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AP Language Exam Terms Flashcards

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9741788114Cumulative (Loose) Sentencebegins with a main clause that is followed by phrases and/or clauses that modify the main clause. These phrases or clauses add information to the main or independent clause.0
9741788115Periodic Sentencea sentence that, by leaving the completion of its main clause to the end, produces an effect of suspense.1
9741788116Litotes/Understatementa figure of speech in which a negative statement is used to affirm a positive statement.2
9741788117Warrantexpresses the assumption necessarily shared by the speaker and the audience.3
9741788118Ethosan appeal to ethics and it is a means of convincing someone of the character or credibility of the persuader.4
9741788119Pathosan appeal to emotion, and is a way of convincing an audience of an argument by creating an emotional response.5
9741788120Logosan appeal to logic, and is a way of persuading an audience by reason.6
9741788121Concessionan acknowledgement that an opposing argument may be true or reasonable.7
9741788122SyllogismA logical structure that uses the major premise and minor premise to reach a necessary conclusion.8
9741788123Major premisecontains the term that is the predicate of the conclusion.9
9741788124Minor premisecontains the term that is the subject of the conclusion.10
9741788125Inductiona logical process wherein you reason from particulars to universal, using specific cases in order to draw a conclusion, which is also called a generalization.11
9741788126Deductiona logical process wherein you reach a conclusion by starting with a general principle or universal truth (a major premise).12
9741788127Equivocationa fallacy of argument in which a lie is given the appearance of truth, or in which the truth is misrepresented in deceptive language.13
9741788128Refutationa denial of the validity of an opposing argument.14
9741788129Dictiona speaker's choice of words. Analysis of diction looks at these choices and what they add to the speaker's message.15
9741788130Similea figure of speech used to explain or clarify an idea by comparing it explicitly to something else, using words like, as, or as though.16
9741788131Metaphorfigure of speech that compares two unlike things without using like or as.17
9741788132Anaphorathe intentional repetition of beginning clauses in order to create an artistic effect.18
9741788133Rhetoricit is the art of finding ways of persuading an audience.19
9741788134Rhetorical Trianglespeaker-subject-audience20
9741788135Allusionbrief reference to a person, event, or place (real or fictitious) to to a work of art.21
9741788136Hyperboledeliberate exaggeration used for emphasis or to produce a comic or ironic effect; an overstatement to make a point.22
9741788137Personificationattribution of a lifelike quality to an inanimate object or an idea.23
9741788138Asyndetonomission of conjunctions between coordinate phrases, clauses, or words.24
9741788139Polysyndetonthe deliberate use of multiple conjunctions between coordinate phrases, clauses or words.25
9741788140Parallelismsimilarity of structure in a pair or series of related words, phrases, or clauses.26
9741788141Antithesisopposition, or contrast or ideas or words in a parallel construction.27
9741788142Enumerationto mention separately as if in counting; name one by one; specify, as in list28
9741788143Rhetorical QuestionFigure of speech in the form of a question posed for the rhetorical effect rather than for the purpose of getting an answer. Ex.) Are you stupid?29
9741788144Chiasmusthe reversal in the order of words in two otherwise parallel phrases. Ex.) He went to the country, the country went to him.30
9741788145RebuttalIn the Toulon model, a rebuttal gives voice to possible objections.31
9741788146Fallacy of Argumenta flaw in the structure of an argument that renders its conclusion invalid or suspect.32
9741788147Bandwagon Appeala fallacy of argument in which a course of action is recommended on the grounds that everyone else is following it.33
9741788148Begging the Questiona fallacy of argument in which a claim is based on the very grounds that are in doubt or dispute.34
9741788149Anecdotea brief story used to illustrate a point or claim.35
9741788150Modes of DisclosureExposition- illustrates a point Narration- tells a story Description- creates a sensory image Argumentation- takes a position on an issue and defends it.36
9741788151Examplea specific event, person, or detail of an idea cited and/or developed to support or illustrate a thesis or topic.37
9741788152Contrast/ Comparisona method of presenting similarities and differences between or among at least two persons, places, things, ideas, etc. may be organized by: Subject by subject Point by point Combination38
9741788153Cause and Effectestablishes a relationship: B is the result of A.39
9741788154Classificationseparates items into major categories and details the characteristics of each group is placed within the category.40
9741788155Processsimply "how to" do something is done. It can have one of two purposes. It can either give instructions or inform the reader about how something is done.41
9741788156Definitionidentifies the class to which a specific term belongs and those characteristics which make it different from all the other items in that class.42
9741788157Narrationis nothing more than storytelling. There is a beginning, a middle, and an end.43
9741788158Descriptionwriting that appeals to the senses. It can be objective, which is scientific or clinical, or it can be impressionistic, which tries to involve the reader's emotions or feelings.44
9741788159Dogmatism`a fallacy of argument in which a claim is supported on the grounds that it's the only conclusion acceptable within a given community.45
9741788160False Dilemma or Dichotomya fallacy of argument in which a complicated issue is misrepresented as offering only two possible alternatives, one of which is often made to seem vastly preferable to the other.46
9741788161False authoritya fallacy of argument in which a claim is based on the expertise of someone who lacks appropriate credentials.47
9741788162Faulty causalitya fallacy of argument making the unwarranted assumption that because one event follows another, the first event causes the second. Also called post hoc, ergo propter hoc, this forms the basis of many superstitions.48
9741788163Hasty generalizationa fallacy of argument in which an inference is drawn from insufficient data.49
9741788164Non sequitora fallacy of argument in which claims, reasons, or warrants fail to connect logically; one point doesn't follow from another.50
9741788183AllegoryThe device of using character and/or story elements symbolically to represent an abstraction in addition to the literal meaning. A story in which each aspect of the story has a symbolic meaning outside the tale itself.51
9741788184AlliterationThe repetition of sounds, especially initial consonant sounds in two or more neighboring words (as in "she sells sea shells").52
9741788185AllusionA direct or indirect reference to something which is presumably commonly known, such as an event, book, myth, place, or work of art.53
9741788186AmbiguityThe multiple meanings, either intentional or unintentional, of a word, phrase, sentence, or passage.54
9741788187AnalogyA similarity or comparison between two different things or the relationship between them.55
9741788188AntecedentThe word, phrase, or clause referred to by a pronoun.56
9741788189Antithesisthe opposition or contrast of ideas; the direct opposite.57
9741788190AphorismA terse statement of known authorship which expresses a general truth or a moral principle. (If the authorship is unknown, the statement is generally considered to be a folk proverb.)58
9741788191ApostropheA prayer like figure of speech that directly addresses an absent or imaginary person or a personified abstraction, such as liberty or love. It is an address to someone or something that cannot answer.59
9741788192AtmosphereThe emotional nod created by the entirety of a literary work, established partly by the setting and partly by the author's choice of objects that are described.60
9741788193Caricaturea verbal description, the purpose of which is to exaggerate or distort, for comic effect, a person's distinctive physical features or other characteristics.61
9741788194ClauseA grammatical unit that contains both a subject and a verb.62
9741788195Colloquial/ColloquialismThe use of slang or informalities in speech or writing.63
9741788196Literary ConceitA fanciful expression, usually in the form of an extended metaphor or surprising analogy between seemingly dissimilar objects; displays intellectual cleverness through unusual comparisons that make good sense64
9741788197ConnotationThe non-literal, associative meaning of a word; the implied, suggested meaning.65
9741788198DenotationThe strict, literal, dictionary definition of a word, devoid of any emotion, attitude, or color.66
9741788199DictionRelated to style, diction refers to the writer's word choices, especially with regard to their correctness, clearness, or effectiveness.67
9741788200DidacticFrom the Greek, didactic literally means "teaching."68
9741788201EuphemismFrom the Greek for "good speech," euphemisms are a more agreeable or less offensive substitute for a generally unpleasant word or concept - POLITICALLY CORRECT69
9741788202Extended MetaphorA metaphor developed at great length, occurring frequently in or throughout a work.70
9741788203Figurative LanguageWriting or speech that is not intended to carry literal meaning and is usually meant to be imaginative and vivid71
9741788204Figure of speechA device used to produce figurative language. Many compare dissimilar things. Figures of speech include apotrophe hyperbole irony metaphor oxymoron paradox personification simile syneddoche understatement72
9741788205GenreThe major category into which a literary work fits. The basic divisions of literature are prose, poetry, and drama.73
9741788206HomilyThis term literally means "sermon," but more informally, it can include any serious talk, speech, or lecture involving moral or spiritual advice.74
9741788207HyperboleA figure of speech using deliberate exaggeration or overstatement. (The literal Greek meaning is "overshoot.")75
9741788208ImageryThe sensory details or figurative language used to describe, arouse emotion, or represent abstractions.76
9741788209Inference/inferTo draw a reasonable conclusion from the information presented.77
9741788210Invectivean emotionally violent, verbal denunciation or attack using strong, abusive language.78
9741788211Irony/ironicThe contrast between what is stated explicitly and what is really meant, or the difference between what appears to be and what is actually true.79
9741788212Loose sentence/non-periodic sentenceA type of sentence in which the main idea (independent clause) comes first, followed by dependent grammatical units such as phrases and clauses.80
9741788213MetaphorA figure of speech using implied comparison of seemingly unlike things or the substitution of one for the other, suggesting some similarity.81
9741788214MetonymyA figure of speech in which the name of one object is substituted for that of another closely associated with it.82
9741788215MoodThe prevailing atmosphere or emotional aura of a work.83
9741788216NarrativeThe telling of a story or an account of an event or series of events.84
9741788217onomatopoeiaA figure of speech in which natural sounds are imitated in the sounds of words.85
9741788218OxymoronOxymoron is a figure of speech wherein the author groups apparently contradictory terms to suggest a paradox.86
9741788219ParadoxA statement that appears to be self-contradictory or opposed to common sense but upon closer inspection contains some degree of truth or validity.87
9741788220Parallelismthe use of successive verbal constructions in poetry or prose that correspond in grammatical structure, sound, meter, meaning, etc.88
9741788221ParodyA work that closely imitates the style or content of another with the specific aim of comic effect and/or ridicule.89
9741788222PedanticAn adjective that describes words, phrases, or general tone that is overly scholarly, academic, or bookish (language that might be described as "show-offy"; using big words for the sake of using big words).90
9741788223Periodic sentenceThe opposite of loose sentence, a sentence that presents its central meaning in a main clause at the end.91
9741788224PersonificationA figure of speech in which the author presents or describes concepts, animals, or inanimate objects by endowing them with human attributes or emotions.92
9741788225Point of viewIn literature, the perspective from which a story is told.93
9741788226Prosewritten or spoken language in its ordinary form, without metrical structure.94
9741788227RepetitionThe duplication, either exact or approximate, of any element of language, such as a sound, word, phrase, clause, sentence, or grammatical pattern.95
9741788228RhetoricFrom the Greek for "orator," this term describes the principles governing the art of writing effectively, eloquently, and persuasively.96
9741788229SarcasmInvolves bitter, caustic language that is meant to hurt or ridicule someone or something.97
9741788230SatireA work that targets human vices and follies or social institutions and conventions for reform or ridicule.98
9741788231Subordinate clauseLike all clauses, this word group contains both a subject and a verb (plus any accompanying phrases or modifiers), but unlike the independent clause, this clause cannot stand alone; it does not express a complete thought.99
9741788232SyllogismA deductive system of formal logic that presents two premises (the first one called "major" and the second called "minor") that inevitably lead to a sound conclusion.100
9741788233Symbol/symbolismGenerally, anything that represents itself and stands for something else.101
9741788234SyntaxThe way an author chooses to join words into phrases, clauses, and sentences.102
9741788235ThemeThe central idea or message of a work, the insight it offers into life.103
9741788236ThesisThe sentence or group of sentences that directly expresses the author's opinion, purpose, meaning, or position.104
9741788237ToneDescribes the author's attitude toward his material, the audience, or both.105
9741788238TransitionA word or phrase that links different ideas. Used especially, although not exclusively, in expository and argumentative writing, effectively signal a shift from one idea to another.106
9741788239Understatementthe ironic minimalizing of fact; presents something as less significant than it is.107
9741788240Witin modern usage, intellectually amusing language that surprises and delights.108
9741788241Slippery SlopeThis is the failure to provide evidence to support a claim that one event will lead to a catastrophic chain of events.109
9741788242straw manWhen a writer argues against a claim that nobody actually holds or is universally considered weak.110
9741788243EthosAn appeal to credibility. The writer is seeking to convince you that he or she has the background, history, skills, and/or expertise to speak on the issue.111
9741788244JuxtapositionMaking on idea more dramatic by placing it next to its opposite.112
9741788245LogosAn appeal to reason.113
9741788246PathosAn appeal to emotion.114
9741788247Rhetorical QuestionA question whose answer is assumed.115
9741788248SimileA critical figure of speech in an argument when what is unknown is compared to something that is known using the word "like," "as," or "than" in order to better perceive its importance.116
9741788249rhetorical appealthe persuasive devices by which a writer tries to sway an audience's attention and response to any given work. See logos, ethos, and pathos.117
9741788250descriptive detailWhen an essay uses this phrase, look for the writer's sensory description.118
9741788251devicesThe figures of speech, syntax, diction, and other stylistic elements that collectively produce a particular artistic effect.119
9741788252narrative devicesThis term describes the tools of the storyteller (also used in nonfiction), such as ordering events so that they build to a climactic moment or withholding information until a crucial or appropriate moment when revealing it creates a desired effect. On the essay portion of the exam, this term may also apply to biographical and autobiographical writing.120
9741788253narrative techniquesThe style of telling the "story," even if the passage is nonfiction. Concentrate on the order of events and on their detail in evaluating a writer's technique.121
9741788254Ad hominem argumentAn argument attacking an individual's character rather than his or her position on an issue122
9741788255AnaphoraFigure of repetition that occurs when the first word or set of words in one sentence, clause, or phrase is/are repeated at or very near the beginning of successive sentences, clauses, or phrases; repetition of the initial words over successive phrases or clauses123
9741788256AnecdoteA brief story that illustrates or makes a point124
9741788257Appeal to authorityA fallacy in which a speaker or writer seeks to persuade not by giving evidence but by appealing to the respect people have for a famous person or institution.125
9741788258Argumentationone of the four forms of discourse which uses logic, ethics, and emotional appeals (logos, ethos, pathos) to develop an effective means to convince the reader to think or act in a certain way.126
9741788259AssonanceRepetition of a vowel sound within two or more words in close proximity127
9741788260AsyndetonA series of words separated by commas (with no conjunction).128
9741788261toneA speaker's, author's, or character's disposition toward or opinion of a subject.129
9741788262audienceOne's listener or readership; those to whom a speech or piece of writing is addressed.130
9741788263Balanced sentenceA sentence in which words, phrases, or clauses are set off against each other to emphasize a contrast131
9741788264Begging the questionOften called circular reasoning, __ occurs when the believability of the evidence depends on the believability of the claim.132
9741788165understatement"I have to have this operation. It isn't very serious. I have this tiny little tumor on the brain." Holden Caulfield, Catcher in the Rye133
9741788166parallelism"My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." John F. Kennedy134
9741788167allusionThe rise in poverty will unlock the Pandora's box of crimes.135
9741788168hyperbole"I'll love you, dear, I'll love you/Till China and Africa meet,/And the river jumps over the mountain"136
9741788169aphorism"Having nothing, nothing can he lose."137
9741788170metonymy"Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears." Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, Act I138
9741788171invective"I cannot but conclude the bulk of your natives to be the most pernicious race of little odious vermin that nature ever suffered to crawl upon the surface of the earth." Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels139
9741788172antithesis"To err is human; to forgive divine." Alexander Pope "An Essay on Criticism"140
9741788173euphemism"I am one, sir, that comes to tell you your daughter and the Moor are now making the beast with two backs." William Shakespeare Othello141
9741788174periodic sentenceIn spite of heavy snow and cold temperatures, the game continued.142
9741788175paradox"Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it." -Gandhi143
9741788176alliteration"His soul swooned slowly as he heard the snow falling faintly through the universe and faintly falling, like the descent of their last end, upon all the living and the dead."144
9741788177chiasmus"he heard the snow falling faintly through the universe and faintly falling"145
9741788178oxymoron"Yet I should kill thee with much cherishing. / Good night, good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow, / That I shall say good night till it be morrow."146
9741788179personification"Pearl Button swung on the little gate in front of the House of Boxes. It was the early afternoon of a sunshiny day with little winds playing hide-and-seek in it."147
9741788180onomatopoeia"He saw nothing and heard nothing but he could feel his heart pounding and then he heard the clack on stone and the leaping, dropping clicks of a small rock falling."148
9741788181inverted syntax"Patience you must have, my young padawan."149
9741788182spatial description"In my pantry, coffee, tea powder, and sugar have been kept in the top shelf. Flour, canned food, and dry pasta are on the second shelf."150

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