5906388412 | Red Herring | "We can debate these regulations until the cows come home, but what the American people want to know is, when are we going to end this partisan bickering?" | 0 | |
5906388413 | Ad Hominem | After Sally presents an eloquent and compelling case for a more equitable taxation system, Sam asks the audience whether we should believe anything from a woman who isn't married, was once arrested, and smells a bit weird. | 1 | |
5906388414 | Faulty Analogy | "We put animals who are in irreversible pain out of their misery, so we should do the same for people" | 2 | |
5906388415 | Straw Man | After Will said that we should put more money into health and education, Warren responded by saying that he was surprised that Will hates our country so much that he wants to leave it defenseless by cutting military spending. | 3 | |
5906388416 | False Dilemma | Either we agree to higher taxes, or our grandchildren will be mired in debt | 4 | |
5906388417 | Hasty Generalization | Smoking isn't bad for you; my great aunt smoked a pack a day and lived to be 90 | 5 | |
5906388418 | Circular Reasoning | Buy this shampoo because it's the best shampoo! | 6 | |
5906388419 | Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc | We elected Johnson as President and look where it got us: hurricanes, floods, stock market crashes | 7 | |
5906388420 | Appeal to False Authority | Not able to defend his position that evolution 'isn't true' Bob says that he knows a scientist who also questions evolution (and presumably isn't a primate). | 8 | |
5906388421 | Bandwagon Appeal | You should vote to elect Rachel Johnson--she has a strong lead in the polls! | 9 | |
5906388422 | Faulty Cause ex 1 | a black cat passed Babb's path yesterday and sure enough, she was involved in an automobile accident later that same afternoon | 10 | |
5906388423 | Faulty Cause ex 2 | The introduction of sex education courses at the high school level has resulted in increased promiscuity among teens. A recent study revealed that the number of reported cases of STDs was significantly higher for high schools that did not. | 11 | |
5906388424 | Sweeping Generalization ex 1 | Muffin must be rich or have rich parents, because she belongs to ZXQ, and ZXQ is the richest sorority on campus | 12 | |
5906388425 | Sweeping Generalization ex 2 | I'd like to hire you, but you're an ex-felon and statistics show that 80% of ex-felons recidivate | 13 | |
5906388426 | Hasty Generalization ex 1 | All of those movie stars are really rude. I asked Kevin Costner for his autograph in a restaurant in Westwood the other evening, and he told me to get lost. | 14 | |
5906388427 | Hasty Generalization ex 2 | Pit Bulls are actually gentle, sweet dogs. My next door neighbor has one and his dog loves to romp and play with all the kids in the neighborhood. | 15 | |
5906388428 | Faulty Analogy ex 1 | What's the big deal about the early pioneers killing a few Indians in order to settle the west? After all, you can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs. | 16 | |
5906388429 | Faulty Analogy ex 2 | Banning "head" shops from selling drug paraphernalia in order to curb drug abuse makes about as much sense as banning bikinis to reduce promiscuity | 17 | |
5906388430 | Appeal to ignorance ex 1 | We can safely conclude that there is intelligent life elsewhere in the galaxy, because thus far no one has been able to prove that there is not. | 18 | |
5906388431 | Appeal to ignorance ex 2 | The new form of experimental chemotherapy must be working; not a single patient has returned to complain | 19 | |
5906388432 | Bifurcation ex 1 | Either you favor a strong national defense, or you favor allowing other nations to dictate our foreign policy | 20 | |
5906388433 | Bifurcation ex 2 | It's not TV. It's HBO. | 21 | |
5906388434 | False dilemma ex 1 | Either you buy a large car and watch it guzzle away at your paycheck, or you buy a small car and take a greater risk or being injured or killed in the event of an accident | 22 | |
5906388435 | False dilemma ex 2 | You can put your money in a savings account, in which case the IRS will tax you on the interest, and inflation will erode the value of your money, or you can avoid maintaining a savings account in which case you will have nothing to fall back on in a financial emergency | 23 | |
5906388436 | Faulty sign ex 1 | the cars driving in the opposite direction have their lights on; they must be part of a funeral procession. | 24 | |
5906388437 | Faulty sign ex 2 | that guy is wearing a raiders jacket and baggy pants. I'll bet he is a gang member. | 25 | |
5906388438 | Damning the source ex 1 | there is no reason to listen to the arguments of those who oppose school prayer, for they are the arguments of atheists! | 26 | |
5906388439 | Damning the source ex 2 | the American trial lawyers association favors of this piece of legislation, so you know it has to be bad for ordinary citizens. | 27 | |
5906388440 | Tu Quoque ex 1 | Gee, Mom and Dad, how can you tell me not to do drugs when you both smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol? | 28 | |
5906388441 | Tu Quoque ex 2 | the united states has no business criticizing human rights policies of third world nations, not as long as discrimination and segregation continue to exist in the united states | 29 | |
5906388442 | equivocation ex 1 | only man is rational. no woman is a man. Therefore, no woman is rational | 30 | |
5906388443 | equivocation ex 2 | no one who has the slightest acquaintance with science can reasonably doubt that the miracles in the Bible actually took place. every year we witness countless new miracles in the form recombinant DNA, micro-chips, organ transplants, and the like. (the word miracle does not have the same meaning in each case) | 31 | |
5906388444 | begging the question ex 1 | abortion is murder, since killing a baby is an act of murder | 32 | |
5906388445 | begging the question ex 2 | have you stopped beating your wife? | 33 | |
5906388446 | tautology ex 1 | the bible is the word of god. we know his because the bible itself tells us so. | 34 | |
5906388447 | tautology ex 2 | you are a disagreeable person and, if you disagree with me on this, it will only further prove what a disagreeable person you are | 35 | |
5906388448 | appeal to authority ex 1 | if it's good enough for (insert celebrity's name here), it's good enough for me | 36 | |
5906388449 | appeal to authority ex 2 | laws against marijuana are plain silly. Why, Thomas Jefferson is known to have raised hemp on his own plantation | 37 | |
5906388450 | appeal to tradition ex 1 | of course we have to play "pomp and circumstance" at graduation, because that's always been the song that is played | 38 | |
5906388451 | appeal to tradition ex 2 | why do I make wine this way? because my father made wine this way, and his father made wine this way | 39 | |
5906388452 | appeal to the crowd ex 1 | all I can say is that if living together is immoral, then I have plenty of company | 40 | |
5906388453 | appeal to the crowd ex 2 | professor windplenty's test was extremely unfair. just ask anyone who took it. | 41 | |
5906388454 | straw man ex 1 | a mandatory seat belt law could never be enforce. you can't issue citations to dead people | 42 | |
5906388455 | straw man ex 2 | what woman in her right mind could truly desire total equality with men? No woman wants the right to be shot at in times of war, the right to have to pay alimony, or the right to have to use the same bathrooms as men | 43 | |
5906388456 | slippery slope ex 1 | if the supreme court allows abortion, next thing you know they'll allow euthanasia, and it won't be long before society disposes of all those persons whom it deems unwanted or undesirable | 44 | |
5906388457 | slippery slope ex 2 | if I let one student interrupt my lecture with a question, then I'll have to let others and, before long, there won't be any time left for lectures | 45 | |
5906388458 | appealing to extremes ex 1 | husband to ex-wife: well, if you want to be completely fair about dividing everything up, you should get one of my testicles and I should get one of your breasts. | 46 | |
5906388459 | appealing to extremes ex 2 | debtor to creditor: hey, you've already repossessed my car and my television. Why don't you just draw a quart of blood or carve a pound of flesh from my heart too? | 47 | |
5906388460 | hypothesis contrary to fact ex 1 | if only you had tasted the stewed snails, I'm sure you would have liked them | 48 | |
5906388461 | hypothesis contrary to fact ex 2 | If Hitler had not invaded Russian and opened up two military fronts, the Nazis would surely have won the war | 49 | |
5906388462 | non sequitar ex 1 | I wore a red shirt when I took the test, so that is probably why I did so well on the test | 50 | |
5906388463 | non sequitar ex 2 | Mr. Boswell couldn't be the person who poisoned our cat, Truffles, because when I used to take Truffle for walks he always smiled and said "hello" when we walked by | 51 | |
5906388464 | red herring ex 1 | accused by his wife of cheating at cards, Ned replies "nothing I ever do pleases you. I spent all last week repainting the bathroom, and then you said didn't like the color" | 52 | |
5906388465 | red herring ex 2 | There's too much fuss and concern about saving the environment. we cant create an Eden on earth. and even if we could, remember Adam and eve got bored in the garden and Eden anyway! | 53 | |
5906388466 | inconsistency ex 1 | A used car salespersons says, "hey, you can't trust those other car salesman. They'll say anything to get you buy a car from them | 54 | |
5906388467 | inconsistency ex 2 | A parent has just read a child the story of Cinderella. The child asks, "if the coach, and the footmen, and the beautiful clothes all turned back into the pumpkin, the mice, and the rags, then how come the glass slipper didn't change back too? | 55 | |
5906388468 | Ad Hominem | A park in your community should not be renovated because the person supporting it was arrested during a domestic dispute. | 56 | |
5906388469 | Ad Populum (Bandwagon) | You should vote to elect Jack Bauer - he has a strong lead in the polls! | 57 | |
5906388470 | Appeal to False Authority | Sofia Vergara endorses Pepsi, therefore it is the best brand of soda. | 58 | |
5906388471 | Begging the Question | Paranormal activity is real because I have experienced what can only be described as paranormal activity. | 59 | |
5906388472 | Circular Reasoning | You can't give me a C! I'm an A student. | 60 | |
5906388473 | Faulty Analogy | People who have to have a cup of coffee every morning before they can function have no less a problem than alcoholics who have to have their alcohol each day to sustain them. | 61 | |
5906388474 | Hasty Generalization | Taylor Swift has cats, therefore cats are the best animals in the world. | 62 | |
5906388475 | Straw Man | After Will said that we should put more money into health and education, Warren responded by saying that he was surprised that Will hates our country so much that he wants to leave it defenseless by cutting military spending. | 63 | |
5906388476 | Inconsistency | "I never said most of the things I said." - Yogi Berra | 64 | |
5906388477 | False Dilemma | You are either with God, or against him. | 65 | |
5906388478 | Questionable Premise | Every time I listen to Taylor Swift, my mood is brought up. Therefore, Taylor Swift is the cause for happiness. | 66 | |
5906388479 | Tokenism | The presidential nominee has been accused of being racist. But he recently stated that he really liked the movie, "Roots," so I guess he isn't racist. | 67 | |
5906388480 | Appeal to ignorance | You know that scientists can't prove that UFO's do not visit the Earth, so it makes sense to believe in them. | 68 | |
5906388481 | Equivocation | The sign said "fine for parking here", and since it was fine, I parked there. | 69 | |
5906388482 | Slippery Slope | Colin Closets asserts that if we allow same sex couples to marry, then then the next thing we know we'll be allowing people to marry their parents, their cars, even their monkeys. | 70 | |
5906388483 | tu quoque | From the Latin meaning, 'you also', this is an appeal to hypocrisy. | 71 | |
5906388484 | ad baculum(scare tactics) | When force, coercion, or even a threat of force is used in place of a reason in an attempt to justify a conclusion. | 72 | |
5906388485 | slippery slope | This is a conclusion based on the premise that if A happens, then eventually through a series of small steps, through B, C,..., X, Y, Z will happen, too, basically equating A and Z. So, if we don't want Z to occur, A must not be allowed to occur either. | 73 | |
5906388486 | post hoc (false cause) | a conclusion that assumes that if 'A' occurred after 'B' then 'B' must have caused 'A | 74 | |
5906388487 | circular reasoning (begging the question) | This restates the argument rather than actually proving it. | 75 | |
5906388488 | hasty generalization | rushing to a conclusion before having all the facts | 76 | |
5906388489 | dogmatism | The assumption that even when many, perhaps millions, of other people believe otherwise, only you can be correct | 77 | |
5906388490 | moral equivalence | the implication that two moral issues carry the same weight or are essentially similar | 78 | |
5906388491 | straw man | a fallacy in which one side of the argument is presented as so extreme that no one will agree with it | 79 | |
5906388492 | red herring | a fallacy in which one changes the subject halfway through an argument in order to avoid the real subject at hand | 80 | |
5906388493 | equivocation | using the ambiguity of language to detract from the real issue at hand | 81 | |
5906388494 | ad populum | concluding that an idea has merit simply because many people believe it or practice it | 82 | |
5906388495 | non-sequitur | From the Latin meaning, "it does not follow," a fallacy in which the conclusion does not follow the premises | 83 | |
5906388496 | ad hominem | attacks against the person arguing rather than attacks against the argument itself | 84 | |
5906388497 | appeal to sentimentality (emotion) | any attempt to sway an argument via emotion, rather than the quality of the logic or evidence | 85 | |
5906388498 | misleading statistics | claiming that certain figures are drawn from a much more significant sample than they actually are | 86 | |
5906388499 | false dilemma (either-or) | implies there are only two options, one of which is more appealing, rather than looking at all options | 87 | |
5906388500 | appeal to tradition | a fallacy that suggests we should continue to do things as they have been done in the past | 88 | |
5906388501 | bandwagon | similar to ad populum (if it is popular, it is correct), with the added element of intimidation to coerce people into jumping onboard | 89 | |
5906388502 | false analogy | assuming that because two things are alike in one or more respects, they are necessarily alike in some other respect. | 90 |
AP Language: Fallacies Flashcards
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