sacred | 236 | |
13825285881 | ignominious (adj) | shameful | 237 | |
13825285882 | portend (v) | To indicate in advance something negative | 238 | |
13825285883 | deftly (adv) | skillfully | 239 |
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