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AP Language & Literature Terms Flashcards

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3621174961Absolutea word free from limitations or qualifications - best, all, none, perfect, worst0
3621174962AbstractComplex, discusses intangible qualities like good and evil, seldom uses examples to support its points.1
3621174963AbsurdExtremely ridiculous or completely lacking reason; unreasonable or foolish.2
3621174964AcademicDry and rhetorical writing; sucking all the life out of its subject with analysis.3
3621174965AccentIn poetry, the stressed portion of a word.4
3621174966Active VoiceThe opposite of passive voice; a sentence with an active verb. It expresses more energy and command of the essay than does the passive voice.5
3621174967Ad hominem argumentAn argument attacking an individual's character rather than his or her position on an issue6
3621174968AestheticAppealing to the senses; a coherent sense of taste or style.7
3621174969AllegoryA story in which each aspect of the story has a symbolic meaning outside the tale itself.8
3621174970AlliterationThe repetition of initial consonant sounds.9
3621174971AllusionA reference to another work or famous figure.10
3621174972AmbibranchA poetic foot -- light, heavy, light11
3621174973AmbiguityThe multiple meanings, either intentional or unintentional, of a word, phrase, sentence, or passage.12
3621174974Anachronism"Misplaced in time." An aspect of a story that doesn't belong in its supposed time setting.13
3621174975AnalogyA comparison, usually involving two or more symbolic parts, employed to clarify an action or a relationship.14
3621174976AnapestA poetic foot -- light, light, heavy15
3621174977AnaphoraA sub-type of parallelism, when the exact repetition of words or phrases at the beginning of successive lines or sentences.16
3621174978anecdoteA short account of an interesting or humorous incident17
3621174979AntecedentThe word, phrase, or clause that determines what a pronoun refers to.18
3621174980Anthimeriasubstitution of one part of speech for another (for example, changing a noun into a verb)19
3621174981AnthropomorphismWhen animals are given human characteristics. Often confused with personification.20
3621174982AnticlimaxOccurs when an action produces far smaller results than one had been led to expect.21
3621174983AntiheroA protagonist who is markedly unheroic: morally weak, cowardly, dishonest, or any number of other unsavory qualities.22
3621174984AntithesisAn opposition or contrast of ideas. Balancing words, phrases, or ideas that are strongly contrasted, often by means of grammatical structure.23
3621174985antonomasiathe substitution of a title, epithet, or descriptive phrase for a proper name; example calling a lover Casanova.24
3621174986AphorismA short and usually witty saying.25
3621174987ApostropheA figure of speech wherein the speaker talks directly to something that is nonhuman.26
3621174988ApotheosisElevation to divine status; the perfect example of something. Making a God of something or someone.27
3621174989AppositiveA noun or noun substitute that is placed directly next to the noun it is describing: My student, Sidney, makes me want to retire.28
3621174990ArchaismThe use of deliberately old-fashioned language.29
3621174991ArchetypeA detail, image, or character type that occurs frequently in literature and myth and is thought to appeal in a universal way to the unconscious and to evoke a response30
3621174992Argumenta statement of the meaning or main point of a literary work31
3621174993AsideA speech (usually just a short comment) made by an actor to the audience, as though momentarily stepping outside of the action on stage.32
3621174994AssonanceThe repeated use of vowel sounds: "Old king Cole was a merry old soul."33
3621174995AsyndetonThe deliberate omission of conjunctions from series of related independent clauses. The effect is to create a tight, concise, and forceful sentence.34
3621174996AtmosphereThe emotional tone or background that surrounds a scene35
3621174997AttitudeA speaker's, author's, or character's disposition toward or opinion of a subject.36
3621174998balanced sentencea sentence in which words, phrases, or clauses are set off against each other to emphasize a contrast37
3621174999BathosA false or forced emotion that is often humorous; Writing strains for grandeur it can't support and tries too hard to be a tear jerker.38
3621175000Black humorThe use of disturbing themes in comedy.39
3621175001BombastPretentious, exaggeratedly learned language.40
3621175002burlesqueludicrous parody or grotesque caricature; humorous and provocative stage show41
3621175003cacophony(n) harsh-sounding mixture of words, voices, or sounds42
3621175004CaricatureA portrait (verbal or otherwise) that exaggerates a facet of personality.43
3621175005carpe diem"Seize the day"; a Latin phrase implying that one must live for the present moment, for tomorrow may be too late.44
3621175006CatharsisDrawn from Aristotle's writings on tragedy. Refers to the "cleansing" of emotion an audience member experiences during a play45
3621175007chiasmusA statement consisting of two parallel parts in which the second part is structurally reversed ("Susan walked in, and out rushed Mary."), A statement consisting of two parallel parts in which the second part is structurally reversed ("Susan walked in, and out rushed Mary.")46
3621175008chorusA group of characters in Greek tragedy (and in later forms of drama), who comment on the action of a play without participation in it.47
3621175009clichéA worn-out idea or overused expression48
3621175010coherenceMarked by an orderly, logical, and aesthetically consistent relation of parts.49
3621175011Coinage (neologism)A new word, usually one invented on the spot.50
3621175012Colloquial/ColloquialismThe use of slang or informalities in speech or writing. Not generally acceptable for formal writing, but give a work a conversational, familiar tone. Include local or regional dialect51
3621175013Complex (Dense)Suggesting that there is more than one possibility in the meaning of words.52
3621175014Conceit (Controlling Image)A startling or unusual metaphor, or a metaphor developed and expanded upon several lines.53
3621175015concreteCapable of being perceived by the senses.54
3621175016ConnotationEverything other than the literal meaning that a word suggests or implies.55
3621175017ConsonanceThe repetition of consonant sounds within words (rather than at their beginnings)56
3621175018cumulative sentencea sentence in which the main independent clause is elaborated by the successive addition of modifying clauses or phrases57
3621175019DeductionA form of reasoning that begins with a generalization, then applies the generalization to a specific case or cases.58
3621175020DenotationThe strict, literal, dictionary definition of a word, devoid of any emotion, attitude, or color.59
3621175021DictionThe words an author chooses to use.60
3621175022Didacticliterally means "teaching." These words have the primary aim of teaching or instructing, especially the teaching of moral or ethical principles.61
3621175023DirgeA song for the dead. Its tone is typically slow, heavy, depressed, and melancholy62
3621175024DissonanceRefers to the grating of incompatible sounds.63
3621175025DoggerelCrude, simplistic verse, often in sing-song rhyme, like limericks.64
3621175026Dominant ExpressionPrecisely and clearly expressed or readily observable.65
3621175027Dramatic IronyWhen the audience knows something that the characters in the drama do not66
3621175028Dramatic MonologueWhen a single speaker in literature says something to a silent audience.67
3621175029ElegiacExpressing sorrow or lamentation; a work that has a mournful quality.68
3621175030ElementsBasic techniques of each genre of literature69
3621175031epigramA concise but ingenious, witty, and thoughtful statement.70
3621175032epiphanyA moment of sudden revelation or insight71
3621175033epiplexis(1) A rhetorical term for asking questions to rebuke or reproach rather than to elicit answers; (2) More broadly, a form of argument in which a speaker attempts to shame an opponent into adopting a particular point of view.72
3621175034Epistropheending of a series of lines, phrases, clauses, or sentences with the same word or words.73
3621175035EpitaphLines that commemorate the dead at their burial place.74
3621175036EthosAppeals to an audience's sense of ethics/morality/trust; Achieved by projecting an image of credibility which supports the speaker's position.75
3621175037EuphemismA word or phrase that takes the place of a harsh, unpleasant, or impolite reality.76
3621175038euphonyA succession of harmonious sounds used in poetry or prose; the opposite of cacophony.77
3621175039ExplicitTo say or write something directly and clearly.78
3621175040Extended MetaphorA metaphor developed at great length, occurring frequently in or throughout a work.79
3621175041FallacyA failure of logical reasoning. Appear to make an argument reasonable, but falsely so.80
3621175042FarceExtremely broad humor; in earlier times, a funny play or a comedy.81
3621175043Feminine rhymeLines rhymed by their final two syllables. Properly, the penultimate syllables are stressed and the final syllables are unstressed.82
3621175044Figurative LanguageWriting or speech that is not intended to carry literal meaning and is usually meant to be imaginative and vivid83
3621175045Figure of speechA device used to produce figurative language. Many compare dissimilar things.84
3621175046First personA narrator who is a character in the story and tells the tale from his or her point of view.85
3621175047flat charactera character who embodies a single quality and who does not develop throughout the story86
3621175048FoilA secondary character whose purpose is to highlight the characteristics of a main character, usually by contrast.87
3621175049foreshadowingA narrative device that hints at coming events; often builds suspense or anxiety in the reader.88
3621175050frame devicea story within a story89
3621175051GenreA sub-category of literature.90
3621175052Gerunda verb ending in 'ing' to serve as a noun - 'Stabbing (used as a noun) is what I do said the thief.'91
3621175053GothicA sensibility that includes such features as dark, gloomy castles and weird screams from the attic each night.92
3621175054grotesqueCommonly used to denote aberrations from the norm of harmony, balance and proportion. Characterized by distortion, exaggeration, absurd, or the bizarre.93
3621175055HomilyThis term literally means "sermon," but more informally, it can include any serious talk, speech, or lecture involving moral or spiritual advice.94
3621175056HubrisThe excessive pride or ambition that leads to the main character's downfall95
3621175057HyperboleExaggeration or deliberate overstatement.96
3621175058IdiomAn expression that cannot be understood if taken literally.97
3621175059ImageryThe sensory details or figurative language used to describe, arouse emotion, or represent abstractions; related to the five senses: visual, auditory, tactile, gustatory, and olfactory. O98
3621175060ImplicitTo say or write something that suggests and implies but never says it directly or clearly.99
3621175061in medias resA Latin term for a narrative that starts not at the beginning of events but at some other critical point.100
3621175062Inductive ReasoningA method of reasoning by which a speaker collects a number of instances and forms a generalization that is meant to apply to all instances.101
3621175063Inference/inferTo draw a reasonable conclusion from the information presented. If it is directly stated, then it is not this.102
3621175064Interior MonologueRefers to writing that records the mental talking that goes on inside a character's head; tends to be coherent.103
3621175065Invectivean emotionally violent, verbal denunciation or attack using strong, abusive language. (For example, in Henry IV, Part hill of flesh.")104
3621175066InversionSwitching the customary order of elements in a sentence or phrase.105
3621175067Irony/ironicThe contrast between what is stated explicitly and what is really meant, or the difference between what appears to be and what is actually true. there are three major types: (1) verbal - when the words literally state the opposite of the writer's (or speaker's) meaning (2) situational - when events turn out the opposite of what was expected; when what the characters and readers think ought to happen is not what does happen (3) dramatic - when facts or events are unknown to a character in a play or piece of fiction but known to the reader, audience, or other characters in the work.106
3621175068JargonA pattern of speech and vocabulary associated with a particular group of people. Computer analysis have their own vocabulary, as do doctors, plumbers, etc.107
3621175069JuxtapositionPlacement of two things closely together to emphasize comparisons or contrasts.108
3621175070LampoonA satire.109
3621175071Limited OmniscientA Third person narrator who generally reports only what one character sees, and who only reports the thoughts of that one privileged character.110
3621175072Literary ConceitA fanciful expression, usually in the form of an extended metaphor or surprising analogy between seemingly dissimilar objects Displays intellectual cleverness through unusual comparisons that make good sense111
3621175073Litotesa form of understatement that involves making an affirmative point by denying its opposite. Examples: "Not a bad idea."112
3621175074LogosAn appeal to reason.113
3621175075Loose sentenceA sentence that is complete before its end: Jack loved Barbara despite her irritating snorting laugh.114
3621175076MacabreGrisly, gruesome; horrible, distressing; having death as a subject.115
3621175077Malapropisma word humorously misused: Example, he is the AMPLE of her eye... instead of "he is the APPLE of her eye".116
3621175078Masculine rhymeA rhyme ending on the final stressed syllable (regular old rhyme)117
3621175079maxima concise statement, often offering advice; an adage118
3621175080MeaningWhat makes sense, what's important, why the writer/speaker said what he/she said.119
3621175081MelodramaA form of cheesy theater in which the hero is very, very good, the villain mean and rotten, and the heroine oh-so-pure.120
3621175082MetaphorA comparison or analogy that states one thing IS another.121
3621175083MetonymyOne word or phrase is substituted for another with which it is closely associated (such as crown for royalty).122
3621175084MonosyllabicHaving or characterized by or consisting of one syllable.123
3621175085MoodThe prevailing atmosphere or emotional aura of a work.124
3621175086motifa principal idea, feature, theme, or element; a repeated or dominant figure in a design125
3621175087NarrativeThe telling of a story or an account of an event or series of events.126
3621175088NemesisThe protagonist's arch enemy or supreme and persistent difficulty.127
3621175089neologisma new word, expression, or usage; the creation or use of new words or senses128
3621175090Non SequiturThis literally means "it does not follow". An argument by misdirection that is logically irrelevant.129
3621175091ObjectivityTreatment of subject matter in an impersonal manner or from an outside view.130
3621175092OmniscientA third person narrator who sees into each character's mind and understands all the action going on.131
3621175093OnomatopoeiaWords that sound like what they mean132
3621175094OppositionA pairing of images whereby each becomes more striking and informative because it's placed in contrast to the other one.133
3621175095OxymoronA phrase composed of opposites; a contradiction.134
3621175096ParableA story that instructs.135
3621175097ParadoxA situation or statement that seems to contradict itself, but on closer inspection, does not.136
3621175098ParallelismRepeated syntactical similarities used for effect.137
3621175099ParaphraseTo restate phrases and sentences in your own words.138
3621175100Parenthetical phraseA phrase set off by commas that interrupts the flow of a sentence with some commentary or added detail.139
3621175101ParodyA work that closely imitates the style or content of another with the specific aim of comic effect and/or ridicule.140
3621175102Passive VoiceThe opposite of active voice; a sentence phrased so something happens to someone: Mordred was bitten by the dog.141
3621175103PathosAn appeal to emotion. May use loaded words to make you feel guilty, happy, angry, confused etc.142
3621175104PedanticAn adjective that describes words, phrases, or general tone that is overly scholarly, academic, or bookish (language that might be described as "show-offy"; using big words for the sake of using big words).143
3621175105PentameterA poetic line with five feet.144
3621175106Periodic SentenceA sentence that is not grammatically complete until it has reached it s final phrase: Despite Barbara's irritation at Jack, she loved him.145
3621175107PersonaThe narrator in a non first-person novel.146
3621175108PersonificationWhen an inanimate object takes on human shape.147
3621175109philippica strong verbal denunciation. The term comes from the orations of Demosthenes against Phlip of Macedonia in the fourth century.148
3621175110PlaintA poem or speech expressing sorrow.149
3621175111Point of ViewThe perspective from which the action of a novel is presented.150
3621175112PolysyllabicHaving or characterized by words of more than three syllables.151
3621175113PolysyndetonThe use of consecutive coordinating conjunctions even when they are not needed. The effect is to render the reader somewhat breathless.152
3621175114PreludeAn introductory poem to a longer work of verse153
3621175115Proseone of the major divisions of genre that refers to fiction and nonfiction, including all its forms.154
3621175116ProtagonistThe main character of a novel or play155
3621175117PunThe usually humorous use of a word in such a way to suggest two or more meanings156
3621175118Red HerringAn argument that distracts the reader by raising issues irrelevant to the case. It is like being given too many suspects in a murder mystery.157
3621175119RepetitionThe duplication, either exact or approximate, of any element of language, such as a sound, word, phrase, clause, sentence, or grammatical pattern.158
3621175120RhetoricFrom the Greek for "orator," this term describes the principles governing the art of writing effectively, eloquently, and persuasively.159
3621175121rhetorical devicesliterary techniques used to heighten the effectiveness of expression160
3621175122Rhetorical questionA question that suggests an answer.161
3621175123Rhetorical ShiftThis occurs when the author of an essay significantly alters his or hers diction, syntax, or both. It isn't exactly a different writer who is writing, but it feels awfully close to it. Important to recognize because they are dramatic and usually occur at critical points in an argument.162
3621175124Round charactera character who demonstrates some complexity and who develops or changes in the course of a work163
3621175125SarcasmFrom the Greek meaning "to tear flesh," sarcasm involves bitter, caustic language that is meant to hurt or ridicule someone or something.164
3621175126SatireA work that targets human vices and follies or social institutions and conventions for reform or ridicule.165
3621175127simileA comparison using like or as166
3621175128Simple SentenceAn independent clause. It has a subject and a verb, and that's pretty much it. The giant chopped down the bean tree.167
3621175129SlangInformal language consisting of words and expressions that are not considered appropriate for formal occasions168
3621175130Slant (general)A biased way of looking at or presenting something.169
3621175131SimileA figure of speech when what is unknown is compared to something that is known using "like," "as," or "than".170
3621175132solecismnonstandard grammatical usage; a violation of grammatical rules171
3621175133SoliloquyA speech spoken by a character alone on stage, meant to convey the impression that the audience is listening to the character's thoughts.172
3621175134Stock charactersStandard or clichéd character types.173
3621175135stream of consciousnessa style of writing that portrays the inner (often chaotic) workings of a character's mind.174
3621175136SubjectivityA treatment of subject matter that uses the interior or personal view of a single observer and is typically colored with that observer's emotional responses.175
3621175137Subjunctive MoodA grammatical situation involving the words "if" and "were," setting up a hypothetical situation.176
3621175138SuggestTo imply, infer, indicate.177
3621175139SummaryA simple retelling of what you've just read.178
3621175140syllepsisA kind of ellipsis in which one word (usually a verb) is understood differently in relation to two or more other words, which it modifies or governs.179
3621175141Syllogisma deductive system of formal logic that presents two premises (the first one called "major" and the second called "minor") that inevitably lead to a sound conclusion.180
3621175142SymbolismA device in literature where an object represents an idea.181
3621175143Synecdochea figure of speech in which a part of something is used to represent the whole or, occasionally, the whole is used to represent a part. Examples: To refer to a boat as a "sail"; to refer to a car as "wheels".182
3621175144Synesthesiawhen one kind of sensory stimulus evokes the subjective experience of another. Ex: The sight of red ants makes you itchy.183
3621175145SyntaxThe ordering and structuring of words.184
3621175146synthesisTo unite a variety of sources to achieve a common end.185
3621175147TechniqueThe methods and tools of the author.186
3621175148TensionA feeling of excitement and expectation the reader or audience feels because of the conflict, mood, or atmosphere of the work.187
3621175149ThemeThe main idea of the overall work; the central idea.188
3621175150ThesisThe main position of an argument. The writer's statement of purpose.189
3621175151ToneSimilar to mood, it describes the author's attitude toward his material, the audience, or both. Easier to determine in spoken language than in written.190
3621175152Tragic flawIn a tragedy, this is the weakness of a character in an otherwise good (or even great) individual that ultimately leads to his demise.191
3621175153TravestyA grotesque parody192
3621175154TruismA way-too obvious truth193
3621175155Understatementthe ironic minimalizing of fact; the opposite of hyperbole.194
3621175156Unreliable narratorWhen the first person narrator is crazy, a liar, very young, or for some reason not entirely credible195
3621175157UtopiaAn idealized place. Imaginary communities in which people are able to live in happiness, prosperity, and peace.196
3621175158verisimilitudeSimilar to truth; quality of realism in a work that persuades the reader that he is getting a vision of life as is.197
3621175159Witin modern usage, intellectually amusing language that surprises and delights. Usually uses terse language that makes a pointed statement.198
3621175160Zeugmaa sentence tied together by the same verb or noun. Especially acute if the noun or verb does not have the exact same meaning in both parts of the sentence. She dashed His hopes and out of his life when she waked through the door.199

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