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AP language logical fallacies Flashcards

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8688991461Hasty GeneralizationAn inference drawn from insufficient evidence ex: men are slobes. women are emotional0
8688991462red herringchanges the subject abruptly to throw readers or listeners off the trail1
8688991463straw manattack an argument that isn't really there. The speaker or writer sets this up to create an argument that is easy to knock down, proceeds to do so, and then claims victory over the opponent whose real argument was quite different2
8688991464Non-sequituran argument whose claims, reasons or warrants do not connect logically3
8688991465begging the questionclaim is made on grounds that can't be accepted as true because the grounds themselves are in question4
8688991466equivocationshalf truths or arguments that give lies an honest appearance -- are usually based on tricks of language5
8688991467faulty analogycomparisons can help to clarify one concept by measuring it against another that is more familiar6

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