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AP language Flashcards

Terms : Hide Images
5051939670Begging the questionPloy where the arguer sidesteps question/conflict, evading/ignoring question0
5051939671CanonThat which has been accepted as authentic1
5051939672ColloquialOrdinary language, vernacular2
5051939673ConceitProlonged comparison of two unlikely things3
5051939674ConnotationMeaning suggested by a word, apart from its denotation, or explicit definition4
5051939675ConsonanceRepetition of two or more consonants5
5051939676ConventionAccepted manner, model, or tradition6
5051939677Deductive reasoningArgument in which specific statements/conclusions are drawn from general principles: movement from general to specific7
5051939678DialectLanguage and speech idiosyncrasies of a specific area, region, group of people8
5051939679ClaimAn assertion of something as fact9

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