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AP Language Flashcards

Terms : Hide Images
2847404122harryv. To harass, devastate harried harrying0
2847406729degeneratev or n to fall below a desirable level (deteriorate) diminish in quality degenerating, degenerate1
2847413884unadulteredadj. not diluted or made impure by diluting utter.. absolute2
2847418240bulwarka defensive wall3
2852430659irateenraged, great anger4
2857541532importunateurging or demanding5
2880727963Beseechbeg or plead6
2880727964concedeadmit.. accept not completly give up7
2887359256admonishAdvise against something8
2887360308AssuageTo make easier or milder9
2928058337consecrateto declare sacred10
2928064546fecklesslacking in spirit and strength weak unreliable uneffective11
2942637833effusiveExcessively emotional13
3002722084mitigatemake less severe15

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