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AP language & composition vocabulary Flashcards

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6521658366abstractrefers to language that describes concepts rather than concrete images0
6521662545ad hominemin an argument, this is an attack on the person rather than on the opponents ideas. it comes from the Latin meaning '' against the man''1
6521692660ad populumin an argument, appeal ''to the crowd'' - popular stance2
6521699137adagea familiar proverb or wise saying3
6521702948allegorya work that functions on a symbolic level4
6521707031alliterationthe repetition of the same sound, usually consonant, at the beginning of two or more words of a sentence or line of poetry5
6524220602alliterative sentencesrepeating the same initial sound in two or more words of a sentence or line of poetry6
6524225612allusionreference to a mythological, literary, or, historical person, place, or thing7
6524233047ambiguous languagemisleading words, lacks clarify8
6524237503analogythis is a comparison of two pairs that have the same relationship ; comparison between two different items.9
6524248466analysisseparation of a whole into its parts for individual study10
6524254006analytical essayexamines, interprets, and explains the meaning and structure of a prose passage11
6526156731analyzeto compare in order to rank items by importance or to provide reasons12
6526161980anecdotea story or brief episode told by the writer or a character to illustrate a point13
6526166491antagonistcharacter or force in conflict with the main character or protagonist14
6526170883antithesisa direct juxtapostition of structurally parallel words, phrases, or clauses for the purpose of contrast15
6526185447antonymswords that mean the opposite16
6526187783aphorisma concise statement that expresses succinctly a general truth or idea, often using rhyme or balance17
6526223566apostropheform of personification in which the absent or dead are spoken to as if present and the inanimate, as if animate18
6526238622archetypea detail, image, or character types that occurs frequently in literature and myth and is thought to appeal in a universal way to the unconscious and to evoke a response19
6526245982argumenta single assertion or a series of assertions presented and defended by the writer20
6526250232assonancethe repetition of accented vowel sounds in a sereies of words21
6526256980assumptionsstatements or thoughts taken to be true without proof22
6526263618attitudethe relationship an author has toward his or her subject, and/or his or her audience23
6526268953audiencethose people who read or hear what a writer has written24
6526272583authors craftstylistic choices the author makes regarding such components as plot, characterization, structure, scenes, and dialogue to produce a desired effect25
6526282690authors perspectivea way of looking at a subject at a work of literature; can be influenced by background knowledge and experiences26
6526336390authors purposethe reason why an author writes.27
6526339954authors stylethe authors manner of helping the reader understand his/her written work28
6526343175autobiographyan authors account of his or her own life29

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