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AP Language and Composition Terms (Mrs. Pipkins) Flashcards

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13492683584anecdotea short and amusing or interesting story about a real incident or person0
13492689083fastidiousnesscare and attention to details1
13492698615superfluousexceeding what is sufficient or required, excess2
13492701944repugnant(adj.) offensive, disagreeable, distasteful3
13492706074ambiguousunclear or doubtful in meaning4
13492718366indignantangered at something unjust or wrong5
13492723644conjecturean opinion or conclusion formed on the basis of incomplete information6
13492728170empiricalbased on practical experience rather than theory7
13492732941intangibleunable to be touched or grasped; not having physical presence8
13492737782concede(v.) to admit as true; to yield, submit9
13492742099implicit(adj.) implied or understood though unexpressed; without doubts or reservations, unquestioning; potentially contained in10
13492750805reprehensibledeserving blame or punishment11
13492750868decorumproper behavior12
13492760262antiquatedno longer used or useful; very old13
13492760321TaxonomyThe scientific study of how living things are classified14
13492768436exposeA piece of writing that reveals weaknesses, faults, frailties, or other shortcomings15
13492772709expositoryintended to explain or describe something16
13492775799unabashednot embarrassed17
13492780494synergisticworks together18
13492786106unvarnishedplain; straightforward20
13492790248precariousDangerous; risky; lacking in security or stability21
13492794126Exemplificationshowing by example22
13492798480pessimisticseeing the worst side of things; no hope23
13492801913condemnationan expression of strong disapproval24
13492805487discrepancya difference; a lack of agreement25
13492813757subtlenot obvious27
13492819624Contoursoutlines, shapes of something28
13492825699digressionstraying from main point29
13492829734speculativenot based on fact or investigation30
13492833581unprecentednever done or known before31
13492836557inaccuraciesnot completely correct or exact, or not able to do something correctly or exactly:32
13492840453affrontan insult33
13492846474preoccupationthe absorption of the attention or intellect34
13492849999sublimeof such excellence, grandeur, or beauty as to inspire great admiration or awe35
13492874960antientarchaic variant of ancient36
13492878498vicebad habit37
13492882439satiricridiculing to show weakness in order to make a point, teach38
13492885884paradoxicalsomething that appears false or contradictory but is actually correct39
13492890531Arbitrated (ch 4, pg 49)To mediate or decide40
13492893596substantiatingProviding evidence to support or prove the truth of42
13492896867Speculative writingexplores an idea. It often makes more than one point.43
13492903951Metaphorical Flourish (Term)to attract attention figuratively ex: The teacher snapped her fingers at the boy aggressively to wake him up.44
13492910513Personal AnecdoteA short "story" about you to make a point and open your essay leading up to your thesis45
13492920816Meditationthe focusing of the mind on spiritual ideas46
13492920817MediationA method of settling disputes outside of court by using the services of a neutral third party, called a mediator. The mediator acts as a communicating agent between the parties and suggests ways in which the parties can resolve their dispute.47
13492935942linguisticsthe scientific study of the structure, sounds, and meaning of language48
13492939718Refutationa denial of the validity of an opposing argument49
13492943338exemplifyTo illustrate by being an example of50
13492950982imaginativeuse of language to express oneself artistically or creatively52
13492954428premisean assumption; the basis for a conclusion53
13492954429foregoto do without54
13492958137attest(v.) to bear witness, affirm to be true or genuine55
13492966068unforeseennot anticipated56
13492969200memoirsA kind of writing that tells someone's memories57
13492972614diabolicaldevilish; wicked or evil58
13492975465subliminalbelow the level of consciousness60
13492978997ironicallyin a way that is contrary to what is expected or intended61
13492981716periodicallyfrom time to time62
13492986535SatireA literary work that criticizes human misconduct and ridicules vices, stupidities, and follies.63
13492990141abstract conceptsconcepts that do not have some physical, concrete, touchable reality64

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