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AP Language--Rhetorical Devices Flashcards

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6279242931Abstract(n) An abbreviated synopsis of a longer work of scholarship or research. Also, (adj): Dealing with or tending to deal with a subject apart from a particular or specific instance.0
6279242932Ad hominemDirected to or appealing to feelings or prejudices instead of to intellect or reason (logical fallacy)1
6279242933Adage (AD-idge)A saying or proverb containing a truth based on experience and often couched in metaphorical language. Example: "There is more than one way to skin a cat."2
6279242934AllegoryA story in which a second meaning is to be read beneath the surface (e.g. Aslan in 'Chronicles of Narnia' = God).3
6279242935AlliterationThe repetition of one or more initial consonants in a group of words or lines in a poem (Sally sells seashells by the seashore).4
6279242936AllusionA reference to a person, place, or event meant to create an effect or enhance the meaning of an idea (e.g. biblical, historical, or literary ____).5
6279242937AmbiguityA vagueness of meaning; a conscious lack of clarity meant to evoke multiple meanings or interpretations.6
6279242938AnachronismA person, scene, event, or other element that fails to correspond with the appropriate time or era. Example: Columbus sailing to the United States.7
6279242939AnalogyA comparison that points out similarities between two dissimilar things; a passage that points out several similarities between two unlike things is called an 'extended _______.'8
6279242940AnecdoteA brief narrative often used to illustrate an idea or make a point.9
6279242941AnnotationA brief explanation, summary, or evaluation of a text or work of literature.10
6279242942AntagonistA character or force in a work of literature that, by opposing the protagonist, produces tension or conflict.11
6279242943AntecedentA word to which a pronoun refers (I went to the BASKETBALL GAME; it was good. AMELIE twirled her hair).12
6279242944AntithesisA rhetorical opposition or contrast of ideas by means of a grammatical arrangement of words, clauses, or sentences, as in the following: "They promised freedom but provide slavery." "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country."13
6279242945AphorismA short, pithy statement of a generally accepted truth or sentiment. Also see "adage" and "maxim."14
6279242946ApollonianIn contrast to Dionysian, it refers to the most noble, godlike qualities of human nature and behavior.15
6279242947ApostropheA locution that addresses a person or personified thing not present. Example: "Oh, you cruel streets of Manhattan, how I detest you!"16
6279242948Arch(adj.) Characterized by clever or sly humor, often saucy, playful, and somewhat irreverent.17
6279242949ArchetypeAn abstract or ideal conception of a type; a perfectly typical example; an original model or form.18
6279242950AssonanceThe repetition of two or more vowel sounds in a group of words in prose or poetry.19
6279242951BardA poet; in olden times, a performer who told heroic stories to musical accompaniment.20
6279242952BathosInsincere or overdone sentimentality.21
6279242953Belle-lettresA French term for the world of books, criticism, and literature in general.22
6279242954BibliographyA list of works cited or otherwise relevant to a particular subject.23
6279242955BombastInflated, pretentious language.24
6279242956BurlesqueA work of literature meant to ridicule a subject; a grotesque imitation.25
6279242957CacophonyGrating, inharmonious sounds. (Name sounds like what its definition describes!)26
6279242958CanonThe works considered most important in a national literature or period; works widely read and studied.27
6279242959CaricatureA grotesque or exaggerated likeness of striking qualities in person and things.28
6279242960Carpe diemLiterally, "seize the day;" "enjoy life while you can," a common theme in life and literature.29
6279242961CircumlocutionLiterally, "talking around" a subject; i.e., discourse that avoids direct reference to a subject.30
6279242962Classic(n.) A highly regarded work of literature or other art form that has withstood the test of time.31
6279242963Classical, classicismDeriving from the orderly qualities of ancient Greek and Roman culture; implies formality, objectivity, simplicity, and restraint.32
6279242964ClauseA structural element of a sentence, consisting of a grammatical subject and a predicate. Independent ____s, sometimes called "main _____s," may stand on their own as complete sentences; dependent ____s, which are used as nouns or modifiers, are incomplete sentences and cannot stand alone grammatically. Dependent _____s are sometimes called "subordinate ____s." Dependent _____s that function as adjectives, nouns, or adverbs are known, respectively, as adjective, noun, and adverbial ____s.33
6279242965ClimaxThe high point, or turning point, of a story or play.34
6279242966Comparison and contrastA mode of discourse in which two or more things are compared and contrasted. One term often refers to similarities, and the other term refers to differences.35
6279242967ConceitA witty or ingenious though; a diverting or highly fanciful idea, often stated in figurative language.36
6279242968Concrete detailA highly specific, particular, often real, actual, or tangible detail; the opposite of abstract.37
6279242969ConnotationThe suggested or implied meaning of a word or phrase. Contrast with denotation.38
6279242970ConsonanceThe repetition of two or more consonant sounds in a group of words or a unit of speech or writing.39
6279242971CritiqueAn analysis or assessment of a thing or situation for the purpose of determining its nature, limitations, and conformity to a set of standards.40
6279242972CynicOne who expects and observes nothing but the worst of human conduct.41
6279242973Deductive reasoningA method of reasoning by which specific definitions, conclusions, and theorems are drawn from general principles. Its opposite is inductive reasoning.42
6279242974DenotationThe dictionary definition of a word. Contrast with connotation.43
6279242975DenouementThe resolution that occurs at the end of a narrative or drama, real or imagined.44
6279242976Descriptive detailGraphic, exact, and accurate presentation of the characteristics of a person, place, or thing.45
6279242977Deus ex machinaIn literature, the use of an artificial device or gimmick to solve a problem.46
6279242978DictionThe choice of words in oral and written discourse.47
6279242979DidacticHaving an instructive purpose; intending to convey information or teach a lesson, usually in a dry, pompous manner.48
6279242980DigressionThat portion of discourse that wanders or departs from the main subject or topic.49
6279242981DionysianAs distinguished from Apollonian, the word refers to sensual, pleasure-seeking impulses.50
6279242982Dramatic ironyA circumstance in which the audience or reader knows more about a situation than a character.51
6279242983ElegyA poem or prose selection that laments or meditates on the passing or death of someone or something of value. The adjective form is "elegiac."52
6279242984EllipsisThree periods (...) indicating the omission of words in a thought or quotation.53
6279242985Elliptical constructionA sentence containing a deliberate omission of words. In the sentence "May was hot and June the same," the verb "was" is omitted from the second clause.54
6279242986EmpathyA feeling of association or identification with an object or person.55
6279242987EpicA narrative poem that tells of the adventures and exploits of a hero.56
6279242988EpigramA concise but ingenious, witty, and thoughtful statement.57
6279242989EpithetAn adjective or phrase that expresses a striking quality of a person or thing; "sun-bright topaz," "sun-lit lake," and "sun-bright lake" are examples. Can also be used to apply to vulgar or profane exclamations.58
6279242990EponymousA term for the title character of a work of literature.59
6279242991EthosA speaker's or author's authority to express opinions on a subject. The _____ of a professional wrestler, for instance, to speak credibly about, say, philosophy or metaphysics, is questionable.60
6279242992EuphemismA mild or less negative usage for a harsh or blunt term. Example: "Pass away" is a _______ for "die."61
6279242993EuphonyPleasing, harmonious sounds.62
6279242994ExegesisA detailed analysis or interpretation of a work of prose or poetry.63
6279242995ExplicationThe interpretation or analysis of a text.64
6279242996ExposéA factual piece of writing that reveals weaknesses, faults, frailties, or other shortcomings.65
6279242997ExpositionThe background and events that lead to the presentation of the main idea or purpose of an essay or other work; setting forth the meaning or purpose of a piece of writing or discourse.66
6279242998Extended metaphorA series of comparisons between two unlike objects.67
6279242999FableA short tale, often with nonhuman characters, from which a useful lesson or moral may be drawn.68
6279243000Fallacy, fallacious reasoningAn incorrect belief or supposition based on faulty data, defective evidence, false information, or flawed logic.69
6279243001FantasyA story containing unreal, imaginary features.70
6279243002FarceA comedy that contains an extravagant and nonsensical disregard of seriousness, although it may have a serious, scornful purpose.71
6279243003Figure of speech, figurative languageIn contrast to literal language, figurative language implies meanings. _____ of _____ include, among many others, metaphor, simile, and personification.72
6279243004FrameA structure that provides a premise or setting for a narrative or other discourse. Example: a group of pilgrims exchanging stories while on the road is the _____ for Chaucer's 'Canterbury Tales.'73
6279243005GenreA term used to describe literary forms, such as novel, play, and essay.74
6279243006HarangueA forceful sermon, lecture, or tirade.75
6279243007HomilyA lecture or sermon on a religious or moral theme meant to guide human behavior.76
6279243008HubrisExcessive pride that often affects tone.77
6279243009HumanismA belief that emphasizes faith and optimism in human potential and creativity.78
6279243010HyperboleOverstatement; gross exaggeration for rhetorical effect.79
6279243011IdyllA lyric poem or passage that describes a kind of ideal life or place.80
6279243012ImageA word or phrase representing that which can be seen, touched, tasted, smelled, or felt; imagery is the use of ______ in speech and writing.81
6279243013Indirect quotationA rendering of a quotation in which actual words are not stated but only approximated or paraphrased.82
6279243014Inductive reasoningA method of reasoning in which a number of specific facts or examples are used to make a generalization. Its opposite is deductive reasoning.83
6279243015InferenceA conclusion or proposition arrived at by considering facts, observations, or some other specific data.84
6279243016InvectiveA direct verbal assault; a denunciation; casting blame on someone or something.85
6279243017IronyA mode of expression in which the intended meaning is the opposite of what is stated, often implying ridicule or light sarcasm; a state of affairs or events that is the reverse of what might have been expected.86
6279243018KenningA device employed in Anglo-Saxon poetry in which the name of a thing is replaced by one of its functions or qualities, as in "ring-giver" for king and "whale-road" for ocean.87
6279243019LampoonA mocking, satirical assault on a person or situation.88
6279243020LitotesA form of understatement in which the negative of the contrary is used to achieve emphasis or intensity. Example: He is not a bad dancer.89
6279243021LogosThe logic used by a speaker or writer to support a claim or point of view. In an argument in favor of more healthful food in the school cafeteria, for example, statistics about teenage obesity can be persuasive.90
6279243022Loose sentenceA sentence that follows the customary word order of English sentences, i.e, subject-verb-object. The main idea of the sentence is presented first and is then followed by one or more subordinate clauses. See also "periodic sentence."91
6279243023Lyrical prosePersonal, reflective prose that reveals the speaker's thoughts and feelings about the subject.92
6279243024MalapropismA confuse use of words in which the appropriate word is replaced by one with a similar sound but inappropriate meaning.93
6279243025MaximA saying or proverb expressing common wisdom or truth. See also "adage" and "aphorism."94
6279243026MelodramaA literary form in which events are exaggerated in order to create an extreme emotional response.95
6279243027MetaphorA figure of speech that compares unlike objects. When several characteristics of the same objects are compared, the device is called an "extended _____." A _____ referring to a particular person, place, or thing is called a "_____ical allusion;" for example, referring to someone as "a Hercules."96
6279243028MetaphysicalA term describing poetry that uses elaborate conceits, expresses the complexities of love and life, and is highly intellectual. More generally, the term refers to ideas that are neither analytical nor subject to empirical verification; that is, ideas that express an attitude about which rational argument is possible.97
6279243029MetonymyA figure of speech that uses the name of one thing to represent something else with which it is associated. Example: "The White House says..."98
6279243030Middle EnglishThe language spoken in England roughly between 1150 and 1500 AD.99
6279243031Mock epicA parody of traditional epic form.100
6279243032ModeThe general form, pattern, and manner of expression of a piece of discourse.101
6279243033MontageA quick succession of images or impressions used to express an idea.102
6279243034MoodThe emotional tone or prevailing atmosphere in a work of literature or other discourse. Types: indicative, subjunctive, or imperative.103
6279243035MoralA brief and often simplistic lesson that a reader may infer from a work of literature.104
6279243036MotifA phrase, idea, or event that through repetition serves to unify or convey a theme in an essay or other discourse (e.g. "I have a dream...").105
6279243037Muse(n) One of the ancient Greek goddesses presiding over the arts; the imaginary source of inspiration for an artist or writer. (v) To reflect deeply; to ponder.106
6279243038MythAn imaginary story that has become an accepted part of the cultural or religious tradition of a group or society.107
6279243039NarrativeA form of verse or prose (both fiction AND nonfiction) that tells a story. A storyteller may use any number of _______ devices, such as skipping back and forth in time, ordering events chronologically, and ordering events to lead up to a suspenseful climax. Also see "frame."108
6279243040NaturalismA term often used as a synonym for realism; also a view of experience that is generally characterized as bleak and pessimistic.109
6279243041Non sequiturA statement or idea that fails to follow logically from the one before.110
6279243042Objective(adj) Of or relating to facts and reality, as opposed to private and personal feelings and attitudes. Its opposite is "subjective."111
6279243043OdeA lyrics poem usually marked by serious, respectful, and exalted feelings toward the subject.112
6279243044Old EnglishThe Anglo-Saxon language spoken from approximately 450 to 1150 AD in what is now Great Britain.113
6279243045Omniscient narratorA narrator with unlimited awareness, understanding, and insight of characters, setting, background, and all other elements of the story.114
6279243046OnomatopoeiaThe use of words whose sounds suggest their meaning. Example: "bubbling, murmuring brooks."115
6279243047OxymoronA term consisting of contradictory elements juxtaposed to create a paradoxical effect. Examples: "loud silence," "jumbo shrimp."116
6279243048ParableA story consisting of events from which a moral or spiritual truth may by derived.117
6279243049ParadoxA statement that seems self-contradictory but is nevertheless true.118
6279243050Parallel structureThe structure required for expressing two or more grammatical elements of equal rank. Coordinate ideas, compared and contrasted ideas, and correlative constructions call for parallel construction. For example: "Colleges favor applicants with good academic records, varied interests, and high scores." Here's what wouldn't have been an example: "Colleges favor applicants with good academic records, varied interests, and they should earn a high score on the AP exam."119
6279243051ParaphraseA version of a text put into simpler, everyday words or summarized for brevity.120
6279243052ParodyAn imitation of a work meant to ridicule its style and subject.121
6279243053PastoralA work of literature dealing with rural life.122
6279243054Pathetic fallacyFaulty reasoning that inappropriately ascribes human feelings to nature or nonhuman objects.123
6279243055PathosThat element in literature that stimulates pity or sorrow. Also, the emotional appeal used to persuade an audience to accept a certain point of view or opinion.124
6279243056PedanticNarrowly academic instead of broad and humane; excessively petty and meticulous.125
6279243057Periodic sentenceA sentence that departs from the usual word order of English sentences by expressing its main thought only at the end. In other words, the particulars in the sentence are presented before the idea they support. See also "loose sentence."126
6279243058PersonaThe role or facade that a character assumes or depicts to a reader or other audience.127
6279243059PersonificationA figure of speech in which objects and animals are given human characteristics.128
6279243060PlotThe interrelationship among the events in a story; the "____ line" is the pattern of events, including exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.129
6279243061Point of viewThe relation in which a narrator or speaker stands to a subject of discourse. A matter discussed in the first person has an internal ____ __ ____; an observer uses an external ____ __ ____.130
6279243062PredicateThe part of a sentence that is not the grammatical subject. It often says something about the subject. A noun that provides another name for the subject is called a _______ nominative, as in: "Lynn (subject) is the president (____ nominative) of the company." An adjective that describes the subject is called a ______ adjective, as in: "Harold (subject) is courageous (______ adjective).131
6279243063ProseAny discourse that is not poetry. A ______ poem is a selection of prose that, because of its language or content, is poetic in nature.132
6279243064ProverbA short pithy statement of a general truth that condenses common experience into memorable form. See also "adage" and "maxim."133
6279243065PseudonymA false name or alias used by writers.134
6279243066Pulp fictionNovels written for mass consumption, often emphasizing exciting and titillating plots.135
6279243067PunA humorous play on words, using similar-sounding or identical words to suggest different meanings.136
6279243068RealismThe depiction of people, things, and events as they really are without idealization or exaggeration for effect. See also "naturalism."137
6279243069Rebuttal (or Refutation)The part of discourse wherein opposing arguments are anticipated and answered.138
6279243070ReiterationRepetition of an idea using different words, often for emphasis or other effect.139
6279243071RepetitionReuse of the same words, phrases, or ideas for rhetorical effect, usually to emphasize a point.140
6279243072RetractionThe withdrawal of a previously stated idea or opinion.141
6279243073RhetoricThe language of a work and its style; words, often highly emotional used to convince or sway an audience.142
6279243074Rhetorical modeA general term that identifies discourse according to its chief purpose. _____s include "exposition" (to explain, analyze, or discuss an idea), "argumentation" (to prove a point or to persuade), "description" (to recreate or present with details), and "narration" (to relate an anecdote or story).143
6279243075Rhetorical questionA question to which the audience already knows the answer; a question asked merely for effect with no answer expected.144
6279243076Rhetorical stanceLanguage that conveys a speaker's attitude or opinion with regard to a particular subject.145
6279243077RhymeThe repetition of similar sounds at regular intervals, used mostly in poetry but not unheard of in prose.146
6279243078RhythmThe pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables that make up speech and writing.147
6279243079RomanceAn extended narrative about improbable events and extraordinary people in exotic places.148
6279243080SagaA long, historical, episodic narrative often focusing on a single hero, family, or group. A popular modern-day ____ is 'Lord of the Rings.'149
6279243081SarcasmA sharp, caustic attitude conveyed in words through jibes, taunts, or other remarks; ______ differs from "irony," which is more subtle. Ex: "Ms. Slana del Rey uses _____ on the daily...not."150
6279243082SatireA literary style used to poke fun at, attack, or ridicule an idea, vice, or foible, often for the purpose of inducing change.151
6279243083Sentence structureThe arrangement of the parts of a sentence. Ex's: simple (subject-verb), compound (two or more independent clauses joined by a conjunction), and complex (an independent clause plus one or more dependent clauses).152
6279243084SentimentA synonym for "view" or "feeling;"153
6279243085SentimentalA term that describes characters' excessive emotional response to experience; also nauseatingly nostalgic and mawkish.154
6279243086SettingAn environment that consists of time, place, historical milieu, and social, political, and even spiritual circumstances.155
6279243087SimileA figurative comparison using the words "like" or "as." Ex: "She sings like a canary."156
6279243088Stream of consciousnessA style of writing in which the author tries to reproduce the random flow of thoughts in the human mind.157
6279243089StyleThe manner in which an author uses and arranges words, shapes ideas, forms sentences, and creates a structure to convey ideas.158
6279243090Stylistic devicesA general term referring to diction, syntax, tone, figurative language, and all other elements that contribute to the "style" or manner of a given piece of discourse.159
6279243091Subject complementThe name of a grammatical unit that is comprised of "predicate nominatives" and "predicate adjectives."160
6279243092Subjective(adj.) Of or relating to private and personal feelings and attitudes as opposed to facts and reality. Its opposite is "objective."161
6279243093SubtextThe implied meaning that underlies the main meaning of an essay or other work.162
6279243094SyllogismA form of deductive reasoning in which given certain ideas or facts, other ideas or facts must follow, as in "All men are mortal; Mike is a man; therefore, Mike is mortal."163
6279243095SymbolismThe use of one object to evoke ideas and associations not literally part of the original object. Ex: "The American flag symbolizes freedom, the fifty states, and the American way of life, among other things."164
6279243096SynecdocheA figure of speech in which a part signifies the whole ("fifty masts for fifty ships") or the whole signifies the part ("days" for "life," as in "He lived his days under African skies" <--Paul Simon quote). When the name of a material stands for the thing itself, as in "pigskin" for "football," that, too, is _______.165
6279243097SyntaxThe organization of language into meaningful structure; every sentence has a particular syntax, or pattern of words.166
6279243098ThemeThe main idea or meaning, often an abstract idea upon which an essay or other form of discourse is built.167
6279243099ThesisThe main idea of a piece of discourse; the statement or proposition that a speaker or writer wishes to advance, illustrate, prove, or defend.168
6279243100ToneThe author's attitude toward the subject being written about. The tone is the characteristic emotion that pervades a work or part of a work--the spirit or quality that is the work's emotional essence.169
6279243101TragedyA form of literature in which the hero is destroyed by some character flaw or by a set of forces that cause the hero considerable anguish.170
6279243102TransitionA stylistic device used to create a link between ideas. Transitions often endow discourse with continuity and coherence.171
6279243103TropeThe generic name for a figure of speech such as image, symbol, simile, and metaphor.172
6279243104UnderstatementA restrained statement that departs from what could be said; a studied avoidance of emphasis or exaggeration, often to create a particular effect.173
6279243105Verbal ironyA discrepancy between the true meaning of a situation and the literal meaning of the written or spoken words.174
6279243106VerisimilitudeSimilar to the truth; the quality of realism in a work that persuades readers that they are getting a vision of life as it is or could have been.175
6279243107VerseA synonym for poetry; also a group of lines in a song or poem; also a single line of poetry.176
6279243108VoiceThe real or assumed personality used by a writer or speaker. In grammar, "active ____" and "passive ______" refer to the use of verbs. A verb is in the active _____ when it expresses an action performed by its subject. A verb is in the passive _____ when it expresses an action performed upon its subject or when the subject is the result of the action. ("Always use the active _____ when writing papers for Ms. Slana.")177
6279243109WhimsyAn object, device, or creation that is fanciful or rooted in unreality.178
6279243110WitThe quickness of intellect and the power and talent for saying brilliant things that surprise and delight by their unexpectedness; the power to comment subtly and pointedly on the foibles of the passing scene.179

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