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AP Language Flashcards

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7711293715AlliterationRepetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words0
7711293716allusion (n)Brief refenerce to a person event, or place.1
7711293717Anaphorathe repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of successive clauses.2
7711293718AntimetaboleRepetition of words in reverse order.3
7711293719antithesis (n)a person or thing that is the direct opposite of something or someone else.4
7711293720archaic dictionold-fashioned or outdated choice of words.5
7711293721Asyndetonomission of conjunctions between coordinate phrases, clauses, or words.6
7711293722cumulative sentencea sentence that completes its main clause/thought at the beginning and then adds to it.7
7711293723Hortative sentencesentence that exhorts, urges, entreats, implores, or calls to action8
7711293724Imperative sentencesentence used to command or enjoin.9
7711293725InversionA reversal of the usual order of words to achieve some kind of emphasis.10
7711293726JuxtapositionPlacement of two things closely together to emphasize comparisons or contrasts.11
7711293727MetaphorA comparison without using like or as.12
7711293728OxymoronA figure of speech that combines opposite or contradictory terms in a brief phrase.13
7711293729Parallelismsimilarity of structure in a pair or series of related words, phrases, or clauses.14
7711293730periodic sentencesentence whose main clause is withheld until the end.15
7711293731PersonificationAttribution of a lifelike quality to an inanimate object or idea.16
7711293732Rhetorical questionFigure of speech in the firm of a question posed for the rhetorial effect, rather than getting the answer.17
7711293733Synedochefigure of speech that uses a part to represent the whole.18
7711293734ZeugmaUse of two different words in a grammarically similar way that produces different incongruous meanings.19

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