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AP Language and Composition Vocab Flashcards

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7725464086abate (v)to lessen in violence or intensity0
7725464087abet (v)to assist or encourage, especially in wrongdoing1
7725464088abhor (v)to detest, loathe, hate strong2
7725464089acquit (v)to find not guilty of a fault or crime3
7725464090acrimony (n)harsh temper or bitter feeling4
7725464091adamant (adj)unyielding; firm in opinion5
7725464092adulation (n)excessive pride or admiration6
7725464093affable (adj)friendly; courteous; agreeable in a manner; easy to talk to7
7725464094agnostic (n)one who believes that the existence of God is unknown and unknowable8
7725464095agrarian (adj)having to do with farms, farmers, or the use of land9
7725464096altercation (n)a heated arguement10
7725464097ambivalent (adj)being uncertain; unable to decide between two opposing points of view11
7725464098amicable (adj)friendly; peaceable12
7725464099anathema (n)a greatly disliked, hated person or thing; a curse, or a person cursed13
7725464100apathy (n)lack of interest14
7725464101appease (v)to make calm or quiet; to give into the demands of15
7725464102arduous (adj)difficult; requiring much effort; strenuous16
7725464103audacity (n)insolence; rude boldness17
7725464104augment (v)to enlarge; to increase in amount or intensity18
7725464105austere (adj)stern, severe, plain19
7725464106avarice (n)excessive greed; desire for wealth20
7725464107avid (adj)eager; extremely interested21
7725464108bacchanalian (adj)wild with drunkenness22
7725464109balk (v)to stop short and refuse to continue; to obstruct23
7725464110banter (n)teasing; good-natured joking24
7725464111barrister (n)lawyer25
7725464112bask (v)to lie in or be exposed to warmth26
7725464113bastion (n)a strong defense; a fort27
7725464114bawdy (adj)indecent; humorous obscene28
7725464115befuddle (v)to confuse; to perplex29
7773263077bigot (n)one who is intolerant of another's beliefs, opinions, or values30
7773273745cajole (v)to persuade with false promises and flattery31
7773312546candid (adj)outspoken, blunt..... informal, unposed32
7773325868canine (adj) / (n)having to do with dogs, dog33
7773334034capricious (adj)guided by whim rather than reason; changing one's mind suddenly34
7773343028castigate (v)to criticize or punish for the purpose of correction35
7773366399caustic (adj)biting, burning, severe; sharp or sarcastic36
7773372102chaos (n)complete disorder37
7773439790charlatan (n)one who pretends to have more knowledge or skill than he or she really has, especially in the field of medicine38
7773453252chastise (v)to punish severely39
7904993900circumvent (v)to get around; to be or defeat by trickery; to prevent an occurrence40
7910643182clandestine (adj)secret41
7910643183clement (adj)1. merciful; lenient 2. mild as weather42
7910643184cliché (n)a worn out idea or overused expression43
7910643185coerce (v)to compel by force; to force a person to do something against his or her will44
7910643186collaborate (v)1. to work with another toward a goal 2. to cooperate with an enemy invader45
7910643187comely (adj)attractive or handsome; pleasing to the sight46
7910643188complacent (adj)pleased with oneself or one's deeds47
7910643189concur (v)to be of the same opinion; to agree with48
7904963707circumspect (adj)careful, watchful; attentive to all points49
8038902654condone (v)to forgive or overlook an offense by treating the wrongdoer as if they had done nothing wrong50
8038916358connive (v)to cooperate secretly in wrong doing51
8038928663connoisseur (n)an expert; a critical judge in matters of culture52
8038937371contrite (adj)showing a deep regret and sorrow, usually for having committed some wrongdoing53
8038964832copious (adj)abundant; large in number or quantity54
8038969786crass (adj)coarse, stupid, tasteless55
8038977628credence (n)belief or trust56
8038986131culinary (adj)having to do with the kitchen or cooking57
8038991606culmination (n)attainment by anything of its highest point or degree58
8038998432cult (n)a fad-like devotion to a person, thing, or idea; a group of people with such a devotion59
8154193146cynical (adj)inclined to distrust or deny the goodness or sincerity of human motive60
8154197980decorum (n)conformity to accepted standards of conduct: proper behavior61
8154205642demagogue (n)a leader who appeals to the emotions and prejudices of people, especially to advance his own power62
8154215137demure (adj)quiet and modest63
8154233244deprecate (v)to express disapproval of; to depreciate one's effort64
8154243616destitute (adj)extremely poor; lacking necessities like food and shelter65
8154256607diffident (adj)lacking in self-confidence; shy66
8154260428dilemma (n)a difficult choice; especially a choice between two equally undesirable alternatives67
8154270330dilettante (n)one who studies an art or science for mere amusement68
8154275417disparity (n)inequality; difference69
8299556795divulge (v)to tell, to reveal (as a secret)70
8299556796docile (adj)easy to teach or manage71
8299556797dogmatic (adj)stating an opinion in an authoritative or arrogant manner72
8299556798dole (v)to distribute; to give out sparingly73
8299556799dolorous (adj)mournful, sad74
8299556800dour (adj)gloomy, sullen75
8299556801droll (adj)amusing in an odd way76
8299556802duplicity (n)intentional deceit in speech or conduct77
8299556803effigy (n)an image of a person or thing; usually a crude image of a hated person78
8299556804emaciated (adj)extremely thin; wasted away79
8470941830emulate (v)to try to be equal to or better than; to imitate80
8470941831enamored (v)to be in love with81
8470941832enhance (v)to increase the value or beauty of something82
8470941833enigma (n)A puzzling or seemingly inexplicable situation, person, etc.83
8470941834enraptured (v)to be delighted beyond measure84
8470941835enunciate (v)to pronounce words clearly and distinctly85
8470941836erudite (adj)scholarly; having or showing a wide knowledge gained from reading86
8470941837ethic (v)of or having to do with the races or classes of people and their language, culture, history, etc.87
8470941838evince (v)to show clearly88
8470941839evoke (v)to call forth; to draw forth89
8470941840exhort (v)to use words or arguments to incite one to good things90
8470941841exodus (n)a departure, especially in a large group91
8470941842expatriate (n)one who chooses to leave his or her native country92
8470941843expedient (n)the best means to do something under a given set of circumstances, especially if it will bring about personal gain93
8470941844explicit (adj)clearly stated94
8867143229expound (v)to explain; to set forth point by point; to interpret95
8867151708expunge (v)to erase96
8867153310extol (v)to praise highly97
8867157088extradite (v)to turn a prisoner over to the jurisdiction of another country or state where the crime was allegedly commited98
8867167386extraneous (adj)not belonging; foreign; nonessential99
8867174724extrovert (n)one who is outgoing, friendly; one who is more interested in what is going on around him or her than in his or her own inner being or thoughts100
8867662973exult (v)to rejoice over a success or victory101
8867675200fallacy (n)a false or mistaken idea102
8867689208feasible (adj)reasonable, likely; cable of being carried out103
8867697154fiasco (n)a complete, ridiculous failure104
8867709512fickle (adj)likely to change without reason105
8867718880fluctuate (v)to move; to vary irregulary106
8867725164formidable (adj)hard to overcome or deal with; causing fear or awe107
8870783703frowzy (adj)dirty, unkempt108
9131646215frugal (adj)not wasteful; thrifty109
9131653228frustrate (v)to bring to nothing; to thwart, to battle110
9131663658furtive (adj)done in a stealthy or secretive manner111
9131671378gadfly (n)a person who annoys others112
9131673835galvanize (v)to startle into sudden activity113
9131678252gamut (n)the whole range or extent114
9131681182gargantuan (adj)of huge or extraordinary size and power115
9131698463gauche (adj)lacking social grace116
9131706145genial (adj)warm, friendly117
9131719408grandiloquent (adj)speaking in a pompous style118
9131728127gregarious (adj)fond of the company of others; belonging to a flock119
9131733290grimace (noun)a facial expression of fear, disapproval, or pain120
9131739391harangue (n)a long, noisy speech or lecture121
9131742041harry (v)to torment another122
9131746411hearth (n)a fireplace123
9131749409heinous (adj)hatefully or shockingly evil124
9131756161heresy (n)a religious belief opposed to the established doctrine125
9131760422hoax (n)a practical joke126
9131763526hue (n)that quality which makes one color differ from other colors; a particular shade or tint of a given color127
9131774485humility (n)absence of vanity128
9131779135hurtle (v)to dash; to move swiftly and with great force129
9131782242hyperbole (n)extreme exaggeration for effect and not meant to be taken literally130
9131788334hypercritical (adj)overly critical; too severe in judgement131
9131799269ignominy (n)public shame, disgrace, or dishonor132
9131802902impeccable (adj)faultless; without sin or blemish133
9131812115implacable (adj)cannot be be appeased or pacified134
9131815150inane (adj)without sense or meaning; silly; empty135
9131822148incarcerate (v)to put into prison; to confine136
9131825197incisive (adj)sharp; keen; penetrating137
9131830885incognito (adj)hiding one's name, rank, position; disguised138
9131839790indiscreet (adj)not wise or judicious; imprudent, as in speech or action139
9131848725inert (adj)having no power to act or move; inactive140
9131855818inexorable (adj)cannot be moved or influenced by persuasion or entreaty; unrelenting141
9131864903inscrutable (adj)cannot be easily understood; mysterious142
9131869639insipid (adj)without flavor; tasteless; dull; lifeless143
9131878402intrepid (adj)without fear, brave144
9131883007irascible (adj)easily angered145
9131885734jaundiced (adj)prejudiced, cynical146
9131888382jaunty (adj)fashionable, stylish; carefree147
9131895078jettison (v)to throw goods overboard148
9131899323jingoism (n)extreme patriotism; favoring an aggressive, warlike foreign policy149
9131908492jocose (adj)joking, humorous150
9131910745juggernaut (n)a terrible destructive or irresistible force151
9131920139latent (adj)present, but not active; hidden152
9131927039laudable (adj)worthy of praise; commendable153
9131933264lethargy (n)lack of energy; drowsiness, disinterest154
9276856669levity (n)lightness or gaiety of disposition; lack of seriousness155
9276856670lexicon (n)a dictionary; a special vocabulary156
9276856671libation (n)an alcoholic drink157
9276856672liege (n)a lord, master, or sovereign158
9276856673magnanimous (adj)noble; generous in forgiving; free from petty feeling or acts159
9276856674marital (adj)having to do with marriage160
9276856675mercenary (n)one who works only for money, especially a hired soldier161
9276856676meticulous (adj)extremely careful about small details162
9276856677motley (adj)made up of different, dissimilar parts; being of many colors163
9276856678mundane (adj)of this world and not of heaven; common, worldly; not spiritual164
9276856679murky (adj)gloomy, dark, cloudy165
9276856680myriad (adj)a very large number; of a highly varied nature166
9276856681naive (adj)simple in nature; not affected; innocent simplicity; child like167
9276856682nocturnal (adj)having to do with the night; occurring at night168
9276856683novice (n)a beginner; one who is new or inexperienced169
9359444023noxious (adj)harmful to the health170
9359444024nuance (n)a delicate variation in tone, color, meaning, expression171
9359444025obese (adj)extremely fat172
9359444026obstreperous (adj)boisterous; unruly173
9359444027odium (n)hatred; the state of being hated174
9359444028officious (adj)offering unnecessary and unwanted advice or service175
9359444029ominous (adj)threatening; predicting evil176
9359444030omniscient (adj)having unlimited knowledge; knowing everything177
9359444031ostensible (adj)apparent; pretended; professed178
9359444032ostracize (v)to banish; to shut out from a group or society by common consent179
9359444033pandemonium (n)a wild disorder, noise or confusion180
9359444034parsimonious (adj)too economical; stingy181
9359444035penitent (adj)Expressing sorrow for having sinned or done wrong182
9359444036pernicious (adj)causing injury; evil or wicked183
9359444037pertinent (adj)having to do with what is being considered184

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