8506063674 | acerbic | {adj.} angry and bitter | 0 | |
8506063675 | acrimonious | {adj.} caustic, stinging, or bitter in nature, speech, behavior, etc.; angry, scathing, acerbic | 1 | |
8506063676 | allusion | {n.} An indirect reference to something well known (art, literature, etc.) ex: "Don't act like a Romeo in front of her." | 2 | |
8506063677 | ambiguity | {n.} leaving something out of the text for the reader to infer about ex: "Each of us saw her duck." | 3 | |
8506063678 | anachronism | {n.} an element of a text that does not fit within the time period ex: "Brutus; Peace! Count the clock." | 4 | |
8506063679 | anaphora | {n.} repetition of words or phrases at the beginning of clauses | 5 | |
8506063680 | anecdote | {n.} a short, personal story | 6 | |
8506063681 | anguish | {n.} despair | 7 | |
8506063682 | antecedent | {n.} the noun that a pronoun refers to | 8 | |
8506063683 | antithesis | {n.} the direct opposite of another idea in the text | 9 | |
8506063684 | apathetic | {adj.} showing no interest or emotion | 10 | |
8506063685 | aphorism | {n.} a short saying {ex: honesty is the best policy} | 11 | |
8506063686 | apostrophe | {n.} when the speaker addresses something that cannot respond | 12 | |
8506063687 | ardent | {adj.} enthusiastic or passionate | 13 | |
8506063688 | asyndeton | {n.} the absence of conjunctions where they would typically be used | 14 | |
8506063689 | audacious | {adj.} bold and daring | 15 | |
8506063690 | austere | {adj.} severe, strict, plain | 16 | |
8506063691 | belligerent | {adj.} hostile and aggressive | 17 | |
8506063692 | brusque | {adj.} abrupt in manner | 18 | |
8506063693 | callous | {adj.} insensitive and unfeeling | 19 | |
8506063694 | chiasmus | {n.} when words are repeated in reverse order | 20 | |
8506063695 | choleric | {adj.} bad-tempered, irritable, grumpy, cranky, unreasonably angry, cross; make angered easily | 21 | |
8506063696 | circumlocution | {n.} to use of many words when fewer would do | 22 | |
8506063697 | colloquial | {adj.} informal, familiar language | 23 | |
8506063698 | conciliatory | {adj.} intending to pacify or placate the audience | 24 | |
8506063699 | concise | {adj.} use few words | 25 | |
8506063700 | contemptuous | {adj.} manifesting, feeling, or expressing deep hatred or disapproval | 26 | |
8506063701 | deduction | {n.} using logic to make an inference or conclusion | 27 | |
8506063702 | derogatory | {adj.} critical | 28 | |
8506063703 | despondent | {adj.} hopeless | 29 | |
8506063704 | detached | {adj.} unemotional, disconnected | 30 | |
8506063705 | dialect | {n.} a form of language specific to a group or region | 31 | |
8506063706 | diatribe | {n.} a strong verbal attack against something/someone | 32 | |
8506063707 | didactic | {adj.} intending to teach or inform | 33 | |
8506063708 | digression | {n.} temporary departure from the main topic | 34 | |
8506063709 | discourse | {n.} written or spoken communication | 35 | |
8506063710 | discursive | {adj.} moving from topic to topic without order; rambling, digressive, meandering | 36 | |
8506063711 | earnest | {adj.} sincere and honest | 37 | |
8506063712 | elegiac | {adj.} sad and mournful | 38 | |
8506063713 | ellipsis | {n.} (...) showing omission from a text | 39 | |
8506063714 | euphemism | {n.} using milder words for words that are deemed "inappropriate" | 40 | |
8506063715 | exasperated | {adj.} irritated or out of patience | 41 | |
8506063716 | facetious | {adj.} sarcastic | 42 | |
8506063717 | foreboding | {adj.} a feeling that something bad will happen | 43 | |
8506063718 | imagery | {n.} description that appeals to the senses | 44 | |
8506063719 | incredulous | {adj.} unwilling or unable to believe something is true | 45 | |
8506063720 | indiscriminate | {adj.} done without careful judgment | 46 | |
8506063721 | inflammatory | {adj.} intending to arouse anger | 47 | |
8506063722 | invective | {n.} insulting, highly critical language | 48 | |
8506063723 | jargon | {n.} language specific to a group or profession | 49 | |
8506063724 | jovial | {adj.} cheerful and friendly | 50 | |
8506063725 | lugubrious | {adj.} overly sad and dismal | 51 | |
8506063726 | maxim | {n.} a short statement of a universal truth | 52 | |
8506063727 | metonymy | {n.} substituting a name for something with an attribute of it | 53 | |
8506063728 | motif | {n.} a recurring theme or idea in a text | 54 | |
8506063729 | naive | {adj.} immature or inexperienced | 55 | |
8506063730 | nonchalant | {adj.} calm and relaxed | 56 | |
8506063731 | paradox | {n.} a contradiction of ideas | 57 | |
8506063732 | parallel structure | {n.} having sentences or parts of sentences mimic each other | 58 | |
8506063733 | parody | {n.} making fun of a serious topic | 59 | |
8506063734 | pedantic | {adj.} language that is trying to sound smart | 60 | |
8506063735 | polysyndeton | {n.} using more conjunctions than necessary | 61 | |
8506063736 | pragmatic | {adj.} logical and sensible | 62 | |
8506063737 | pretentious | {adj.} trying to seem more important than you are | 63 | |
8506063738 | refutation | {n.} response to an argument | 64 | |
8506063739 | rhetoric | {n.} the art of using language effectively | 65 | |
8506063740 | sematics | {n.} the branch of linguistics concerned with meaning | 66 | |
8506063741 | stream of consciousness | {n.} narration that flows as the narrator's thoughts | 67 | |
8506063742 | understatement | {n.} the presentation of an idea as less important than it is | 68 | |
8506063743 | zeugma | {n.} when a word applies to two others in two different ways | 69 |
AP Language - Master Vocab List Flashcards
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