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AP language Flashcards

Terms : Hide Images
5926400450EgregiousOut of group, outstandingly bad0
5926400451PellucidVery clear, transparent1
5926400452AffluentFlow in abundance, wealthy2
5926400453TranslucentPermitting the passage of light3
5926400454AntipathyFeeling against someone or something, dislike4
5926400455EmpathyFeeling the same thing as someone else5
5926400456AcridUnpleasantly pungent in taste or odor6
5926400457ConfluenceTo flow together, convergence7
5926400458DiffidentLack of faith in oneself, lack of confidence8
5926400459AcrimoniousFull of spite, bitter9
5926400460SuperfluousFlow above, hence exceeding what is necessary10

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