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AP Language: Basic Elements of Language Flashcards

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8479608640abstractiona concept or idea without a specific example idealized generalizations0
8479612239abstract nounideas or things that can mean many things to many people, such as peace, honor, etc.1
8479616802allegorya narrative or description with a secondary or symbolic meaning underlying the literal meaning2
8479623021alliterationrepetition, at close intervals, of beginning sounds3
8479634032allusiona reference to something in culture, history, or literature that expands the depth of the text if the reader makes the connection4
8479639514allusion (classical)a reference to classical myth, literature, or culture5
8479643754analogycompares two things that are similar in several respects in order to prove a point and clarify an idea6
8479653141analogical comparisonanother way to say the author has used an analogy7
8479655113anecdotea short narrative of an amusing, unusual, revealing, or interesting event. (evidence relies on observations, presented in narrative)8
8479664222anticlimactican event or experience that causes disappointment because it is less exciting than was expected OR because it happens immediately after a much more interesting or exciting event9
8479672575antecedentthat which comes before, the antecedent of a pronoun is the noun to which the pronoun refers10
8479675987antithesisthe opposite of an idea used to emphasize a point; the juxtaposition of contrasting words or ideas11
8479683979apostraphea speaker directly addresses something or someone not living, that cannot answer back.12
8479687841appeal to authorityone of several appeals strategies; the writer refers to expert opinion13
8479693507assertionthe claim or point the author is making14
8479695764biasa preference or an inclination, especially one that inhibits partial judgement15
8479698993burlesquea comic tool of satire, the writer uses ridiculous exaggeration and distortion16
8479703121cadencea rhythm of phrases or sentences created through repetitive elements17
8479707177candoropen and honest communication; truthfulness18
8479709420cataloga list of details that reinforces a concept. Inductive arguments build to a conclusion based on the collective impression of lists (facts/observations)19
8479717838cause and effectessay pattern in which the writer shows the immediate and underlying causes that led to an event or situation20
8479724135circular reasoningtype of faulty reasoning in which the writer attempts to support a statement by simply repeating the statement in different or stronger terms21
8479734427circumlocutionto write around a subject; to write evasively to say nothing22
8479739387colloquialcommon or regional language or behavior; referring to local custom or sayings23
8479744479concrete verbobservable, measurable, easily perceived versus abstract which is vague and not easily defined24
8479748725counterexamplean exception to proposed general rule25
8479750174damn with faint praiseaccolades with words which effectively condemn by seeming to offer praise which is too moderate or marginal to be considered praise at all26
8479757259diatribea ran; an explosion of harsh language that typically vilifies or condemns an idea27
8479766179dictionthe writer chooses language that is concrete, quantifiable, based on facts, easily accepted by the reader, and generally understood28
8479775138digressto move off the point, to veer off onto tangents29
8479779053dilemmabasically an either or situation, typically a moral decision30
8479784051dilemma, falsesimplifying a context problem into an either/or dichotomy31
8479820524discretionrefined taste; tact or the ability to avoid embarrassment or distress32
8479823763double entendrea phrase or saying that has two meaning, one generally being sexual or provocative in nature33
8479827275ellipsisa mark or series of marks (...) used in writing to indicate an omission, especially of letters or words34
8479833813empiricalknowledge based on experience or observation; the view that experience, especially of the sense, is the only source of knowledge35
8479841026episodicappearing in episodes, a long string of short individual scenes, stories, or sections rather than focusing on the sustained development of a single plot36
8479847233epigrama short quotation or verse that precedes text that sets a tone, provides setting, or gives some other context37
8479852516epitheta short, poetic nickname38
8479856019ethosa speaker or writer's credibility39
8479859462euphemisma kinder, gentle, less crude or harsh word or phrase to replace one that seems imprudent to use in a particular situation; dilutes or evades responsibility for a more precise words40
8479867637exemplaran example41
8479867640explicitexpressly states; made obvious or clera42
8479874319fact versus fictionfacts can be verified; fiction is supposed or imagined43
8479876608fallacyan error or reasoning based on faulty use of evidence or incorrect inference44
8479881858figurative languagelanguage that is not meant to be taken literally: metaphor, simile, personification, metonymy, and more45
8479888324footnotean explanatory or documenting reference at the bottom of a page or text46
8479902688hyperbolean exaggeration or overstatement - more than what is warranted by the situation to expose reality by comparison47
8479907483hypothetical exampleexamples based on supposition or uncertainty48
8479910318idealismthe act or practice of envision things in an ideal form49
8479912935idioma figure of speech; a manner of speaking that is natural to native speakers of a language50
8479916924imagerylanguage that evokes scenes51
8479919961imagery (concrete)imagery that relies on concrete language52
8479919962implicitsomething that is implied53
8479923073inductionreasoning by which a general statement is reached on the basis of particular examples54
8479928585inferencean interpretation of the fasts based on available details, drawing conclussion55
8479933600ironic commentarythe commentator or opinion writer does not mean what she writes56
8479939941juxtaposeto palce side by side in order to show similarities or differences - reveals irony57
8479943645listcatalog synonym58
8479945139maxima saying or expression that proposed to teach or tell a truth59
8479947786metaphora comparison of two unlike things in order to show one more clearly or in a new way60
8479953493extended metaphorthe metaphor extends throughout the work or passage, even forming the basis for the entire work.61
8479957623mockeryto make fun of, to treat with ridicule or derision. A tool of satire62
8479961043musingquiet reflection upon a topic, pondering63
8479963229naiveteinnocence in perception, lack of worldly knowledge64
8479969491negationa negative statement; a statement that is a refusal or denial of some other statement or a proposition that is true if another proposition is false65
8479977718neutralitynot taking a position66
8479981172onomatopoeiawords whose sounds mimic their meaning67
8479983624over generalizationalso known as hasty generalization, drawing conclusions from insufficient evidence68
8479987076oxymorona figure of speech in which two contradictory elements are combined for effect69
8479991426paradoxthe juxtaposition of conflicting ideas that reveals truth or insight70
8479997912parallel syntaxthe use of parallel elements in sentences or in the structure of an essay or prose passage.71
8480002473parodya humorous imitation of an original text meant to ridicule; used in satire72
8480007614pathosthe quality in literature that appeals to the audience's emotion73
8480010827personificationto given human attributes to something nonliving or nonhuman74
8480014257propagandainformation that is spread for the purpose of promoting some cause; information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view75
8480023428qualifying a claim/statementto show how a claim can be true in some ways but not true in others76
8480029278rebutto give an opposing point of view or to dismantle an opponent's argument, showing its flaws77
8480033631refutationan attack on an opposing view to weaken, invalidate, or make it less credible78
8480040850repititionany of a variety of devices that emphasize through repitition79
8480044794rhetorical questiona figure of speech in the form of a question posed for persuasive effect without the expectation of a reply80
8480051195satirea type of literature that exposes idiocy, corruption, or other human folly through humor, exaggeration, and irony81
8480061720similea metaphor using like or as in the comparison82
8480063413extended similethe simile progressed throughout the passage or work and may provide the basis for the work itself83
8480068620staccato phrasesphrases composed of a series of short or sharp sounds or words84
8480072328suspensean aspect of plot or narrative in which the author withholds information creating an urgent need to know in the reader85
8480076638syllogisma formula or deductive argument that consists of 3 propositions: a major premise, a minor premise, and a conclusion86
8480082581symbola thing, idea, or person that strands for something else87
8480092520syntaxthe order of words in a sentence ; also the types and structures of sentences88
8480096489thesisthe main idea of the essay; what the writer hopes to prove is true89
8480099541tonethe speaker's attitude toward a person, place, idea, or thing; the emotional quality of a phrase or passage90
8480104690tongue-in-cheekhumorous or ironic statement not meant to be taken literally91
8480108773truisma statement that is obviously true and says nothing new or interesting92
8480116514typographytechniques in print used for emphasis: italicizing, bold font, variation in font, etc.93
8480121748understatementsaying less than is warranted by the situation in order to emphasize reality94
8480126743verb phrasethe verb and its object and modifiers95
8480130834vernacularthe ordinary, everyday speech of a region96
8480132605witclever use of language to amuse the reader, but more to make a point97

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