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AP Language Flashcards

Terms : Hide Images
2819964485AudienceSpectators or listeners of public events0
2819964752ConsessionA thing that is granted, especially in response to commands1
2819965013Contextcircumstances that form settings for events, statements or ideas2
2819965467Counter ArguementAn argument or reasons to oppose an idea or theory developed in another argument3
2819965468Ethosthe moral element in dramatic literature that determines a character's action rather than his or her thought or emotion.4
2819966074LogosA moral element that appeals to logic5
2819966075PathosA moral element that appeals to emotion6
2819966303oc·casiona particular time or instance of an event.7
2819966639PersonaThe aspect of someones character that is presented to others8
2819966640Propagandainformation to promote someones political point of view9
2819967004Connatationthe suggestion of words having a different meaning10
2819967007Polemica strong verbal or written attack on someone or something11
2819967844Refutationto prove wrong by argument or evidence13
2819968182Rhetoric AppelsThe three elements of the art of persuasion14
2819968183SOAPSSubject, Occasion, Audience, Purpose, and Speaker15
2819968602SpeakersA person who speaks16
2819968970SubjectA person or thing being discussed17
2819968971TextA book or other written or printed work, body of a book18
2819969379RhetoricThe art of effective or persuasive speaking or book writing19

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