2014- 2015 Argument Terms
From "Language of Composition" p. 141 - 145
3854940086 | ad hominem | An argument based on the failings of an adversary rather than on the merits of the case; a logical fallacy that involves a personal attack. | 0 | |
3854940087 | ad populum (bandwagon appeal) | An emotional appeal to positive concepts or negative concepts rather than a direct discussion of the real issue. | 1 | |
3854940088 | appeal to false authority | a claim that uses as evidence the testimony of someone who is not an expert on the topic | 2 | |
3854940089 | argument | A mode of discourse in which the writer presents a logical assertion or a series of assertions for or against some subject. | 3 | |
3854940090 | assumption | Assumptions are influencing factors that are believed to be true but have not been confirmed to be accurate. | 4 | |
3854940091 | backing | Support or evidence for a claim in an argument | 5 | |
3854940092 | bandwagon appeal | A claim that a listener should accept an argument because of how many other people have already accepted it. | 6 | |
3854940093 | begging the question | A fallacy in which a claim is based on evidence or support that is in doubt. | 7 | |
3854940094 | circular reasoning | A fallacy in which the writer repeats the claim as a way to provide evidence. | 8 | |
3854940095 | claim | An arguable statement, which may be a claim of fact, value, or policy. | 9 | |
3854940096 | claim of fact | a claim that asserts something exists, has existed, or will exist, based on data that the audience will accept as objectively verifiable | 10 | |
3854940097 | claim of policy | a claim asserting that specific courses of action should be instituted as solutions to problems | 11 | |
3854940098 | claim of value | argues that something is good or bad, right or wrong | 12 | |
3854940099 | classic oration | five-part argument structure used by classical rhetoricians | 13 | |
3854940100 | introduction (exordium) | Introduces the reader to the subject under discussion | 14 | |
3854940101 | narration (narratio) | Provides factual information and background material on the subject at hand or establishes why the subject is a problem that needs addressing | 15 | |
3854940102 | confirmation (confirmatio) | includes the development or the proof needed to make the writer's case | 16 | |
3854940103 | refutation (refutatio) | Addresses the counterargument. It is a bridge between the writer's proof and conclusion. | 17 | |
3854940104 | conclusion (peroratio) | brings the essay to a satisfying close | 18 | |
3854940105 | closed thesis | A closed thesis is a statement of the main idea of the argument that also previews the major points the writer intends to make. | 19 | |
3854940106 | deduction | A logical process wherein you reach a conclusion by starting with a general principle or universal truth (a major premise) and applying it to a specific case (a minor premise). | 20 | |
3854940107 | either/or (false dilemma) | a fallacy in which the speaker presents two extreme options as the only possible choices | 21 | |
3854940108 | fallacy | a mistaken belief based on unsound information | 22 | |
3854940109 | faulty analogy | A fallacy that occurs when an analogy compares two things that are not comparable. | 23 | |
3854940110 | first-hand evidence | Evidence based on something the writer knows, whether it's from personal experience, observations, or general knowledge of events. | 24 | |
3854940111 | hasty generalization | A fallacy in which a conclusion is not logically justified by sufficient or unbiased evidence. | 25 | |
3854940112 | induction | A method of reasoning by which a writer collects a number of instances and forms a generalization that is meant to apply to all instances. | 26 | |
3854940113 | logical fallacy | False reasoning that occurs when someone attempts to persuade without adequate evidence or with arguments that are irrelevant or inappropriate. | 27 | |
3854940114 | open thesis | This does not list all the points the writer intends to cover in an essay. | 28 | |
3854940115 | post hoc ergo propter hoc | This fallacy is Latin for "after which therefore because of which," meaning that it is incorrect to always claim that something is a cause just because it happened earlier. One may loosely summarize this fallacy by saying that correlation does not imply causation. | 29 | |
3854940116 | qualifier | In the Toulmin model, the qualifier uses words like usually, probably, maybe, in most cases, and most likely to temper the claim a bit, making it less absolute. | 30 | |
3854940117 | quantitative evidence | Includes things that can be measured, cited, counted, or otherwise represented in numbers; for instance, statistics, survey, polls, and census information. | 31 | |
3854940118 | rebuttal | In the Toulmin model, a rebuttal gives voice to possible objections. | 32 | |
3854940119 | reservation | In the Toulmin model, a reservation explains the terms and conditions necessitated by the qualifier | 33 | |
3854940120 | Rogerian arguments | based on the assumption that having a full understanding of an opposing position is essential to responding to it persuasively and refuting it in a way that is accommodating rather than alienating | 34 | |
3854940121 | second-hand evidence | evidence that is accessed through research, reading, and investigation. it includes factual and historical information, expert opinion, and quantitative data. | 35 | |
3854940122 | straw man | A logical fallacy that involves the creation of an easily refutable position; misrepresenting, then attacking an opponent's position | 36 | |
3854940123 | syllogism | A form of deductive reasoning consisting of a major premise, a minor premise, and a conclusion. | 37 | |
3854940124 | Toulmin Model | An approach to analyzing and constructing arguments created by British philosopher Stephen Toulmin. The Toulmin model can be stated as a template: Because (evidence as support), therefore (claim), since (warrant or assumption), on account of (backing), unless (reservation). | 38 | |
3854940125 | warrant | (*part of the Toulmin Model) expresses the assumption necessarily shared by the speaker and the audience | 39 |