10 terms from set 1-50
14659323852 | Ad Hominem | An argument attacking an individual's character rather than his or her position on an issue. {Example: The politician has been unfaithful to his wives how can we trust him?} | 0 | |
14659325347 | Anaphora | the repetition of words or phrases at the beginning of consecutive lines or sentences {Example: Martin Luther King Jr's I have a Dream speech repeats I have a dream} | 1 | |
14659327126 | Antecedent | The word, phrase or clause to which a pronoun refers. {Example: Maria is the antecedent of her in the sentence; Maria brushed her hair} | 2 | |
14659329608 | Aphorism | a concise statement of a truth or principle {Example: Actions Speak louder then Words} | 3 | |
14659330740 | Asyndeton | the omission or absence of a conjunction between parts of a sentence. {Example: Julius Caesar after a victory said; "I came. I saw. I conquered."} | 4 | |
14659332320 | Balanced Sentence | a sentence in which words, phrases, or clauses are set off against each other to emphasize a contrast. {Example: In Abraham Lincoln's second inaugural address he said, All dreaded it, all sought to avert it"} | 5 | |
14659335010 | Chiasmus | A statement consisting of two parallel parts in which the second part is structurally reversed. {Example: "I meant what I said and I said what I meant"} | 6 | |
14659338005 | Cumulative Sentence | a sentence in which the main independent clause is elaborated by the successive addition of modifying clauses or phrases {Example: Bees are an important part of nature, because they are pollinators.} | 7 | |
14659340971 | Didactic | Having the primary purpose of teaching or instructing. {Example: Children's books are often didactic because they help teach kids morals.} | 8 | |
14659342843 | Litotes | a type of understatement in which an idea is expressed by negating its opposite. {Example: "Not bad" meaning good} | 9 |