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AP Language & Composition #6 Flashcards

Terms : Hide Images
7928884400JargonDiction used by a group that practices a similar profession0
7928884401EllipsisDeliberate omission of a word done for effect by the author1
7928884402GenreThe major category into which a literary work fits2
7928884804JuxtapositionPlacing things side by side for the purposes of comparison3
7928884805MotifA recurring idea in a piece of literature4
7928884806ZuegmaWhen a single word governs or modifies two or more other words, and the meaning of the first word must change for each of the other words it governs or modifies5
7928884807PunWhen a word that has two or more meanings is used in a humorous way6
7928884808SarcasmA generally bitter comment that is ironically or satirically worded7
7928884809SyntaxGrouping of words8
7928885178FallacyAn attractive but unreliable piece of reasoning9
7928885179Sound argumentDeductive argument whose line of reasoning from the premises to the conclusion is valid and its premises are true.10
7928885180ThesisSentence(s) that directly expresses the author's opinion11
7928886918ClauseA grammatical unit with a subject and a verb12
7928886919PersonaThe fictional mask that tells a story13
7928886920Alter-egoA character that is used by the author to speak the author's own thoughts14
7928886921OxymoronWhen apparently contradictory terms are grouped together and suggest a paradox15
7928886922InvectiveAn emotional and violent, attack using abusive language16
7928887664AllusionAn indirect reference to something that the reader is supposed to be familiar17
7928887665IronyWhen the opposite of what you expect to happen does18
7928887666ForeshadowWhen an author gives hints about what will occur later in a story19

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