7206250180 | Analogy | Noun- Explaining something complex by comparing it to something simple | 0 | |
7206251202 | Anaphora | Noun- The repetition of words or phrases at the beginning of consecutive lines or sentences | 1 | |
7206252969 | Anecdote | Noun- A short and amusing or interesting story about a real incident or person; used to prove a point in argument | 2 | |
7206253457 | Connotation | Noun- The implied or associative meaning of a word | 3 | |
7206254500 | Extended Metaphor | Noun- A metaphor developed at great length, occurring frequently in or throughout a work. | 4 | |
7243356774 | Advocate | Noun- a person who publicly supports or recommends a particular cause or policy. | 5 | |
7243357299 | Advocate | Verb- to recommend; to speak in favor of | 6 | |
7243358907 | Aesthetic | Adjective- concerned with beauty or the appreciation of beauty | 7 | |
7243359745 | Correlate | Verb- have a mutual relationship or connection, in which one thing affects or depends on another | 8 | |
7243360094 | Synonymous | Adjective- having the same or nearly the same meaning as another word or phrase in the same language. | 9 | |
7315367022 | Polysyndeton | Noun- the repetition of conjunctions in a series of coordinate words, phrases, or clauses | 10 | |
7315369086 | Asyndeton | Noun- the omission or absence of a conjunction between parts of a sentence. | 11 | |
7315380076 | Churlish | Adjective- having a bad disposition; surly | 12 | |
7315387474 | Effusive | Adjective- uttered with unrestrained enthusiasm; gushy | 13 | |
7315395382 | Obsequious | Adjective- attempting to win favor from influential people by flattery | 14 | |
7523309456 | Rebuttal | Noun- an attempt to contradict or disprove an argument by offering a counter argument | 15 | |
7523315579 | Concession | Noun- an acknowledgment that an opposing argument may be true or reasonable. | 16 | |
7523317874 | Conclusion | Noun- a decision made after considering relevant facts and evidence | 17 | |
7523325679 | Premise | Noun- a statement that is assumed to be true and from which a conclusion can be drawn | 18 | |
7523329966 | Argument | Noun- A statement put forth and supported by evidence | 19 | |
7749315732 | Reverent | Adjective- feeling or showing profound respect or veneration | 20 | |
7749319518 | Squander | Verb- to waste | 21 | |
7749325063 | Antecedent | Noun- The word, phrase, or clause referred to by a pronoun. | 22 | |
7749328044 | Juxtaposition | Noun- Placement of two things closely together to emphasize comparisons or contrasts | 23 | |
7749330644 | Tone | Noun- Attitude a writer takes toward the audience, a subject, or a character | 24 | |
7749333726 | Appositive | Noun- A noun or pronoun set beside another noun or pronoun to further explain/identify it. | 25 | |
7749339219 | Style | Noun- the choices a writer makes; the combination of distinctive features of a literary work | 26 | |
7749342119 | Jaded | Adjective- tired, bored, or lacking enthusiasm, typically after having had too much of something | 27 | |
7749346762 | Surly | Adjective- inclined to anger or bad feelings with overtones of menace | 28 | |
7749352273 | Prosaic | Adjective- commonplace or dull; matter-of-fact or unimaginative | 29 | |
7932877898 | Didactic | Adjective- having the primary purpose of teaching or instructing | 30 | |
7932884593 | Mercurial | Adjective- quickly unpredictably changing moods; fickle, flighty | 31 | |
7932898253 | Tout | Verb- to brag publicly; to praise highly. | 32 | |
7932906358 | Wry | Adjective- Dryly humorous, often with a touch of irony | 33 | |
7932921996 | Invective | Noun- An emotionally violent, verbal denunciation or attack using strong, abusive language. | 34 | |
7984779632 | Colloquial | Adjective- conversational; informal in language | 35 | |
7984782503 | Fallacy | Noun- a mistaken belief, especially one based on unsound argument. | 36 | |
7984787031 | Transient | Adjective- lasting only for a short time; impermanent. | 37 | |
7984788933 | Usurp | Verb- To seize and hold a position by force or without right | 38 | |
7984792297 | Zealot | Noun- Fanatic; person who shows excessive zeal | 39 | |
8062557033 | Non-Sequitar | Noun- its conclusion does not follow from its premises | 40 | |
8062560527 | Rancor(ous) | Adjective- Bitter resentment or ill-will | 41 | |
8062562396 | Staunch | Adjective- Loyal and committed in attitude | 42 | |
8062568860 | Supplant | Verb- To take the place of, supersede | 43 | |
8062571527 | Synesthesia | Noun- describing one kind of sensation in terms of another ("a loud color", "a sweet sound") | 44 | |
8257164336 | Aphorism | Noun- a pithy observation that contains a general truth, such as, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it." | 45 | |
8257172182 | Polemical | Adj- Controversial | 46 | |
8257179028 | Nebulous | Adj- Hazy, vague, indistinct, or confused | 47 | |
8257254441 | Slippery Slope | Noun- Arguments suggest that one thing will lead to another, oftentimes with disastrous results | 48 | |
8257261240 | Jargon | Noun- the specialized language or vocabulary of a particular group or profession | 49 | |
8418933166 | Attenuate | Verb- to reduce in force or degree; weaken | 50 | |
8418973030 | Abscond | Verb- To run off and hide | 51 | |
8418986876 | Diffident | Adj- shy, lacking self-confidence; modest, reserved | 52 | |
8419250433 | Dissonant | Adj- Not in harmony, disagreeing | 53 | |
8419269941 | Dubious | Adj- Doubtful; of unlikely authenticity | 54 | |
8419286692 | Grapple | Verb- To struggle with physically or mentally | 55 | |
8419299809 | Improvident | Adj- not thrifty; failing to plan ahead | 56 | |
8419309972 | Incongruous | Adj- not fitting in; out of place | 57 | |
8419331173 | Incredulous | Adj- disbelieving, skeptical | 58 | |
8419339411 | Indolent | Adj- habitually lazy or idle | 59 | |
8529888641 | Judicial | Adj- official; related to court; fair | 60 | |
8529892163 | Ominous | Adj- threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments | 61 | |
8529894506 | Preening | Verb- dressing and grooming oneself with excessive care; primping | 62 | |
8529896587 | Raffish | Adj- unconventional and slightly disreputable, especially in an attractive manner | 63 | |
8529901249 | Reproached | Verb- expressed disapproval of, criticism of, or disappointment in (someone) | 64 | |
8529902656 | Vivacity | Noun- the quality of being attractively lively and animated | 65 | |
8537608389 | Lurid | Adj- very vivid in color, especially so as to create an unpleasantly harsh or unnatural effect. | 66 | |
8537611323 | Pinioned | Verb- disabled or restrained by binding the arms; shackled | 67 | |
8539267148 | Gander | Verb- a look or glance | 68 | |
8539394968 | Portiere | Noun- a heavy curtain hung across a doorway | 69 | |
8716439021 | Saccharine | Adj- Excessively sweet or sentimental | 70 | |
8716442088 | Effeminate | Adj- (of a man) having or showing characteristics regarded as typical of a woman; unmanly. | 71 | |
8716445533 | Delude | Verb- To mislead; to fool | 72 | |
8716449139 | Reprove | Verb- To scold or criticize | 73 | |
8716453303 | Demure | Adj- Modest and reserved in manner or behavior | 74 | |
8716459357 | Neurasthenic | Noun- suffering from an ill-defined medical condition characterized by fatigue and emotional disturbance | 75 | |
8716463850 | Coquettish | Adj- Flirtatious; coy | 76 | |
8716469497 | Vanity | Noun- excessive pride in or admiration of one's own appearance or achievements | 77 | |
8716472377 | Morbid | Adj- Gruesome, gloomy, or dark | 78 | |
8716476283 | Dote | Verb- shower with love; show excessive affection for | 79 | |
8716479811 | Affect | Verb- pretend to have; feel | 80 | |
8793710783 | Contrapuntual | Adj- of or in counterpoint | 81 | |
8793714387 | Blithe | Adj- Cheerful, lighthearted; casual, unconcerned | 82 | |
8793717055 | Serene | Adj- Calm and peaceful | 83 | |
8793718892 | Innefectual | Adj- Useless; not producing the desired effect | 84 | |
8793724237 | Amiability | Noun- The quality of having a friendly and pleasant manner | 85 | |
8793726666 | Uncouth | Adj- lacking refinement or cultivation or taste | 86 | |
8793729714 | Uncavalier | Adj- not gallant; discourteous | 87 | |
8793732307 | Recrimination | Noun- An accusation in response to one from someone else | 88 | |
8793737814 | Destitute | Adj- Deprived of the necessities of life; lacking in | 89 | |
8793737923 | Slander | Verb- False charges and malicious oral statements about someone | 90 | |
8793742681 | Warily | Adv- Cautiously, with great care | 91 | |
8793746670 | Inert | Adj- Lacking the ability or strength to move | 92 | |
8793749220 | Callous | Adj- Emotionally hardened, unfeeling | 93 | |
8793751638 | Prodigious | Adj- remarkably or impressively great in extent, size, or degree | 94 | |
8793754183 | Elated | Verb- In high spirits, jubilant; extremely pleased | 95 | |
8793767078 | Colloquy | Noun- Formal conversation or dialogue | 96 | |
8793772583 | Sinuous | Adj- Winding, having many curves; lithe and flexible | 97 | |
8793775234 | Divest | Verb- Deprive or strip of a rank, title, etc., or of clothing or gear; to sell off holdings | 98 | |
8793780658 | Reverberate | Verb- To be repeated as in a series of echoes or vibrations | 99 | |
9040036255 | Indelible | Adjective- Not able to be erased or removed; memorable | 100 | |
9040039360 | Chauvinism | Noun- fanatical devotion to one's country, sex, religion, etc. | 101 | |
9040041158 | Poignant | Adjective- Evoking a keen sense of sadness or regret | 102 | |
9040045467 | Ephemeral | Adjective- Lasting a very short time | 103 | |
9040047956 | Diatribe | Noun- A forceful and bitter verbal attack | 104 | |
9133371132 | Litotes | Noun- a type of understatement in which an idea is expressed by negating its opposite | 105 | |
9133376516 | Solicitous | Adjective- Showing or expressing concern, care, or attention | 106 | |
9133389135 | Lugubrious | Adjective- Looking or sounding sad and dismal | 107 | |
9133393944 | Exemplum | Noun- an example or model, especially a moralizing or illustrative story | 108 | |
9133396941 | Syllogism | Noun- A form of deductive reasoning in which pieces of evidence are used to create a new conclusion | 109 | |
9349621754 | Crass | Adj- Coarse, crude, and unrefined | 110 | |
9349629959 | Elegiac | Adj- Mourning that which is lost or past; sorrowful | 111 | |
9349634729 | Paean | Noun- A fervent expression, or song, of joy or praise | 112 | |
9349640726 | Supercilious | Adj- Proud and contemptuous; showing scorn because of a feeling of superiority | 113 | |
9421369655 | Imbibed | Verb- to take in, to absorb, or assimilate | 114 | |
9421379064 | Despondency | Noun- a state of low spirits caused by loss of hope or courage | 115 | |
9421381689 | Intemperate | Adj- Immoderate, lacking in self control | 116 | |
9421389600 | Pejorative | Adj- Tending to make worse; expressing disapproval or disparagement, derogatory, deprecatory, belittling | 117 | |
9421392015 | Eschewed | Verb- Deliberately avoid using; abstain from | 118 | |
9504307167 | Clandestine | Adj- kept secret or done secretively, especially because illicit | 119 | |
9504347702 | Deleterious | Adj- Having a harmful effect; injurious | 120 | |
9504353328 | Disavow | Verb- To deny knowledge of or responsibility for | 121 | |
9504375470 | Edifice | Noun- A large, elaborate structure; an imposing building | 122 | |
9504377982 | Maudlin | Adj- Wallowing in self pity | 123 | |
9738839731 | Sycophant | Noun- A flatterer; one who fawns on others in order to gain favor | 124 | |
9738841919 | Innocuous | Adj- Harmless, inoffensive; insignificant | 125 | |
9738844187 | Hedonistic | Adj- Pleasure-seeking; indulgent | 126 | |
9738846331 | Coalesce | Verb- come together; merge | 127 | |
9738865287 | Acquiesce | Verb- To accept without protest; to agree or submit | 128 | |
9738868196 | Esoteric | Adj- Intended for or understood by only a small group | 129 | |
9738869898 | Fortuitous | Adj- accidental, occurring by a happy chance | 130 | |
9738871795 | Auspicious | Adj- Favorable; fortunate | 131 | |
9738873613 | Rescind | Verb- To take back, repeal | 132 | |
9738876291 | Stringent | Adj- Strictly controlled or enforced; strict; severe | 133 | |
9738944328 | Respite | Noun- A period of relief or rest | 134 |
AP Language and Composition - Godfrey Flashcards
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