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AP Language Flashcards

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6691894763Mock-heroicmocking or burlesquing a heroic manner, action, or manner0
6692341692mockingtreating with contempt or ridicule1
6692347093moralisticadhering to a system of morals or perhaps imposing this system on others2
6692364092morosegloomy, sullen, surly, despondent3
6692367486nostalgica bittersweet longing for persons or things of the past4
6692372983objectivewithout bias or prejudice; detached; impersonal5
6692379671obsequiouspolite and obedient in order to gain something6
6692383083optimistichopeful, cheerful7
6692385222outragedto offend grossly; to produce anger or resentment8
6692400493patronizingto treat in a condescending manner9
6692405373pedanticto stress minor or trivial points of learning10
6692412049pessimisticseeing the worst side of things; no hope11
6692415690pettyrelatively worthless; trivial; minor12
6692421579pompouspretentious; stately13
6692430675pretentiousmaking claims, implicit or explicit, to some distinction or importance14
6692440813quizzicalodd, eccentric, amusing15
6692444091reflectiveillustrating innermost thoughts and emotions16
6692454890reminiscenttending to recall or suggest something from the past17
6692468362restrainedlimited; restricted; suppressed18
6692482549reverenttreating a subject with honor and respect19
6692485107ribaldoffensive in speech or gesture20
6692494766ridiculingslightly contemptuous banter; making fun of21
6692501829sanguineousoptimistic, cheerful22
6692512111sarcasticsneering, caustic23
6692513728sardoniccharacterized by bitter or scornful derision24
6692529538satiricuse of ridicule, sarcasm, irony to expose, attack or deride vices, follies, stupidities or abuses25
6693941927scornfulfilled with extreme indignant contempt; disdain; refusing or rejecting as wrong/disgraceful26
6693949971sentimentalhaving or showing tender, gentle, or delicate feelings, but sometimes in an excessive or maudlin way, influenced more by emotion than reason27
6693966460sincerewithout deceit or pretense; genuine28
6693969468solemndeeply earnest, tending toward sad reflection29
6693974393somberdark and gloomy; earnest and solemn30
6693979114sympatheticlooking upon with favor31
6693982121tauntingchallenging or reproachful in a sarcastic, insulting or jeering manner32
6693988458turgidinflated, overblown or pompous; bombastic33
6693993891vibrantthrobbing with life; vigorous, energetic, radiant34
6694001579whimsicalunpredictable, fanciful35
6694005268zealousmarked by active interest and enthusiam36

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