2573021312 | syntax | ordering of words in a sentence | 0 | |
2573021313 | style | the manner of expression, describes how the author uses language to get his or her point across | 1 | |
2573022361 | tone | the attitude, mood, or sentiments revealed by the style | 2 | |
2573023154 | point of view | stance revealed by the style and the tone of the writing | 3 | |
2573023693 | rhetoric | art of speaking or writing effectively, stylistic devices an author uses to appeal successfully to a specific audience and is usually persuasive in nature | 4 | |
2573026040 | figurative language | speech or writing that departs from literal meaning to achieve a special effect or meaning | 5 | |
2573027501 | logos | an appeal to reason or logic | 6 | |
2573027959 | ethos | an appeal to the speaker's credibility | 7 | |
2573028854 | pathos | an appeal to the emotions, values, or desires of the audience | 8 | |
2573029823 | imagery | figurative language that is used to convey a sensory perception | 9 | |
2573030565 | hyperbole | overstatement or exaggeration | 10 | |
2573031547 | symbol | a word that represents something other than itself | 11 | |
2573032947 | oxymoron | an apparent contradiction of terms | 12 | |
2573033675 | paradox | an apparent contradiction of ideas or statements | 13 | |
2573034677 | bombast | language that is overly rhetorical (pompous) | 14 | |
2573036460 | metonymy | one term is substituted for another term with which it is closely associated | 15 | |
2573038301 | synecdoche | when a part is used to signify the whole | 16 | |
2573039605 | aphorism | concise, pity statement of an opinion or a general truth | 17 | |
2573040909 | malapropism | the unintentional use of a word that resembles the word intended but has a very different meaning | 18 | |
2573042599 | circumlocution | talking around a subject or a word | 19 | |
2573043369 | euphemism | a word or words that are used to avoid employing an unpleasant or offensive term | 20 | |
2573046454 | satire | something is portrayed in a way that's deliberately distorted to achieve comic effect | 21 | |
2573048310 | parody | imitation for comic effect | 22 | |
2573048326 | lampoon | sharp ridicule of the behavior or character of a person or insitution | 23 | |
2573052709 | ad hominem argument | any kind of fallacious argument that criticizes an idea by pointing something out about the person who holds the idea, rather than directly addressing the actual merit of the idea | 24 | |
2573055105 | argument from authority | tempts us to agree with the writer's assumptions based on the authority of a famous person or entity or his or her own character | 25 | |
2573056776 | appeal to ignorance | based on the assumption that whatever has not been proven false must be true | 26 | |
2573058400 | begging the question | someone assumes that part of what the person claims to be proving are proven facts | 27 | |
2573059169 | hasty generalization | when the writer deliberately leads you to a conclusion by providing insufficient, selective evidence | 28 | |
2573061005 | non sequitur | statement that does not logically relate to what comes before it | 29 | |
2573062555 | false dichotomy | a consideration of only the two extremes when there are one or more intermediate possibilities | 30 | |
2573063363 | slippery slope | arguments suggest dire consequences from relatively minor causes | 31 | |
2573064015 | faulty causality | the setting up of a cause-and-effect relationship when non exits | 32 | |
2573065416 | straw man arguement | an oversimplification of an opponent's argument to make it easier to attack | 33 | |
2573066451 | sentimental appeal | tactic that attempts to appeal to the hearts of readers so that they forget to use their minds | 34 | |
2573067819 | red herring | attempts to shift attention away from an important issue by introducing an issue that has no logical connection to the discussion at hand | 35 | |
2573069228 | scare tactic | used to frighten readers into agreeing with the speaker | 36 | |
2573071074 | bandwagon appeals | encourages the listener to agree with a position because everyone else does | 37 | |
2573071735 | dogmatism | does not allow for discussion because the speaker presumes that his or her beliefs are beyond question | 38 | |
2573072564 | equivocation | telling part of the truth, while deliberately hiding the entire truth | 39 | |
2573073511 | faulty analogy | illogical, misleading comparison between two things | 40 |