7725464086 | abate (v) | to lessen in violence or intensity | 0 | |
7725464087 | abet (v) | to assist or encourage, especially in wrongdoing | 1 | |
7725464088 | abhor (v) | to detest, loathe, hate strong | 2 | |
7725464089 | acquit (v) | to find not guilty of a fault or crime | 3 | |
7725464090 | acrimony (n) | harsh temper or bitter feeling | 4 | |
7725464091 | adamant (adj) | unyielding; firm in opinion | 5 | |
7725464092 | adulation (n) | excessive pride or admiration | 6 | |
7725464093 | affable (adj) | friendly; courteous; agreeable in a manner; easy to talk to | 7 | |
7725464094 | agnostic (n) | one who believes that the existence of God is unknown and unknowable | 8 | |
7725464095 | agrarian (adj) | having to do with farms, farmers, or the use of land | 9 | |
7725464096 | altercation (n) | a heated arguement | 10 | |
7725464097 | ambivalent (adj) | being uncertain; unable to decide between two opposing points of view | 11 | |
7725464098 | amicable (adj) | friendly; peaceable | 12 | |
7725464099 | anathema (n) | a greatly disliked, hated person or thing; a curse, or a person cursed | 13 | |
7725464100 | apathy (n) | lack of interest | 14 | |
7725464101 | appease (v) | to make calm or quiet; to give into the demands of | 15 | |
7725464102 | arduous (adj) | difficult; requiring much effort; strenuous | 16 | |
7725464103 | audacity (n) | insolence; rude boldness | 17 | |
7725464104 | augment (v) | to enlarge; to increase in amount or intensity | 18 | |
7725464105 | austere (adj) | stern, severe, plain | 19 | |
7725464106 | avarice (n) | excessive greed; desire for wealth | 20 | |
7725464107 | avid (adj) | eager; extremely interested | 21 | |
7725464108 | bacchanalian (adj) | wild with drunkenness | 22 | |
7725464109 | balk (v) | to stop short and refuse to continue; to obstruct | 23 | |
7725464110 | banter (n) | teasing; good-natured joking | 24 | |
7725464111 | barrister (n) | lawyer | 25 | |
7725464112 | bask (v) | to lie in or be exposed to warmth | 26 | |
7725464113 | bastion (n) | a strong defense; a fort | 27 | |
7725464114 | bawdy (adj) | indecent; humorous obscene | 28 | |
7725464115 | befuddle (v) | to confuse; to perplex | 29 | |
7773263077 | bigot (n) | one who is intolerant of another's beliefs, opinions, or values | 30 | |
7773273745 | cajole (v) | to persuade with false promises and flattery | 31 | |
7773312546 | candid (adj) | outspoken, blunt..... informal, unposed | 32 | |
7773325868 | canine (adj) / (n) | having to do with dogs, dog | 33 | |
7773334034 | capricious (adj) | guided by whim rather than reason; changing one's mind suddenly | 34 | |
7773343028 | castigate (v) | to criticize or punish for the purpose of correction | 35 | |
7773366399 | caustic (adj) | biting, burning, severe; sharp or sarcastic | 36 | |
7773372102 | chaos (n) | complete disorder | 37 | |
7773439790 | charlatan (n) | one who pretends to have more knowledge or skill than he or she really has, especially in the field of medicine | 38 | |
7773453252 | chastise (v) | to punish severely | 39 | |
7904993900 | circumvent (v) | to get around; to be or defeat by trickery; to prevent an occurrence | 40 | |
7910643182 | clandestine (adj) | secret | 41 | |
7910643183 | clement (adj) | 1. merciful; lenient 2. mild as weather | 42 | |
7910643184 | cliché (n) | a worn out idea or overused expression | 43 | |
7910643185 | coerce (v) | to compel by force; to force a person to do something against his or her will | 44 | |
7910643186 | collaborate (v) | 1. to work with another toward a goal 2. to cooperate with an enemy invader | 45 | |
7910643187 | comely (adj) | attractive or handsome; pleasing to the sight | 46 | |
7910643188 | complacent (adj) | pleased with oneself or one's deeds | 47 | |
7910643189 | concur (v) | to be of the same opinion; to agree with | 48 | |
7904963707 | circumspect (adj) | careful, watchful; attentive to all points | 49 | |
8038902654 | condone (v) | to forgive or overlook an offense by treating the wrongdoer as if they had done nothing wrong | 50 | |
8038916358 | connive (v) | to cooperate secretly in wrong doing | 51 | |
8038928663 | connoisseur (n) | an expert; a critical judge in matters of culture | 52 | |
8038937371 | contrite (adj) | showing a deep regret and sorrow, usually for having committed some wrongdoing | 53 | |
8038964832 | copious (adj) | abundant; large in number or quantity | 54 | |
8038969786 | crass (adj) | coarse, stupid, tasteless | 55 | |
8038977628 | credence (n) | belief or trust | 56 | |
8038986131 | culinary (adj) | having to do with the kitchen or cooking | 57 | |
8038991606 | culmination (n) | attainment by anything of its highest point or degree | 58 | |
8038998432 | cult (n) | a fad-like devotion to a person, thing, or idea; a group of people with such a devotion | 59 | |
8154193146 | cynical (adj) | inclined to distrust or deny the goodness or sincerity of human motive | 60 | |
8154197980 | decorum (n) | conformity to accepted standards of conduct: proper behavior | 61 | |
8154205642 | demagogue (n) | a leader who appeals to the emotions and prejudices of people, especially to advance his own power | 62 | |
8154215137 | demure (adj) | quiet and modest | 63 | |
8154233244 | deprecate (v) | to express disapproval of; to depreciate one's effort | 64 | |
8154243616 | destitute (adj) | extremely poor; lacking necessities like food and shelter | 65 | |
8154256607 | diffident (adj) | lacking in self-confidence; shy | 66 | |
8154260428 | dilemma (n) | a difficult choice; especially a choice between two equally undesirable alternatives | 67 | |
8154270330 | dilettante (n) | one who studies an art or science for mere amusement | 68 | |
8154275417 | disparity (n) | inequality; difference | 69 | |
8299556795 | divulge (v) | to tell, to reveal (as a secret) | 70 | |
8299556796 | docile (adj) | easy to teach or manage | 71 | |
8299556797 | dogmatic (adj) | stating an opinion in an authoritative or arrogant manner | 72 | |
8299556798 | dole (v) | to distribute; to give out sparingly | 73 | |
8299556799 | dolorous (adj) | mournful, sad | 74 | |
8299556800 | dour (adj) | gloomy, sullen | 75 | |
8299556801 | droll (adj) | amusing in an odd way | 76 | |
8299556802 | duplicity (n) | intentional deceit in speech or conduct | 77 | |
8299556803 | effigy (n) | an image of a person or thing; usually a crude image of a hated person | 78 | |
8299556804 | emaciated (adj) | extremely thin; wasted away | 79 | |
8470941830 | emulate (v) | to try to be equal to or better than; to imitate | 80 | |
8470941831 | enamored (v) | to be in love with | 81 | |
8470941832 | enhance (v) | to increase the value or beauty of something | 82 | |
8470941833 | enigma (n) | A puzzling or seemingly inexplicable situation, person, etc. | 83 | |
8470941834 | enraptured (v) | to be delighted beyond measure | 84 | |
8470941835 | enunciate (v) | to pronounce words clearly and distinctly | 85 | |
8470941836 | erudite (adj) | scholarly; having or showing a wide knowledge gained from reading | 86 | |
8470941837 | ethic (v) | of or having to do with the races or classes of people and their language, culture, history, etc. | 87 | |
8470941838 | evince (v) | to show clearly | 88 | |
8470941839 | evoke (v) | to call forth; to draw forth | 89 | |
8470941840 | exhort (v) | to use words or arguments to incite one to good things | 90 | |
8470941841 | exodus (n) | a departure, especially in a large group | 91 | |
8470941842 | expatriate (n) | one who chooses to leave his or her native country | 92 | |
8470941843 | expedient (n) | the best means to do something under a given set of circumstances, especially if it will bring about personal gain | 93 | |
8470941844 | explicit (adj) | clearly stated | 94 | |
8867143229 | expound (v) | to explain; to set forth point by point; to interpret | 95 | |
8867151708 | expunge (v) | to erase | 96 | |
8867153310 | extol (v) | to praise highly | 97 | |
8867157088 | extradite (v) | to turn a prisoner over to the jurisdiction of another country or state where the crime was allegedly commited | 98 | |
8867167386 | extraneous (adj) | not belonging; foreign; nonessential | 99 | |
8867174724 | extrovert (n) | one who is outgoing, friendly; one who is more interested in what is going on around him or her than in his or her own inner being or thoughts | 100 | |
8867662973 | exult (v) | to rejoice over a success or victory | 101 | |
8867675200 | fallacy (n) | a false or mistaken idea | 102 | |
8867689208 | feasible (adj) | reasonable, likely; cable of being carried out | 103 | |
8867697154 | fiasco (n) | a complete, ridiculous failure | 104 | |
8867709512 | fickle (adj) | likely to change without reason | 105 | |
8867718880 | fluctuate (v) | to move; to vary irregulary | 106 | |
8867725164 | formidable (adj) | hard to overcome or deal with; causing fear or awe | 107 | |
8870783703 | frowzy (adj) | dirty, unkempt | 108 | |
9131646215 | frugal (adj) | not wasteful; thrifty | 109 | |
9131653228 | frustrate (v) | to bring to nothing; to thwart, to battle | 110 | |
9131663658 | furtive (adj) | done in a stealthy or secretive manner | 111 | |
9131671378 | gadfly (n) | a person who annoys others | 112 | |
9131673835 | galvanize (v) | to startle into sudden activity | 113 | |
9131678252 | gamut (n) | the whole range or extent | 114 | |
9131681182 | gargantuan (adj) | of huge or extraordinary size and power | 115 | |
9131698463 | gauche (adj) | lacking social grace | 116 | |
9131706145 | genial (adj) | warm, friendly | 117 | |
9131719408 | grandiloquent (adj) | speaking in a pompous style | 118 | |
9131728127 | gregarious (adj) | fond of the company of others; belonging to a flock | 119 | |
9131733290 | grimace (noun) | a facial expression of fear, disapproval, or pain | 120 | |
9131739391 | harangue (n) | a long, noisy speech or lecture | 121 | |
9131742041 | harry (v) | to torment another | 122 | |
9131746411 | hearth (n) | a fireplace | 123 | |
9131749409 | heinous (adj) | hatefully or shockingly evil | 124 | |
9131756161 | heresy (n) | a religious belief opposed to the established doctrine | 125 | |
9131760422 | hoax (n) | a practical joke | 126 | |
9131763526 | hue (n) | that quality which makes one color differ from other colors; a particular shade or tint of a given color | 127 | |
9131774485 | humility (n) | absence of vanity | 128 | |
9131779135 | hurtle (v) | to dash; to move swiftly and with great force | 129 | |
9131782242 | hyperbole (n) | extreme exaggeration for effect and not meant to be taken literally | 130 | |
9131788334 | hypercritical (adj) | overly critical; too severe in judgement | 131 | |
9131799269 | ignominy (n) | public shame, disgrace, or dishonor | 132 | |
9131802902 | impeccable (adj) | faultless; without sin or blemish | 133 | |
9131812115 | implacable (adj) | cannot be be appeased or pacified | 134 | |
9131815150 | inane (adj) | without sense or meaning; silly; empty | 135 | |
9131822148 | incarcerate (v) | to put into prison; to confine | 136 | |
9131825197 | incisive (adj) | sharp; keen; penetrating | 137 | |
9131830885 | incognito (adj) | hiding one's name, rank, position; disguised | 138 | |
9131839790 | indiscreet (adj) | not wise or judicious; imprudent, as in speech or action | 139 | |
9131848725 | inert (adj) | having no power to act or move; inactive | 140 | |
9131855818 | inexorable (adj) | cannot be moved or influenced by persuasion or entreaty; unrelenting | 141 | |
9131864903 | inscrutable (adj) | cannot be easily understood; mysterious | 142 | |
9131869639 | insipid (adj) | without flavor; tasteless; dull; lifeless | 143 | |
9131878402 | intrepid (adj) | without fear, brave | 144 | |
9131883007 | irascible (adj) | easily angered | 145 | |
9131885734 | jaundiced (adj) | prejudiced, cynical | 146 | |
9131888382 | jaunty (adj) | fashionable, stylish; carefree | 147 | |
9131895078 | jettison (v) | to throw goods overboard | 148 | |
9131899323 | jingoism (n) | extreme patriotism; favoring an aggressive, warlike foreign policy | 149 | |
9131908492 | jocose (adj) | joking, humorous | 150 | |
9131910745 | juggernaut (n) | a terrible destructive or irresistible force | 151 | |
9131920139 | latent (adj) | present, but not active; hidden | 152 | |
9131927039 | laudable (adj) | worthy of praise; commendable | 153 | |
9131933264 | lethargy (n) | lack of energy; drowsiness, disinterest | 154 | |
9276856669 | levity (n) | lightness or gaiety of disposition; lack of seriousness | 155 | |
9276856670 | lexicon (n) | a dictionary; a special vocabulary | 156 | |
9276856671 | libation (n) | an alcoholic drink | 157 | |
9276856672 | liege (n) | a lord, master, or sovereign | 158 | |
9276856673 | magnanimous (adj) | noble; generous in forgiving; free from petty feeling or acts | 159 | |
9276856674 | marital (adj) | having to do with marriage | 160 | |
9276856675 | mercenary (n) | one who works only for money, especially a hired soldier | 161 | |
9276856676 | meticulous (adj) | extremely careful about small details | 162 | |
9276856677 | motley (adj) | made up of different, dissimilar parts; being of many colors | 163 | |
9276856678 | mundane (adj) | of this world and not of heaven; common, worldly; not spiritual | 164 | |
9276856679 | murky (adj) | gloomy, dark, cloudy | 165 | |
9276856680 | myriad (adj) | a very large number; of a highly varied nature | 166 | |
9276856681 | naive (adj) | simple in nature; not affected; innocent simplicity; child like | 167 | |
9276856682 | nocturnal (adj) | having to do with the night; occurring at night | 168 | |
9276856683 | novice (n) | a beginner; one who is new or inexperienced | 169 | |
9359444023 | noxious (adj) | harmful to the health | 170 | |
9359444024 | nuance (n) | a delicate variation in tone, color, meaning, expression | 171 | |
9359444025 | obese (adj) | extremely fat | 172 | |
9359444026 | obstreperous (adj) | boisterous; unruly | 173 | |
9359444027 | odium (n) | hatred; the state of being hated | 174 | |
9359444028 | officious (adj) | offering unnecessary and unwanted advice or service | 175 | |
9359444029 | ominous (adj) | threatening; predicting evil | 176 | |
9359444030 | omniscient (adj) | having unlimited knowledge; knowing everything | 177 | |
9359444031 | ostensible (adj) | apparent; pretended; professed | 178 | |
9359444032 | ostracize (v) | to banish; to shut out from a group or society by common consent | 179 | |
9359444033 | pandemonium (n) | a wild disorder, noise or confusion | 180 | |
9359444034 | parsimonious (adj) | too economical; stingy | 181 | |
9359444035 | penitent (adj) | Expressing sorrow for having sinned or done wrong | 182 | |
9359444036 | pernicious (adj) | causing injury; evil or wicked | 183 | |
9359444037 | pertinent (adj) | having to do with what is being considered | 184 |
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